The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 30, 1995, Page 14, Image 14

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Gift ideas here: cool CDs, tapes, books,
jewelry stones, incense, and more!
3231 S. 13th In the Indian Village Shopping Center 421-1701
Hours M-F: 10-7 Sat: 10-6 Sun:12-5
■ i i
| 10% Discount at: ggnSfiSH f
University Bookstore!
|> (excludes special orders, textbooks, food products, postal and film developing) j|
1 December 1995 Graduates
The DEADLINE for the return of your
yellow Commencement Attendance form is
December 4,1995
Return it to the Records Office,
107 Canfield Administration Building, Service Counter B
fosses \
Now that you have your computer account on BIGRED, Herbie,
UNLCLASS1, and UNLGRAD1, you can discover how to tap into the
resources available to you on the internet. These classes are free and
no reservations are required. Seats are available on a first come, first
served basis. Call 472-9050 if you have any questions.
Advanced Email
Thursday, November 30 2:30 - 4:00 p.m. Bancroft Hall, 239
Friday, December 1 10:00 - 11:30 p.m. Bancroft Hall, 239
at Thartlig: \
/fZ.SO Pitch*" *18*1 light* Millet Lite
{ FH1*§: \
^ */.50 Pmatie l**g*cckt 1 j
\ S*Hh4i§: H
\ Milkrth+Niihtl “
i^J&SOPH*h*n t/MfitolH* f
. Plug Into the
■World with FREE
' Netscape Classes
Find out what you've been missing on the World Wide Web. The
WWW allows more than just black and white text, it offers users
interactive graphics, photographs, sounds, movie clips and more.
Learn how to access these features using Netscape. You could be
missing more than you think. These classes are free and no reserva
tions are required. Seats are available on a first come, first served
basis. Call 472-9050 if you have any questions.
Intro to Netscape
Thursday, November 30 10:00 - 11:30 a.m. Bancroft Hall, 239
Friday, December 1 3:00 - 4:30 p.m. Bancroft Hall, 239
toad ntvfeiBV! t* JdHqzefl es
-1 Music Reviews;
“Toy Story, The Original
Randy Newman
Walt Disney Records
Grade: A
Randy Newman, best known for
his slightly comedic touch in songs
such as the ’70s hit “Short People,”
takes a crack at Disney’s latest Film
with “Toy Story.”
And he succeeds, creating a lush,
warm underscore that perfectly cap
tures the feelings of the Film.
The highlights of the soundtrack
are “You’ve Got A Friend in Me,”
“Strange Things” and “I Will Go
Sailing No More.” These songs are
delightful, featuring Newman’s
gravelly voice and his wonderful
melodies and splendid lyrics.
“You’ve Got a Friend in Me”
. has an almost New Orleans shuffle,
UvV *---—-—
spiked with a little Western flavor.
The song “Strange Tilings” is
rock ‘n’ roll, a phantasmagoria of
all the bad things happening to
Woody the cowboy as his status as
Andy’s favorite toy evaporates.
The ballad “I Will Go Sailing
No More” is a beautiful song of the
dejection and defeat Buzz Lightyear
feels when he leams he is a mere
“Toy Story, The Original
Soundtrack” is a wonderful CD,
tilled with all of the joy and humor
of the movie. See the movie and get
the soundtrack. You won’t be dis
— Brian Priesman
“Made in Heaven”
Hollywood Records
Grade: B+
1991: Freddie Mercury dies of
1995: Queen releases a new CD,
“Made in Heaven.”
Recorded when Mercury was
going through the Final and most
painful stages ofthe disease, “Made
in Heaven” represents Freddie
Mercury’s Final words. Mercury,
arguably one of rock’s most flam
boyant performers, refused to let
his personal pain turn “Made in
Heaven” into a dreary CD.
Opening with sounds of chirp
ing birds and winding through bal
lads beaming with joy and appre
ciation for life, “Made in Heaven”
gives an almost childish view of
the end.
Put together in the four years
since Mercury’s death, “Made in
Heaven” has no shortage of the
classic Queen sound — intricate
guitar riffs and gorgeous harmo
nies with Mercury’s voice soaring
over everything.
From the very first eye-popping
track, “It’s a Beautiful Day,” to the
unlisted jaw-dropping finale,
“Made in Heaven” represents the
very best of what made Queen so
good. This last track, a 22-minute
spectacle of twinkles presents what
may be the very first rock depiction
of the afterlife. And if you listen to
Mercury, heaven isn’t a bad place
to be. Filled with songs about the
sanctity of life and the wonder of
growing up, “Made in Heaven” is a
tremendous album. Unfortunately,
it’s probably Queen’s last, unless
there are more unreleased tracks
no one knows about.
