The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 27, 1995, Page 11, Image 11
Classified Monday, November 27, 1995 Page 11 $$$$$$$$ Are you looking for great pay & benefits? Do you like cooking? Grandmother's restaurant has the job for you! Apply at Grandmother s, 70th & ‘A’ anytime, will call for interview. BOOKKEEPER Part-Time We are looking for a reliable accounting student to handle accounts receivable duties until May 1996. Position requires approximately 12-15 hours/week. Please apply between 10-5, Tues.-Sat. Glaser Ceramics, Inc, 2325 Klmarra Place 464-6454 BEFORE/AFTER SCHOOL RECREATION Lincoln Parks and Recreation has openings for positions working with elementary children recreation programs. Positions begin Jan. 3, 1996. Must be able to work Monday thru Friday during ONE of the following shifts: 7 9am, 2:30-5:45 pm, 3:15-5:45 pm. Pay rate: $5-5.20/hour for morning positions, $4.80-5.00 for afternoon positions. Apply NOW at Playground Office, 1225 F St., 2nd floor. 441-7952. EOE/AA TELEPHONE INTERVIEWERS National Research Corporation, the healthcare industry’s leading provider of market research, is now accepting applications for its professional interviewing staff. Great position for self-motivated and strong willed. Previous experience preferred. 'Temporary daytime positions available 'Flexible scheduling 'Convenient downtown location 'Paid training 'Competitive hourty wage 'Casual work environment 'ABSOLUTELY NO SELLING! For more information or to schedule an interview, please call the Data Collection Department: 475-4520 between 8am & 4pm M-F. Business opportunity. Supplement your income with no limits. Need serious people now. Call 441-0922. A RARE OPPORTUNITY TELEMARKETERS Join Lincoln’s fastest growing firm where the work envi ronment is stimulating and fun and where YOU CAN MAKE BIG BUCKS! Starting with a guaranteed $6.50 rate, you can earn $8.50 with good performance. We also offer paid training, awesome non-cash bonuses and flexible hours. In all. a great part-time position— see for yourself Apply in person or call Jane. EOE. IMS 434-2626 Suite 304 Golds Galleria ^ 'A 'A DRIVERS Pizza Hut Delivers We currently have full and part-time openings for delivery drivers who want to earn top compensation. Earnings potential up to $S/hour and greater Company provided Insurance program Flexible Hours Free meals and uniforms Drivers must be 18 and have own car. To find out more please apply in person or call. 402-475-2658 Pizza Hut 14th & O EOE Earn $440! If you are a smoking or nonsmoking male, age 19-55. you can earn $440. Weekend stays. Call Harris at 474-PAYS to find out more. Earn extra money, helping with household chores, call 423-4924. between 1-3:30pm, ask for Cindy. Graduate Assistant/Academic Adviser wanted for Arts & Sciences Advising Center. Information available in 1223 Oldfather. |Q3ERVICE^y A baby is our dream. We are in our early 30s. Let us share our family and friends. Gail and Nick 800-247-3027. ADOPTION A wonderful home awaits your baby. Happily married, financially secure couple will give much love. Expenses paid. Call Margaret & Peter at 1-800-529-8386. ADOPTION A loving alternative We offer counseling, and adoption services to help you plan the best future for you and your baby. No fees or obligations. Statewide since 1893. Nebraska Children's Home, 4600 Valley Rd. Suite 314,483-7879. Home study approved. Loving, childless couple wishes to adopt newborn. Full-time mom and devoted dad (an adoptee himself) offers your baby a lifetime of love, laughter and security. Please call Ailie and Bill anytime. 1-800-31S-2348. __ Our home is fitted with love, laughter, art and music, for your newborn! Expenses paid call Barbara and Rtch ard, 1-800-928-4552. LEARN TO MANAGE STRESS & REDUCE ANXIETY LeamskHls for reducing anxiety* copira with stress. New topic weekly: Mondays 1230-1J2Q, Rm. 338, NU. No registration—DROP k Questions call CAPS 472-7450. STRESS MANAGEMENT & BIOFEED-BACK CLINIC The Bfe of a student can be stressful. When being “stressed our leads to headaches & other problems, visa the clinic at Counseling* Psychological Services. For an appointment, call 472-7450.__ WOMEN'S CENTER Counseling and support groups for women. 472-2597.340NebraakaUniorrcSlforinfbrma bon. Need Insurant? Jim Wallace474-5077. American Fam HlMnajfance-Rerrters, Auto, Home, Health, and Life. Lecture Notes: W» take notes m your classes! Over 100 sets to choose from. Cal or stop in and browse. Grade A Notes at Nebraska Bookstore, Lower Level, 1300 Q Street, 477 7400.