The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 30, 1995, Page 8, Image 8
Students gather experience sailing a semester at sea By Heidi White _ Staff Reporter Spending a semester traveling across the globe may sound like a dream to some students. Jennifer Thompson and Nicole Clifton are living that dream by sail ing the oceans as part of the Semester at Sea program. Thompson, a junior Spanish ma jor, and Clifton, a senior psychology major, are currently on board the S.S. Universe. The ship acts like a floating college campus, housing a library, classrooms and student union. The ship set sail Sept. 13 from Vancouver, British Columbia. The 18,000-ton ship and its 400 students have already docked in Japan, China, Hong Kong, Vietnam and India. The students on board, including the two from the University of Ne braska-Lincoln, represent 178 col leges and universities from across the United States and the world. They will return to New Orleans Dec. 23. j Jennifer Babin, director of admis- j sions and financial aid for the Semes- ] ter at Sea program, said it was admin istered by the Institute for Shipboard Education. 1 he program is academically spon sored by the University of Pittsburgh, but courses are transferable to each student’s college or university. Ap plicants must be full-time college stu- J dents, Babin said. She said 400 to 500 participants were chosen each year from a pool of almost 900 applicants. “All kinds of students with all kinds of majors are chosen to partici pate in the program,” Babin said. Between 50 and 60 courses are offered each semester, she said, de pending on the faculty on board. The i faculty include visiting professors from universities around the world. Babin said the diverse faculty al- i lowed for a wide range of classes, i including business, writing, commu nication, psychology and anthropol- < ogy. The classes incorporate material ! about the countries visited on the trip. Students on board will soon visit I Egypt, Israel, Ukraine, Turkey and Morocco. “They just left India and are on ;heir way to Egypt, which is one of heir longest voyages,” Babin said. When the students reach a port, die said, they have many activities to ;hoose from during their three-to-six lay stay. Activities include home stays, uni /ersity visits and traveling to places if historic, cultural and religious sig lificance. Students also can go out on their iwn toexperience the countries, Babin ;aid. The visits give students a chance o collect cultural information for another part of their experience — the Vicarious Voyage Around the World program. Babin said the travelers will inter act by mail with elementary students around the United States. The chil dren, who are usually in third or fourth grade, receive items such as pictures, newspapers, maps and stamps from the travelers. After the elementary students share the items with their classmates, Babin said, they send letters back to the college students and tell them what they learned about each country. Another unique feature of the voy age is the senior adult program. On each trip, about 40 retired adults ac company the students. “They are usually looking for a learning experience, and not the en vironment of a cruise,” Babin said. The adults can audit the courses and explore the countries visited along with the students. Babin said that although they have special activities of their own and often travel in groups, they form special bonds with the stu dents. “It’s common for the students to adopt one of the seniors as their grandma or grandpa,” she said. A spring voyage will depart Feb. 3 from Nassau, Bahamas. The trip will - venture to Venezuela, Brazil, South Africa, Kenya, India, Vietnam, Hong BretGottschall/DN Kong, Taiwan and Japan. It will re turn to Seattle May 13. A summer program also will be offered for the first time and will run from May 22 to July 18. It will focus on the environment and culture of the South Pacific. Students interested in applying can call and request a brochure and appli cation at 1-800-854-0195. A $25 ap plication fee is required. There is no deadline for applica tions, but Babin said applicants should apply as early as possible. Semester programs cost $12,58C and pay for tuition, room, board and passage fare. The summer session rate is $6,775. CHEAP We’re talking dirt. MAC. The awesome computer with all the bells and whistles. NOW * Macintosh Perform*638CD 8MB RAM/350MB hard drive, CD-ROM drive, 14"color monitor, keyboard, mouse and all the software you're likely to need. Like, dull. Being a student is hard. So we ve made buying a Macintosh" easy. 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