The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 30, 1995, Page 10, Image 10

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Few punts don’t bother Kosch
on road to reaching dad’s feat
By Andrew Strnad
Staff Reporter "
Punter may not be the most glam
orous position at Nebraska, but it
certainly hasn’t gone unnoticed this
Seeing the top-ranked
Comhuskers’ punter on the field has
become a rarity for the sellout crowds
at Memorial Stadium this season.
In fact, starting punter Jesse Kosch
has punted the ball only 27 times in
the Huskers’ 11 games. But he has
averaged 39.7 yards a punt, with a
long punt of 74 yards against Arizona
Unlike a running back who would
like to get the ball many times, Kosch
could care less if he didn’t punt at all
during the Fiesta Bowl on Jan. 2.
“If I don’t punt, then that means
we are moving tne Dan, ana tnat way
I don’t get tired,” Kosch said jok
Kosch earned the starting job just
before the season started, and he said
a strong summer workout helped him
“I knew if I came in this fall and
kicked like I did earlier this sum
mer,” he said, “then I would win the
starting job.”
Kosch, a sophomore from Colum
bus, replaced two-sport star Darin
Erstad, who left Nebraska after being
the No. 1 pick in the Major League
Baseball draft by the California An
Kosch and his father are one of two
father-son combinations to win na
tional titles for the Huskers. His fa
ther Bill played defensive back for the
Huskers on the 1970 and 1971 na
tional champion teams, and Kosch
would like nothing more than to equal
his father and win a second title.
“That would be nice to win an
other title,” Kosch said. “Since my
dad has two, I guess I ought to try for
Kosch, a meteorology major, fol
lows the stereotypical theme for kick
ers. He’s concerned with the weather
Jay Calderon/DN
Nebraska punter Jesse Kosch does most of his punting
every day during practice. Kosch has punted only 27 times
this season.
-- more than most people, though.
Kosch loves to follow severe weather
in his car, and he enjoys driving across
Nebraska chasing after tornadoes.
“I’m always looking at the flags on
top of the stadium,” Kosch said.
Continued from Page 9
events so much that he duplicated
the feat the following day, against
then-No. 2 Stanford. He scored an
NCAA Zone qualifying 332.63
points in the three-meter and reg
istered a 292.50 to win the one
meter event.
“I always knew there was some
thing special about Dan,” Hocking
said. “I was really happy he chose
to come here.”
Bergman hopes for a strong fin
ish when the Huskers close their
fall schedule Dec. 8-9 at the North
Dakota Invitational. Hocking said
Bergman’s work ethic took a back
seat to nobody.
“He’s a very intense personal
ity,” Hocking said. “I can’t com
plain. He’s worked really hard in
the weight room. I’ve been real
Big 12 commissioner
looks for new office
(AP)—Big 12 commissioner Steve
Hatchell stopped in Omaha and
Oklahoma City along with confer
ence officials to tour possible sites
for the new league’s headquarters.
Hatchell visited the two cities
on Tuesday. On Monday, he toured
sites in Lubbock, Texas, and Colo
rado Springs, Colo.
He was scheduled to make stops
in Kansas City, Mo., and Dallas on
Wednesday, The Daily Oklahoman
Oklahoma City and Omaha are
among six cities still being consid
ered as headquarters for the Big
12, which begins play in 1996. The
league will combine the Big Eight
with Texas, Texas A&M, Baylor
and Texas Tech.
Dallas and Kansas City are con
sidered the front-runners for the
league office. Kansas City has been
the headquarters of the Big Eight
since 1947, while Dallas has been
the longtime home to the South
west Conference offices.
Finalists will be invited Friday
to Kansas City to make presenta
tions when the Big 12 chief execu
tive officers gather for meetings.
The CEOs are expected to reach a
decision on a site before Friday’s
meetings end.
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