__ Foreign students ESreencard Program available. 1-800-660-7167 & 72-7168. #20231 Stagg St. Canoga Park, CA~ Don't over pay for quality used CD's/LP’s/casettes/post ers. Check out Backtrack Records, 3833 South 48th. 489-3817. Lincoln Crisis Pregnancy Center Free pregnancy testconfidential counseling. Call for appt. 475-2501 “FREE TRIPS & CASH!"* Find out how hundreds of students are already earning FREE TRIPS and LOTS OF CASH with America’s #1 Spring Break company I Sell only 15 trips and travel free I Choose Cancun, Bahamas, Mazatlan. or Florida! CALL NOW! TAKE A BREAK STUDENT TRAVEL {800)96 BREAK! Do you need your term paper typed? Kim's Typing Service. Call 4&-9124, Resonable Rates, Resume Service: Fast friendly, professional 8 accurate. Lower LwtMXWQStrert, 4777400.’ Resumes By Ann Quality resumes, professional writers. Over 14 years experience, proven results. Resumes sayssaga^gaai&ttis S.w*5*’® ctos^ sponsored by: fiecUttf « JinMBHPI| |k Gnsanti's Casual Italian Restaurant is looking for high energy, fun, upbeat, professional Associates. Now taking applications for all positions. Apply in person, 6820 “O* St. It’s Sunny and Warm in Orlando Florida! Spend your Christmas break at some of Orlando’s finest resort hotels as pool attendants and activity directors. National Recreation company has immediate openings for part-time and full-time positions. Call 800-864-6762 for more information and application. Lawn care help. $6.50/hr and up. Call 430-6658. Looking for a few good men to hash for 60 good women. Call 436-6909. Maximize Your Income Growing telecommunications company offers career with 46?ei222ney makin9 potential- No telemarketing. Call Models Wanted Fashion and Commerical Print. Females from 57 and up and males from 5'10 and up. Call between 1:00 and 5:30pm. 475-2768. Need Home Care for elderly person- Approximately 2-4 weeks, December. Flexible Schedule-Call 421-1433. leave message. NOW HIRING Super Circuit Attendant Wanted: Students with weight training experience and exceptional customer service skills. Prior experience in a weight training/fitness environment recommended. Exer cise Science major or related field helpful. Responsible for overseeing the Cybex Super Circuit equipment and its users. Starting pay is $5.00 an hour. Applications are available at the Campus Recreation office and may be turned in there to Andy Link. Apply by December 5,1995. Part-time delivery person needed M-F 1:30-5:30. Excel lent driving record. Please apply at Danter Dental Lab 125 S 9th_ Part-time position available working in Dental Lab. M-F, 5:30am-8am. No experience necessary. Will provide training. Close to Campus. Apply in person at 125 S. 9th. Part-time mail clerk Collects and processes incoming and outgoing mail. Must have ability to process written and printed material. Be dependable and reliable. Must have the abiltity to move objects weighing approximately 60 pounds. Prefer PC experience and typing ability. Hours are 12pm-5:30 or 6:00pm Monday-Friday (depending on workload) with additional hours the first of the month and during vaca tions. For more details call the First Commerce Job Hotline 434 4700. Equal Opportunity Employer Part-time child care teacher for school-aged children. Experience working with groups of elementary-aged chil dren, arts, crafts, sports, drama, and music activities are a plus. 475-0805. Part-time cashier needed. 2-7pm Tuesday-Friday. 10-6 on Saturday. Apply 1745 O Street. Family Thrift Center. Quality child care assistant needed. Part-time, flexible around school schedule, MUST BE DEPENDABLE, Call Kim 430-9019. Ready to aet in the Holiday Spirit? The Lincoln University Club needs experienced wait staff for holiday parties and beyond. Apply on the eleventh floor of the Stuart Theatre building at 13th and P. Ask for Rita, Jess or Carma. Runner for a local law firm. Must have own transportation. Afternoon hours preferred, tf interested, send resume and cover letter to: Administrator, P.O. Box 81849 Lincoln, NE 68501. Position to start mid-December. Sheridan Child Development Center Is now taking applications for part-time help, afternoons, apply today at 3700 Sheridan Blvd, or call 483-5037. SPRING SEMESTER Need Classified Advertising/Receptionist, HAVE TO HAVE Monday-10:30-11:30am, Weonesday-9:30-11:30, Friday-10:30-11:30 OPEN, can acquire more hours though. Must be able to type 35-40 WPM. Please apply