“Made in Heaven” represents
the last words of one of rock’s*
greatest performers before his
death. Even though Freddie Mer
cury may not be with us anymore,
his legacy lives on in his music.
— Cliff A. Hicks
02 Appliances
05 Bicycles
10 Books
13 Clothing
16 Computers
20 Furniture
30 Jewelry
40 Misc. For Sale
45 Musical Instruments
46 Office Furniture
50 Pets
55 Photo Equipment
60 Sporting Goods
65 Stereos/TVs
70 Ticket Exchange
90 Vehicles
200 Rides
203 Spring Break Trips
205 Career Events
210 Announcements
215 Meetings
220 Greek Affairs
230 Student Government
240 Personals
242 Pinning &
245 Lost & Found
250 Wanted
260 Fundraising
270 900 Numbers
300 Help Wanted
310 Child Care
320 Work Study Jobs
330 Summer Jobs
340 Internships
400 Roommates
410 Housing Wanted
420 Rooms/Rent
430 Houses/Rent
440 Duplex/Rent
450 Apartments/Rent
460 Summer Housing
470 Mobile Homes/Rent
480 Vacation/Rent
490 Homes/Sale
500 Adoption
505 Alterations & Sewing
510 Automotive
515 Bicycle Service
520 Bridal
525 Catering
528 Child Care
530 Cleaning/Laundry
531 Cleaning/Households
535 Computer Service
540 Entertainment
545 Gift Ideas
548 Hairstyling
550 Health & Fitness
553 Insurance
555 Instruction/Tutoring
558 Job Placement
560 Lawn care
565 Legal Services
573 Music Exchange
575 Photography
578 Pregnancy
580 Printing & Copying
582 Recycling
583 Religious
585 Rentals
588 Tanning
590 Tattooing
593 Travel
595 Typing & Resumes
$3.25 per day for 15 words on individual student
and student organization ads.
$4.50 per day for 15 words on non-student ads.
$.15 each additional word.
$.75 billing charge.
Personal ads must be prepaid.
Found ads may be submitted free of charge.
DEADLINE: 2:00 p.m. weekday prior to publica
The Daily Nebraskan will not print any adver
tisement which discriminates against any person
on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, race,
religion, age, disability, marital status or national
00s For Sale
Tired of the laundromat? We sell used washers, dryers,
refrigerators, and ranges for only $100 or 4 payments of
$25/month, no interest, free delivery and guarantee.
Hoffman's Appliances, 466-6252.
1994 Trek 950 many upgrades and new parts. Win give a
great deal Call 435-8706.
1995 Trek 830 Mountain Bike with duo track suspension
fork. 191/2* frame. $300.331-4762, evenings (Omaha).
Will deliver.__
New and used bicycles, expert repair on all brands.
Wheel'n & Deal'n Bike Shop, 2706 Randolph. 438-1477.
MACINTOSH DUO MINIDOCK. Brand new, in box. Must
sell. Compatible with any Duo model ind. New Duo 2300.
$200 OflOT Call 438-8441 day or evening.
HUGE solid wood antique desk, $100 OBO. Older com
fortable couch, $40 OBO. CaH 435-7796, leave message.
Love seat, in perfect condition, $50. Call 435-t341.
What a find! Almost new kitchen table and 4 swivel chairs.
Paid $1,000. Asking $500. Glass top, brass—real nice!
HUSKER MEMORIBILIA 1958 Bank token listing
Cornhusker Football schedule. Uncirculated. $20.00.
489-6208, Larry.
210' Rockford Punch Subs in box, Rockford Fosgate 40IX
amp plus All wires, $350. 421-6620.
Two car audio amps, both Rockford Fosgates: 40 amp,
$200; 60 amp, $300. Also, Alpine EQ Equalizer, $150.1
have receipts! Call Ed at 464-8866 after 5:30.
VCR w/remote, $80 excellent condition. Also, COLOR
T.V., $70. 466-8520.
'84 Mercury Lynx, great condition, new cassette stereo,
4 new wheels, $1300 OBO. 438-3950.
200s Notices
Best Spring Break Prices. Free Food & Parties. For
biggest savings call before Christmas. Chad Lohoesener,
For all disciplines now available.
