The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 20, 1995, Image 1

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Today - Mostly sunny and
cooler. Northwest wind 15
to 25 mph.
Tonight - Fair. Low in the
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Shutdown ends; both sides claim victory
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Clinton ad
ministration and Republican congressional lead
ers ended a six-day budget standoff Sunday
night, sending federal employees back to work
after the White House committed to speedy
negotiations to balance the budget in seven
“Tomorrow the government will go back to
work and now the debate will begin in earnest,”
President Clinton said, appearing in the White
House press room shortly after the deal was
By voice votes, the Senate and House adopted
identical one-day measures to reopen the gov
ernment. The Senate also approved a bill fund
ing the government through Dec. 15 and the
House planned to follow on Monday.
President Clinton signed the resolution at
10:10 p.m. The 24-hOur measure “permits all
government employees to return to work tomor
row,” White House spokesman Jim Fetig said.
Both sides declared victory — Republicans
because the deal reflected their seven-year time
table and Clinton because it spoke of protecting
programs he considers important.
Senate Budget Committee Chairman Pete
Domenici, R-N.M., said, “I hope in the next
three or four weeks we will produce a balanced
budget with the president on board.”
In the four-week spending bill, the White
House and Republicans agreed the balanced
budget legislation would “protect future gen
erations, secure Medicare solvency, reform
welfare, provide adequate funding for Medic
aid, education, agriculture, national defense,
veterans and the environment.”
The bill docs not, as the White House had
sought, raise the government’s $4.9 trillion
borrowing ceiling. However, private experts
agree the Treasury Department can avoid the
ceiling for months by tapping retirement trust
funds set aside for the civil service.
The agreement followed a long day of nego
tiating against a backdrop of restlessness among
federal employees and the public. Forty percent
of the federal work force — nearly 800,000
employees — have been on furlough.
In a compromise key to the agreement, the
two sides said the Congressional Budget Office
will measure whether or not any eventual bud
get deal eliminates deficits, but only after con
sulting with the White House and other govern
ment and private economists.
The argument over whose technical and eco
nomic assumptions are used is important be
cause the White House budget office’s forecast
would permit nearly $500 billion more in spend
ing over seven years than the congressional
office’s prediction.
Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole, R-Kan.,
and House Speaker Newt Gingrich, R-Ga., and
their chief deputies held a news conference
where they could barely contain their euphoria.
“All I can say is, Yes!”’ House Budget
Committee Chairman John Kasich, said, thrust
ing two clenched fists in the air. Republicans
credited Sen. Trent Lott, R-Miss., for the key
A reporter asked Dole, “Who blinked?” He
responded with a smith and two words: “Seven
But Clinton said the agreement “represents
the first sign of their (Republicans’) willingness
to move forward without forcing unacceptable
cuts... on the American people.”
Senate Democratic Leader Thomas Daschle
and the White House chief of staff, Leon Panetta,
said the Democrats would be able to protect
Medicare, Medicaid, education, the environ
ment and a tax credit for working poor families.
Clinton said he would veto a seven-year budget
that failed to provide protections in these areas.
“It preserves all of our options,” Daschle, D
S.D., said.
Arctic tents warm up in Morrill
By Paula Lavigne
Senior Reporter
Karl Kuivinen wouldn’t nor
mally have beads of sweat on his
forehead while setting up an arctic
Kuivinen, director of the Polar
Ice Coring Office, usually works in
below-freezing temperatures, but
lie set up tents in the more temper^
ate zone of Morrill Hall Sunday.
Although there wasn’t any snow
or ice, museum patrons explored
the polar world of an arctic re
searcher during a one-day exhibit
called “Living and Working at the
Ends of the Earth.”
The exhibit opened in conjunc
tion with the “Paintings from the
Antarctic Wilderness” display in
the museum’s Cooper Gallery.
Children climbed in and out of
tents, tried on oversized boots and
gloves and watched an ice-coring
drill demonstration.
The exhibit interested more than
children, though.
Laura Ortmann, a freshman bi
ology major, went to the exhibit
because she wants to work in the
She said the exhibit showed a
more temporary research site,
whereas she would like to work at a
permanent research station.
Her triend, Dana Packard, a
freshman biological systems engi
neering major, said she wanted to
work in Alaska but didn’t know if
she could handle the below-zero
Freezing temperatures would be
no problem for Rick Clark and Eric
Grclson, graduate geology students.
Clark and Grelson work with Uni
versity of Nebraska-Lincoln scien
tists compiling data gathered at the.
Both are of Swedish and Norwe
gian descent, they said, and would
welcome a chilly summer.
“I have nothing good to say about
summer, and I never will,” Clark
Kuivinen said the exhibit was
designed to give people an under
standing of what it was like work at
the poles. Kuivinen has spent 33
seasons working in the inland areas
of either Antarctica, Greenland or
Setting up the tents, he said, was
like “setting up an old home.”
“I’ve lived in all these tents,” he
A summer day in Greenland has
temperatures ranging from 20 be
low zero to 20, he said, so the tents
are designed to trap body heat.
. . Scott Bruhn/DN
WftA\«^^#ho9cilJSl?*wC,2th^,W0m by researchers in the arctic at the “Living and
Working at the Ends of the Earth exhibit Sunday at Morrill Hall
“A good day in the Antarctic or
Greenland is like the worst day of
winter here,” he said.
The Scott Tent, designed for
cold, dry conditions, could “save
your life in almost any situation,”
he said.
The Arctic Oven is used for cold,
wet conditions, he said, and has an
impermeable outer layer and insu
lation that make temperatures about
50 degrees higher than the outside
“You could really seal yourself
up in there,” he said.
On the other side of the room,
Clint Rowe, a climatologist study
ing the effects of climate change on
the Greenland ice sheet, demon
strated a hand-held drill.
The small drill is used to collect
ice cores about 10 meters deep, he
said. Some of the larger drills can
collect ice cores about 2 miles deep.
The ice cores are used to find
two types of oxygen isotopes, he
said, which can give an indication
of what the temperature was like
during a specific time.
By Paula Lavigne_
Senior Reporter
Departments need to work together
within a university if they want to
succeed, said John Kozak, a candidate
for chancellor at the University of
Kozak, provost at Iowa State Uni
versity, was the first of three candi
dates to visit the university. He spoke
at a press conference Friday.
He stressed the importance of fac
ulty members working in disciplines
other than their own and doing re
search with faculty of other disciplines.
A workinguniversity is like a well
tuned orchestra, he said.
“You have a violin here, a tuba
there, an oboe over here and a harpsi
chord over there,” he said. “Each of
these instruments can be played with
marvelous ability and dexterity, but if
you bring them together you have an
“You have everyone together to
make beautiful music.”
See KOZAK on 3
upset by
By Paula Lavigne
Senior Reporter
The chancellor search committee
should have looked for qualified can
didates outside those serving in top
administrative positions, the chair
woman of the UNL Faculty Women’s
Caucus said Sunday.
Caucus members were angered
over theall-malelineupofthree chan
cellor candidates at the University of
The caucus issued a resolution Fri
day stating it was “shocked and dis
mayed the search committee could
not see fit to include even one woman
among its three finalists.”
Caucus Chairwoman Mary
McGarvey, associate economics pro
fessor, said the committee should have
made an attempt to include more
women members in itscandidatepool.
See CAUCUS on 3