in person at the Daily Nebraska, 34 Nebraska Union (in the basement). Ask for Tiffiny, Dan, or Amy. Swim instructors and lifeguards needed. Apply Northeast YMCA, 2601 N. 70th St. TELEPHONE INTERVIEWERS National Research Corporation, the healthcare industry's leading provider of market research, is now accepting applications for its professional interviewing staff. NRC offers: ‘Evening & weekend hours ‘Flexible scheduling ‘Convenient downtown location ‘Paid parking ‘Paid training ‘Competitive hourly wage ‘Casual work environment ‘ABSOLUTELY NO SELLING! For more information or to schedule an interview, please call the Data Collection Department: 475-4520 between 8am & 5pm Monday-Friday. TGI Friday’s Now hiring line cooks ana dishwashers. 210 N 48th. I The YMCA is hiring youth basketball supervi- I sors and officals. Please apply at downtown | YMCA in the Youth Sports Office at 1039 P St. I Babysitter needed in home. Mon-Thurs, approx. 6pm 10pm. Contact Melissa or Marc 438-4289. Child care needed tor 3 children. Wed. and Fri. from 11:30am-9:30pm, must have own transportation. Need Dec 1, but could start next sememster. 484-7960. NANNIES!! The Elite Nanny Service! Call us to find the best jobs available in the childcare field. One-year commitment only. Nannies Plus 1-800-752-0078. Nanny Los Angeles. Female student needed to care for 4-year old girl and 10-year old boy. Light Housekeeping. Dec/Jan start. 1 year commitment. Excellent childcare refs and driving record required. Near UCLA. (310)470-4662. •‘Flexible Hours** Work study students needed at city/east campus librar ies. Day. evening or weekend hours. $4.60-$4.85/hr. Apply at Love Library, Rm. 108, 472-3963. ACT NOW, DON’T DREAM! STUDENTS WANTED! ALL OTHER MOTIVATED PEO PLE WANTED! OWN YOUR OWN BUSINESS/PT/FT/ CHOOSE ANY OF 5 FANTASTIC WHOLESALING OP PORTUNITIES/NO INVESTMENT/MAPLE LEAF MER CHANDISE/ #1 -800-711 -2390/ 24 HOURS 400s Housing Publisher’s Notice All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or intention to make any such preferences, limitations or discrimination. The Daily Ne braskan will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law or discriminates against sexual preferences. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis. Female roommate needed, newly remodeled 2-bedroom mobile home, some pets accepted, available second semester, call Cathy, 474-3849. Non-smoking female to share house. 3 blocks to UNL. Private living quarters and bath. $250, utilities paid. 476 9416. Galvin and Hobbes _by Bill Watterson PEOPLE KEEP TALONS ABOUT OPEN'vUG- MORE WILDERNESS FOR. DEMELOPtAEKE^ / i I 3 I 1 2 5 1 5 I _ <g VIE SEEM TO UNDERSTAND THE VALUE WE NEED TO START \ VENA,, IF OUR OF OIL, TIMBER, MINERALS, AND PUTTING PRICES IWCWB ARE WORTH HOUSING, BUT NOT THE VALUE OF ON THE PRICELESS. A ULUON UNSPOILED BEAUTX, WILDLIFE, ' JILLION BAQlLLloN, SOLITUDE, AND SPIRITUAL RENEWAL. THINK WHAT * j ALASKA \S WORTH. K—v Crossword Edited by Eugene T. Maleska No. 0206 ACROSS 25 Edward II . _. dreaded this 1 Eisenhower was o™* - one in 1911 ^cot - a r 27 Cancel 6A-Fconnection lx _ . . 29 Malt addition 10 Smidgen .. . 30 Super 13 utin^ 31 Got nosy "IS MWordbk 4«uauK»n.ioi4 36 With 37 Across, ’ ,ishdish sometimes ~ 37 See 36 Across 17 Vitamin C source 41 Poppycock! 19 Baseball’s 43 Sourdough’s Hodges activitV 20 Comedienne 44 Leaning Vance 46 Lat. case 21 Pitcher 48 Go slowly Hershiser 49 Queen of rhyme 22 Merry time? Marseilles 53 Casanova was month - one ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE r I l i i i i i i i i i i 54 Word of woe 55 Conceit 57 Luau souvenir 58 Defeatist’s grumble 62 Coffee maker 63 Sign up 64 Dines at home 65 Tippler 66 Some are even 67 Intended DOWN 1 Burning Tree instructor 2 Celtic sea god 3 Lisa on “Green Acres” 4 Hold together 5 Somewhat large composer? 6 Meanies 7 Sang like a cicada 8 Coin for Hamlet 9 Uncle, to 25 Across 10 Kennel adjunct 11 Each 12 Ball girl? 14 . a-clock scholar” 18 Shifted a sail 21 Resonant 22 Rumple 23 Sally Kirkland * movie: 1987 24 Elvis, to many 26 Quiche ingredient 28 Marching 47 Northern 56 Apportion bands’ sounds constellation M Song from 32 Self-assurance 49 Bad, to Brutus “Sunny” 33 Printing spaces , 35 A Texas Hood «> Concealed 59 Clothing-label 35 a 1 exas Mogg once more letterS 38 Letter opener 39 Breeze 51 p,ace 60 Sermon topic 40 Like a custard 52 Soprano Faith 61 An end for 42 Careworn depend 43 Story lines 44 Jacket or dance 45 Start of a Gershwin song title