OlNON Monday, November 20, 1995 Page 4 Daily Nebraskan Editorial Board University of Nebraska-Lincoln J. Christopher Haiti.Editor, 472-1766 Rainbow Rowell.Managing Editor Mark Baldridge.Opinion Page Editor DeDra Janssen.Associate News Editor Doug Koutna.Arts & Entertainment Editor JeffZeleny.... .Senior Reporter Matt Woody.Senior Reporter James Mehsling.Cartoonist Aaron Steckelberg/DN Who blinked? Both sides win in budget compromise The flip of light switches that have been off for six days will be heard today in federal buildings across the country. Nearly 800,000 federal workers will return to work. And while both Congress and the President breathe a collective sigh of relief, the question is not who blinked?, but was this im passe necessary? Maybe so. The U.S. government was paralyzed by gridlock for a week, but the result was a victory for the long-term prognosis of the country. “This is not a win for Republicans or Democrats, it is a win for the American people,” said Senate Budget Committee Chairman Sen. Pete Domenici, R-N.M. Yet both sides are claiming victory. But if each side has won, the people of this country may be get ting the best of both worlds. The Republicans have nailed down President Clinton to a a seven year timetable for balancing the budget. But Clinton is only committed to seven years if he can protect his priorities of Medicare, Medicaid, education, environmental pro grams and the earned income tax credit for the working poor. Is this too good to be true? Maybe so. Only a preliminary budget has been signed. The real debate lies ahead. But the conditions under which this deal was cut portends well for negotiations over the entire budget. A balanced budget is desirable for the future fiscal health of the country, but as it stood, the Republican plan was harsh and unfair. But a balanced budget that protects Clinton’s priorities will po tentially boost economic growth while keeping valuable govern ment services intact. Both Congressional Republicans and President Clinton have seen their priorities upheld. Such a scenario is good for everyone. No one blinked. Editorial policy Staff editorials represent die official policy of the Fall 1995 Daily Nebrasr kan. Policy is set by the Daily Nebras kan Editorial Board. Editorials do not necessarily reflect the views of the university, its employees, the students or the NU Board of Regents. Editorial columns represent the opinion of the author. The regents publish the Daily Nebraskan. They establish the UNL Publications Board to supervise the daily production of the paper. Accord ing to policy set by the regents, respon sibility for the editorial content of the newspaper lies solely in the handsof its students. Letter policy The Daily Nebraskan welcomes brief letters to the editor from all readers and interested others. Letters will be selected for publication on die basis of clarity, originality, timeliness and space available. The Daily Nebraskan retains the right to edit or reject all material submitted. Readers also are welcome to submit mate rial as guest opinions. The editor decides whether material should run as a guest opinion. Letters and guest opinions sent to the newspaper become the property of the Daily Nebraskan and cannot be re turned. Anonymous submissions will not be pub lished. Letters should include the author’s name, year in school, major and group affiliation, if any. Re quests to withhold names will not be granted. Submit material to: Daily Nebraskan, 34 Nebraska Union, 1400 R St Lincoln, Neb. 685884)448. VIHHl \ ASKfb If too \ \MERE TSRtX TftVtOFF; | WAS KCFEKRlUfi ■ "TC TUP muc Sing a pore The article, “Seow unveils Singapore’s evils,” (Nov. 16) regarding Francis Seow on Singapore was a total dismayal to me. As a Singaporean, I would like to clarify a couple of issues: 1. Many, many Singaporeans love the former PM, Lee Kuan Yew. He has been a blessing to this small country of ours, and I feel so angry with Francis Seow for citing Lee’s style of government as “authoritar tan. Because of Lee, Singapore is still a safe, clean, and fun place to live and work. Singapore is far from a “Stalinist Russia.” 2. Singapore is an island para dise. Maybe, as according to Francis Seow, “3,000 to 4,000 Singaporeans emigrate from the country each year.” Did Francis Seow leave out the countless thousands that would not mind being a Singaporean? The figure Seow gave could be due to people who move for work- - related reasons, or for something else. Docs he truly know these few thousands of people emigrate because they cannot tolerate the government? Readers, be forewarned: Francis Seow was not an appropriate speaker for the Forum On The World Issues lecture series. Kirti S. Doshi Sophomore Business Mgt. via e-mail Thank You For Pot Smoking! In the article “Campus pot arrests increase” (Nov. 8) is is stated that 13 teen-agers have been arrested this semester for smoking marijuana or for possession of marijuana or i-; drug paraphernalia. In the seven most recent cases police were contacted after the smell of burning marijuana was noticed by passers-by — not because the residents were disturbing the peace or presenting a threat to the other residents. I find it disturbing that the police were notified because of something someone was doing in the privacy of their own room — something that presented no danger to their neighbors or anyone else. Are the actions of the arrestees such that they require police intervention? Consider that America’s favorite legal drugs, alcohol and nicotine, are solely responsible for thousands of deaths every year, yet marijuana has never been proven the sole cause of a death due to usage. Proof of brain damage and other popular myths of marijuana use does ff Aaron Steckelberg/DN not exist. Whether one understands the effects of marijuana use is not as important as the principal that one should have respect for another’s personal freedom and privacy. Matt Chmielewski Junior Mechanical Engineering No rath Regarding your Nov. 6 editorial “Time to heal,” it contained strange phraseology. “Ruthlessness” in dealing with enemies is not exactly innovative, especially when the enemies’ avowed purpose is to utterly destroy you—and especially when those enemies have terrorized your civilians for 47 years! Israel has tried to “put down the sword” since 1049, to little avail. Norman Harris San Diego -- Send your brief letters to: ' f’O the* Daily Nebraskan, 34 I——I ... i ^ /1 IC7 Nebraska Union, 1400 R St., -*-| Lincoln, Neb. 68588, or Fax to (402) 472-1761, or email cletters @ unlinfo.unl.edu.> ^ . L—11- Letters must be signed and |Hg|gi Nebraskan sssaf—*•"**