By Joshua Gillin Staff Reporter Now Omaha isn’t the only place NU students can soar. This semester, for the first time, University of Nebraska-Lincoln stu dents can start earning an aviation degree without leaving Lincoln — on the ground, anyway. Mike Siders, the liaison between Omaha and Lincoln campuses, said aviation training at UNL was long overdue. “We decided to try and expand down to the Lincoln campus to sec if there was any interest,” he said. “Right now, we’ve got about SO students enrolled.” The degree, a bachelor of gen eral studies with a concentration in aviation, has been offered at the University of Nebraska at Omaha since the fall of 1990. Classes count toward a UNO degree for Lincoln students. Currently two divisions of classes are available on UNL’scam pus — ground training and flight training. The ground training divi sion is holding classes for private pilot theory and commercial pilot ing, and the flight training division is workingunder contract with Capi tol Aviation, located at the General Aviation Building at Lincoln Mu nicipal Airport. Studentsearn a Private Pilot rat ing, then work toward a Certified Flight Instructor by logging flight hours with another CFI at Capitol Aviation. Tuition is the same as for other students with one exeeption: the cost of flight training. Siders said he was concerned that many students would balk at the S3,000-plus price tag for a Pri vate Pilot rating. Becominga CFI is even more expensive. But he said, “You should look at it as more of a lab fee. It costs about S3,000 to get a rating anyway, so it should cost about that much to take the flight classes.” The UNO Aviation Institute plans to complete the implementation of the UNL program by next fall. By then, an Introduction to Aviation and Aerospace class will be otTercd, as well as a History of Aviation class that will be taught over the Internet by a UNO instructor. Siders said financial aid also would be available to aviation stu dents through both federal loans and grants and departmental schol arships. Dr. Brent Bowen, director of UNO’s Aviation Institute, said sev eral students were using some sort of financial aid. “In many cases we have students using funds from a stipend that we have set up for undergraduates,” Bowen said. “We also have a gen eral scholarship fund established for those who qualify.” Students also can apply for loans and money disbursed by the Ne braska Space Grant Consortium. Bowen said he hoped the pro gram would work as wel 1 in Lincoln as it had in Omaha. “We’re really working from the model that the criminal justice pro gram started,” lie said. “Ifthis works out, we have a program in Aviation Administration which we would like to get started.” The Omaha program had an original enrollment of 125 students with five different classes. It now has expanded to 500 students tak ing 30 different classes and is still growing. UNO also offers an aviation mi nor, which Bowen said he hoped to bring to Lincoln soon, along with another new major in Aviation Stud ies. “What we’re trying to do is ex pose more of Nebraska to careers in aviation,” Bowen said. “We be lieve the best possible way to do that is to open the program to other schools.” Yet Bowen said he hoped NU students would not be the only ones to learn more about aviation. “These credits are transferable to any university in the country,” he said. “That should make it easier for a lot of students.” Siders encouraged students to become involved in the new pro gram, and he was optimistic about the future. “I love flying,” he said. “It’s a great industry and it’s growing. That’s why I got into it. “But most all, it’s fun.” Students interested in aviation can contact Siders at 472-4432, or call the UNO Aviation Institute at 1-800-858-8648. Students can access on-line career services From Staff Reports University of Ncbraska-Lineoln Career Services has taken to the infor mation super-highway. Students wishing to aceess job list ings, career events and job-seeking lips now can go to the NU Frontier section oftheir HUSKERnet account. From there, earcer services can be found under campus services, organi zations, services and career services. Information on the “on-line” ver sion of career services includes go pher sites that have job vacancies in government, higher education, busi ness and industry. Other information includes inter viewing and referral services, student employment and internships, career fairs, career counseling and job search tips. Career Services is planning a World Wide Website that will goon-line this summer. For now, comments about career services should be Chris Timm, Law & Order Police searching for suspect Police are asking students to look for a man who tried to abduct a female University of Ncbraska-Lincoln stu dent in December. UNL Police Sgt. Mylo Bushing said the man was a white male in his mid- to late-20s, about six feet tall, with a medium build. The night of the attempted abduc tion, he wore a dark, zip-up, hooded sweat shirt, a thermal cap that was possibly red and pulled down to his eyebrows, dark pants and white tennis shoes. He drove a white or light-blue four door sedan with tan interior. The li cense plates were plain while with black letters, much like Nebraska’s plates without scenery. i : On the night of the abduction, the female student was walking to her vehicle in a university parking lot when she saw the man looking under the hood of his car, Bushing said. He called out to her and asked if she would help him start his car, Bush ing said. The man told her he had to go see his