If you have a 2.5 GPA or above, you may be eligible. Full
tuition at UNL, plus up to $450.0o for textbooks. Call 472
2468 for more information.
ALASKA EMPLOYMENT- Students Needed! Fishing
Industry. Earn up to $3,000-$6,000+ per month. Room
and Board! Transportation! Male or Female. No experi
ertce necessary. Call (206)545-4155 ext A57782.
Alpha Zeta
Members graduating In December: Cords to wear on
graduation gowns available. Call Joel at 438-7608 if
Interested. Leave message.
Attention All Students
Please review your class syiabi and determine if there is
a conflict with Dead Week Policy. If so, please contact
ASUN - Student Government as soon as possible at 115
Nebr. Union. 472-2581.
Final examinations for full semester classes are to be
given ONLY at the regularty scheduled time as published
m the Official Schedule of Gasses or at another time
DURING FINALS WEEK mutually agreeable to all con
The only examinations that may be given during the last
week of classes (Dead Week) are: lab practical examina
tions, make-up or repeat examinations and self-paced
Projects, papers and speeches scheduled for completion
dunng the last week of classes (Dead Week) must have
been assigned in writing by the end of the EIGHTH WEEK
of the semester. This refers to the project and its scope,
but not the topic.
Quizzes are acceptable during Dead Week.
Nebraska Masquers requests submissions for second
annual one-act competition. Must be full time student
Submit to Patrick Tuttle, 220 Temple Building or call 472
2072 for more information. Deadline: Finals Weekl
FREE TRAVEL) SPRING BREAK -96 Organize group!
Cancun, Padre. Guaranteed lowestprices! FREE INFOR
Christmas Decorating
at the Malone Center
Interested? Call Mamey, 436-7783.
-Travel abroad and work at a tropical beach resort dude
ranch, or river rafting corraany this summer. Excellent
benefits + bonuses. Call Resort Employment Services
(206)632-0150 ext R57782.
-----rm; / uis
Looking for unique holiday gifts from over 40
countries? Find jewelry, carvings, chess sets,
pottery and lots more at Helping Hands where
your purchase supports fair wages for
craftspeople around the world.
Helping Hands in 2 Lincoln locations:
The Haymarket: 8th & Pfacross from the Mill)
Piedmont: Cotner & A
Positions are now available at National Parks, Forests &
Wildlife Preserves. Excellent benefits + bonuses! Call: 1
206-545-4804 ext. N57782
Peace Corps
Video and information: Thursday, November 30th. East
Campus Union at Noon and Friday, December 1st, Ne
braska Union at Noon.
Pre-Vet Club
Turn in raffle tickets to VBS 112 by Nov 30.
Christmas Potluck, Sun Dec 3. RSVP to Berkley or
TODAY for Student
4:30, Henzlik Hall, sponsored by Student Involvement,
The members of TCAB would like to give a huge thanks
to our Advisor Dr. Ellen Weissinger and to all of the
executive officers: Tricia Koch, JuliAnn Taylor, Julie
Duerfeldt, Ali Market, and Niki Anderson.
Thursday, November 30
Nebraska Union
North Lounge
“Violence: Perspectives
on Causes & Effects"
Moderator: John Harris
Students, faculty & staff are
Invtted to join in an open and civil
dialogue on a critical issue!
The Student Information Center has a list of tutors for
student use. Anyone wishing to be on the fist either to tutor
or in need of a tutor, fill out an application at the ASUN
Student Info. Center. 116 Nebr. Union.
UNL Chess Club
Tuesdays, 6:30pm. Student Union Food Court. ALL STU
Ecology Now
Help stop environmental cutbacks! Meeting is Thursday
at 7:30pm in the Union.
Habitat For Humanity
Thursday, Nov 30,5:30 p.m. in the Union, room posted.
Pre-Law Club
There will be a meeting Sunday, Dec. 3 at 730 at the
Union. Special guest speaker this time will be speaking
on what they look for in hiring an attorney. Room will be
Student Foundation
Come to our Christmas Party and bring a gag gift under
$3 today in the Union at 5:15pm.
Don't forget we have elections this Thursday, November
30 at 630pm in Mabel Lee room 262. Please make every
effort to attend our FINAL MEETING for the fall semester!
UNL Marketing Club
Last meeting of the year at PO Pears Thursday Nov 30 at
6pm. Transportation provided east of BroyhiK Fountain at
5:45. If you brings can of food, your meal wiH be freel We
win aiso nave ontcsr elections.
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