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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 16, 1996)
Your PC can take notes for as low as $99! The WordWand is like a highlighter hooked up to your PC. Whatever you "highlight" on the printed page drops into your PC as if you had typed it. Try the WordWand at the Architecture Library, 308 Architecture Hall. r— ------- — —i i Submit this coupon with your i I order to receive an intro- I I ductory $100 discount on the I | purchase of any WordWand. | | For sales information: | I ■ j 800-385-WAND (9263) | Expires 2/28/96 500 | Grand jury probes billing records WASHINGTON (AP) — A fed eral grand jury has begun investigat ing the belated discovery of Hillary Rodham Clinton’s law firm billing records, while the Senate Whitewater Committee is preparing to extend its investigation. Whitewater prosecutor Kenneth Starr has summoned White Houseaide Carolyn Huber to Little Rock, Ark., on Tuesday to answer questions be fore the grand jury on how she discov ered copies of Mrs. Clinton’s long sought billing records earlier this month,an individual confirmed Mon day. The source spoke only on condi tion of anonymity. Meanwhile, Sen. Alfonsc D’Amato, R-N.Y., said Monday that White House delays in producing documents and requests by prosecu tors mean the year-long investigation by the Senate committee that he chairs will likely continue twoor three months I1" past its present Feb. 29 deadline. Prosecutors had subpoenaed the Rose Law Firm billing records two years ago because they outline how much work Mrs. Clinton did as a pri vate lawyer in Arkansas for the failed savings and loan owned by her and her husband’s Whitewater business part ner. The White House says it could not find the records until Huber acciden tally discovered a copy of them in her White House office earlier this month in a box presidential aides acknowl edged was stored for some time inside the first family’s White House resi dence. Prosecutors arc trying to determine why it took two years to find the cop ies, and why the original records arc still missing from Mrs. Clinton’s law firm, where they should have been kept. The late White House lawyer Vincent Foster’shandwritingis on the newly discovered copies, which show Mrs. Clinton billed Madison Guar anty S&L for about 60 hours of work in the mid-1980s. Mrs. Clinton had described her work for the S&L as minimal. But Republicans have suggested that she misled investigators, pointing to the 68 conversations she had over 15 months with executives of Madison and other lawyers about the thrift’s activities. D’Amato on Monday also asked federal regulators to review the bill ing records to see whether they con flict with Mrs. Clinton’s previous sworn statements in an earlier investi gation. His committee is preparing an in terim report to the Senate that will ask for an extension of its year-old probe, according to sources familiar with it. The Senate originally directed the probe be finished by Feb. 29. When asked how long it would take, D’Amato said it would be a“mis take to set a specific deadline.” “I want to push to get this done as quickly as possible and I would hope we can do it within a matter of several months, two or three months, after the Feb. 29th,” he said. Committee Republicans say their protracted battles with the White House over producing crucial docu ments, many ofwhich have been made public only in the last several weeks, has slowed the congressional probe significantly. Whitewater prosecutors also have asked the committee to back off sev eral of its document requests tempo rarily to avoid hurting the criminal probe. One such request involves documents from current Arkansas Gov. Jim Guy Tucker, who is awaiting trial on charges brought by Whitewater prosecutors. Write on. The Daily Nebraskan is now hiring staffers for the spring semester. Positions are avail able for staff reporters in news, sports and arts & entertainment. Apply at the Daily Nebraskan, Room 34 in the Nebraska Union, 1400 R. St. Nebraskan Editor J. Christopher Hain Night News Editors Rebecca Oltmans 472-1766 Melanie Brandert Managing Editor Doug Kouma Anne Hjersman Assoc. News Editors Matt Waite Beth Narans Sarah Scalet Art Director Aaron Steckelberg Opinion Page Editor Doug Peters General Manager Dan Shattil Wire Editor Michelle Gamer Production Manager Katherine Poiicky Copy Desk Editor Tim Pearson Advertising Manager Amy Struthers Sports Editor Mitch Sherman Asst. Advertising Manager Laura Wilson Arts & Entertainment Publications Board Bhairman Tim Hedegaard Editor Jeff Randall 436-9253 FAX NUMBER 472-1761 The Daily NebraskanOJSPS 144-080) is published by the UNL Publications Board, Ne braska Union 34, 1400 R St., Lincoln, NE 68588-0448, Monday through Friday during the academic year; weekly during summer sessions. Readers are encouraged to submit story ideas and comments to the Daily Nebraskan by phoning 472-1763 between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. The public also has access to the Publications Board. For information, contact Tim Hedegaard, 436-9253,9am 11 p.m. Subscription price is $50 for one year. Postmaster: Send address changes to the Daily Nebraskan, Nebraska Union 34,1400 R St.,Lincoln, NE 68588-0448. Second-class postage paid at Lincoln, NE. ALL MATERIAL COPYRIGHT 1995 DAILY NEBRASKAN | Q|))mpia \)illoge 1 . -' Sports Specialty Store i 1 o% off original price exp. 1-31-96 I ‘ • ' I Gateway Mall 466-2204 I-1 Nebraska i/s. 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