wife in the hospital. When she reached for jumper cables in the back seat of his car, he tried to push her completely into the back of the car, Bushing said. She fought the man off and ran to her car. He got intohis car and drove away, Bushing said. Anyone having information about the case or a possible match to the description of the man or the vehicle should call University Police at 472 3550. —Chad Lorenz -1 Students can get e-mail accounts in just minutes From Staff Reports Students wishing to take their first dive into the Internet with their - own e-mail ae Intornot count will now micmei spendoniymin_ utes waiting to get one— for a limited time. Previously, students waited up to a week to receive account confirmation, which includes an account number and password. Students can take advantage of this rapid process through the end of this week. “Administration decided that the turnaround needed to be quicker,” said Gary Kimminau, assistant man ager of the Computer Shop. Kimminau said that an operator from Information Services was brought in to process e-mail appli cations on the spot. “Students can now get their ac count while they wait,” Kimminau said. “At the most, they might have to wait 15 minutes.” Students can apply for free ac counts on UNL’s bigred system at the Computer Shop in the 501 Build ing. Write now. The Daily Nebraskan is now hiring staffers for the spring semester. Positions are avail able for staff reporters in news, sports and arts & entertainment and for graphic artists. Apply at the Daily Nebraskan, Room 34 in the Nebraska Union, 1400 R. St. . ’ . I ‘ • - ■' ", '' ' - • / Daily Nebraskan ' ■. ’ ■ i .I - . ... w ■. ■ i Three killed in airplane crash By Chad Lorenz Senior Reporter A plane crash in the southwest corner of Lincoln Saturday evening left two men and one woman dead. Michael Wallen, 37, and Paul Osborn, 44, were killed when the single-engine airplane crashed 1/2 mile north of Pella Road and South west 42nd Street, Lancaster County Police Sgt. Robert Marker said. Christine'Wallen, also 3 7 and wife of Michael J*. Wal lcn, was alive and trapped inside the wreck age when the Hallam fire and rescue squads arrived, Marker said. She was life-flighted to Lincoln General Hospital but was declared dead on arrival from severe head trauma at 11 p.m. A Nebraska Public Power crew discovered the wreck at 8:14 p.m. as it was investigating a power outage in the area, police said. The three were returning from a gun show in Dallas when Osborn’s plane went down, Marker said. Michael Wallen was the owner of Mike’s Guns, 2727 N. 33rd St. Comedy Continued from Page 1 and moved the campus together to help students and faculty succeed.” Working hands-on with major issuesat UNC was another accomplishment, he said. “We have improved the number of minori ties and women who have been placed in key roles,” he said. Comedy also served as chairman of the Greeley Human Relations Commission last year. The commission held 13 educational forums on issues such as gang violence and affirmative action, he said. Some affirmative action and diversity issues at UNC and UNL are similar, he said. “The issues of homosexuality and gay rights are similar,” he said. “Being free to talk about those issues and resolving them are major is sues.” Bui Comedy said diversity issues as a whole were fairly vague and needed to be discussed. Comedy said he did not have any definite plans for UNL, but instead he wanted to get a feel for the campus. “I would like to get a better understanding of programming and see if they are doing what they should be,” he said. “It would be presump tuous of me to come in and say what I think right away. “I think UNL has a lot of potential to be successful in affirmative action and diversity. I think there are some good people who believe in givingall people an opportunityandachanceto succeed.” One general area of improvement at UNL would be to move away from labeling people, he said. “We need to be willing to cross different lines of genders and race,” he said. “We need to educate and be able to talk without fear of being labeled negatively for what you believe.” Gardner Continued from Page 1 mative action and diversity office,” she said, “and to bring in my own research and philoso phy in ways you can’t do when an office is already established.” Affirmative action and diversity programs at Amherst had been in place since 1961, she said, but there had been no official director until she took over. Starting the office took time, she said. Gardner began evaluations and designed mod els to relate to the campus. “After that I reorganized the affirmative ac tion committee and enlarged it to include stu dents from various interests across campus,” she said. Gay and lesbian rights were a big issue at rtituiciM, sue saiu. t\ gay, lesoian anu oisexuai weekend was planned by her office to help support different sexual orientations. One issue at UNL would be making the campus more diverse and supportive, she said. “From talking to groups, I understand that there is a concern that there be efforts to make this a more welcoming environments for all groups,” Gardner said. “But right now it’s hard for me to determine who is being left out.” For her to implement new programs or change others at UNL, Gardner said she would need to do more research. But Gardner said that in general a major campus issue would be helping students be come successful. “The challenge is to reach out in our various communities and enlarge the numbers ofyoung people that are successful in colleges and uni versities,” she said.