The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 30, 1995, Page 7, Image 7
Chambers proposes higher limit By John Fulwider Senior Reporter State Sen. Ernie Chambers of Omaha says 75 mph is not too fast for Nebraska interstates. Nebraska’s roads are so straight and long, he said, that “if you squint your eyes you can see the curvature of the earth. “Seventy-five is not going to cre ate a hazard at all.” Chambers said he planned to in troduce a bill in the Nebraska Legislature’s second session that would raise the speed limit on rural interstates from 65 mph to 75 mph. The minimum speed would go from 40 mph to 50 mph. “Rural interstate” is a misleading term, he said. Basically, he said, ev erywhere the speed limit now is 65 mph, it would increase to 75 mph. States can now raise their speed limits if they choose. President Bill Clinton signed a bill Tuesday that ended the federal 55 mph speed limit. The federally imposed limit had been in place since 1974. To decrease controversy, Cham bers said, his bill raises only rural interstate speed limits. He said he wouldn’t allow anyone to attach amendments to his bill dealing with Benefit choral conceit to finance operation for girl’s rare cancer From Staff Reports A benefit concert for an 11-year old girl battling cancer will be Dec. 2 at Zion Congregational Church, 9th and D streets. Chanel Jenkins-Todd has renal meddulary carcinoma, a rare kidney cancer. Chanel, the daughter of uni versity employees Lynda and Tho mas Todd, is the 35th person in the nation to be diagnosed with the can cer. The other 34 have died. The University Association for Administrative Development has been organizing fund-raisers for Chanel since October. Doctors say a bone marrow trans plant may save her life. But the opera tion costs $250,000 and isn’t covered by her family’s medical insurance. The benefit concert will feature five gospel choirs, including Images, the Lincoln Community Gospel Choir, the Mt. Zion Baptist Choir and a special guest choir yet to be an nounced. The event is free and open to the public. Donations will go to the Todd family. I— ---1 i Don't Lose That i Summer Tan *q\ I I li I • j 15 sessions ! onw $29w ■ Will honor any competitors ■ tanning package specials expires 12-31-95 ■ 1101 Arapahoe I (lust behind McDonald’s on S. 9th St.) | _423jS022_i __ j “I’m not interested in race car driving. I just want people to drive at reasonable rates of speed based on what the roads are designed to allow. ” ERNIE CHAMBERS State Senator motorcycle helmet or seat belt laws. He said he would listen to argu ments about raising the speed limit on interstates near cities. That limit is now 55 mph. One issue Chambers hasn’t de cided on, he said, is whether to allow trucks to travel at 75 mph. “I haven’t made up my mind on the issue,” he said. Chambers said he had heard other senators predicting a lot of debate on the issue. But Chambers said he thought there would not be extended debate and that a speed limit increase would pass. Chambers said he thought Gov. Ben Nelson also might introduce a bill to raise the speed limit, but only to 70 mph. Dara Troutman, Nelson’s press aide, said Nelson was pleased that Washington gave the states authority to set their own speed limits. But Nelson will let the Legislature decide what that limit should be. He does not plan to introduce legislation of his own, Troutman said. “The governor has not stated what he thinks the speed limit should be,” she said. Chambers said he wants the limit raised because people who travel on the interstate want it raised, and be cause the roads can handle it. “I’m not interested in race car driving,” he said. “I just want people to drive at reasonable rates of speed based on what the roads are designed to al low.” Get No Service Charge Checking And A FREE Gift From FirsTier! h Get a terrific FREE gift when you open any personal checking account at FirsTIer. 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