J Daily Nebraskan ' ‘Editorial Board University of Nebraska-Lincoln J. Christopher Haiti.:....... Editor, 472-1766 Doug Kouma..Managing Editor Doug Peters...Opinion Page Editor Sarah Scalet.....Associate News Editor Matt Waite.Associate News Editor Michelle Garner..Wire Editor Jennifer Mapes .....*.Columnist v _ - - __ James Mehsling/DN Dedication Huskers’ hard work pays off Nebraska’s two new national titles were born off the field. Out of the view of screaming .fans, right here on our campus, these Comhuskcrs laid the foundation for their success on the prac tice court, in the weight room. And it is this side of victory, the scenes we don’t see in highlight reels, that should be most important to us. The volleyball team was motivated by last year’s season-ending loss to Penn State. And the team worked hard throughout the sea son to be in position to make their dream come true. The football team, after tasting last year’s success, wanted to do it again. And the players stuck together through all of this season’s off-thc-ficld adversity and, perhaps, became a stronger unit because of it. With these kind of success stories, the University of Nebraska Athletic Department might have to add on a new wing to store all these national championship trophies. In the last month, two Cornhuskcr teams successfully completed one of the biggest trophy hunts in school history. The football and volleyball titles now give the university 14 national championships in four sports. But all the adoring fans who hold up their index fingers in sup port of these teams should take note of more than just the glass encased trophies. They can learn a valuable lesson for their own lives from these shining’stars. Everyone has heard about the dedication of these athletes, but how many of us have taken such a message to heart? Both success and happiness in life so often depends on setting goals and having the discipline to reach those goals. And here, right before our eyes, we have two tremendous examples of people of have striven for something in life and achieved it. We all love heroes. We all need heroes. But how many of us have tried to be heroic in our own lives? Bravo, Comhuskcrs. Your spirit and dedication is not only what it takes to win games. Not just football or volleyball games, but the game of life, as well. Editorial policy Staff editorials represent the official policy of the Fall 1995 Daily Nebras kan. Policy i&sethy the Paily Nebras- » lean Editorial Board. Editorials donot , necessarily reflect the views of tljer university, its employees, the students or the NU Board of Regents. Editorial columns represent the opinion of the author. The regents publish the Daily Nebraskan. They establish the UN L Publications Board to supervise the daily production of die paper. Accord ing to policy set by the regents, respon sibility for the editorial content of the newspaper lies solely in the hands of its students. Letter policy The Daily Nebraskan welcomes brief letters to the editor from all readers and interested others. Letters .. ■ will be selected for publication on the basis of clarity, . originality, timeliness and space available. The Daily Nebraskan retains the right to edit or reject all material submitted. Readers also are welcome to submit mate rial as guest opinions. The editor decides whether material should run as a.guest opinion. Letters and guest opinions sent to the newspaper become the property of the Daily Nebraskan and cannot be re turned. Anonymous submissions will not be pub lished. Letters should include the author’s name, year in school, major and group affiliation, if any. Re quests to withhold names will not be granted. Submit material to: Daily Nebraskan, 34 Nebraska Union, 1400 R St. Lincoln, Neb. 68588-0448. 1 ■ ^ \F \ mi TO SW I AHDWR DAf VIITH THf&f TWO OOWMS \U w M) (MM - - ■ /7f)/i mi ty&mxx & m/nmis #5 y^s? Wow! Congratulations to the Nebraska football team for an outstanding season! To completely dismantle a great team such as Florida in a No. 1 vs. No. 2 contest is an unheard of achievement. After watching the game last night, all I can say is “Wow!” Being a Notre Dame fan, I hope ND and Nebraska play for No. 1 next year! That will be a terrific matchup. Congratulations, too, for Tom Osborne, who has put uf> with too much this season by way of media intrusion. Douglas McAbee South Bend, Ind. f ^4 via e-mail l Disconnected — Kudos to Ted Taylor for his Dee. 11th article informing all DN readers of the volatile situation surrounding dial-up access to UNL’s computing facilities. To the rest of the Student Body: REVOLT! Recent articles in the Lincoln-Joumal Star and Omaha World Herald speak of UNL’s commitment to remote educational services - . and an efficient “Virtual University”. A current UNL V regent who happens to be in • - the National Guard, and is being “called up” to Bosnia will be performing his duties for the University via the Internet and video conference. What a great idea. Allow people who are dedicated and hard working an environment and the appropriate tools to accomplish their goals. UNL’s current dial-up service consists of some odd number of modems and the costs of running these modems are paid under a “surcharge” on the UNL phone bill. The current number of modems is inadequate to handle the amount of computing traffic, demand is steadily increasing, and the CRC says it wants to provide service wherein no one receives a busy signal, but there exists a budget problcm..Fix it! There is no need to resolve this problem by involving an outside/ private service provider. Simply assess an additional computer fee to students. As I am a firm believer in intelligent discussion, I won’t bother with the boring old arguments of “I don’t use it” or “I can’t believe they want me to pay them more money.” Clearly a significant proportion of the UNL community desires dial-up access. Why not charge each student $5 a semester instead of giving revenue to a private company? Does anyone else smell bad politics here? If the CRC can’t form a budget that addresses the usage patterns that we, -the UNL community, exhibit, serious questions arise, for example, who is working for whom? We want and need better modem access. It is the responsibility of UNL to dedicate and delegate the resources necessary to assist James Mensiing/ui' students and researchers attain their goals, not pass a huge capital pool over to a private company. Christopher Niven graduate student forestry, fisheries and wildlife via e-mail Disappointed I am disappointed in the recent decision to turn over the handling of student e-mail accounts to a com mercial suppliefrThe free accounts are a unique access to the free distribution of the world’s informa tion, a way of encouraging use of a simple, efficient, paperless society. An entire society of casual browsing of the Internet is possible because of this free access. Now because some pcople can’t connect instantly every single time they try to log on, the whole system has to be scrapped? Really, people! It’s FREE! For free maybe you can compromise a little? Maybe if you get a busy signal during rush hour, try again later. All that is required is a little patience. I’d rather have to wait a little and have free Internet access than pay every month. If I wanted that, then I would have just signed up on Internet Nebraska or America Online or whatever all by myself, I like being able to e-mail my parents; every few days,.. It’s so cheap and. v easy that I don’t have any excuse not to. If I want glossy graphics and other frilly extras, I’d gladly pay for them. But I don’t need any of thaMo, stay in touch with some simple e mai 1 and newsgroups. I think the ~ administration should at least poll BIGRED account users for some opinions before rushing off to tear down this virtual Broyhill Fountain. Scott Sutton sophomore art education via e-mail Distressed In the article “Commercial provider to handle dial-up” in Ithe December 11 issue of the Daily Nebraskan, Vice Chancel lor Hendrickson is quoted as stating that “ ... turning over dial-up access to a commercial provider would be in line with some other major universities, jlT such as Northwestern University ^ ...” I know for a fact that this statement is not true. The »** decision to shut down our current dial-up lines should not be seen as a trend that all major universities are following. If our modem pool is shut down, UNL will be one of the leaders in this form of reducing service to students. Tom Carrell assistant professor special education and communication disorders via e-mail Another Satisfied Customer Your Daily Nebraskan Online is fantastic! Asa Husker alumni living in Virginia, it is very difficult staying abreast of the Heartland’s Team, the Huskers! The “Rag” is just as informative and insightfiil as ever, and certainly fills the bill! Keep up the good work. Randy Bowdish alumnus, class of 1981 Norfolk, Virginia via e-mail