Hagel says country ready for renewal By Patty Wewel Staff Reporter Chuck Hagel is running for the U.S. Senate as a a business man, not a politician. There are already too many ca reer politicians in Washington, the Omaha Republican told more than 50 people at Wednesday night’s College Republicans meeting. Career politicians, who have never held jobs outside of politics, can’t understand how the real world operates, Hagel said. Politics, he said, is about re newal. And the country is ready for both an economic and cultural re newal. It is time, Hagel said, to cut the size and scope of government, to decrease regulations and to open new markets. Government power needs to return to the states, coun ties and cities. That return would make politicians accountable to the people. However, he said, a cultural re newal would be a bigger challenge. Values such as personal account ability, self-dignity and common sense need to be anchored in pro grams such as welfare. Until the nation focuses on cul tural changes, other changes won’t happen, he said. Hagel said his campaign would be free of smear tactics. Political campaigns are negative and vicious, he said, which discourages good candidates from running. He wants to set an example that a campaign can be effective without being vi cious. “Remember one thing, you don’t get a senator back for six years. The job is about judgment, background and experience.” Kozak Continued from Page 1 want to see him,” Lewis said. He may be reserved, but Kozak likes to get out of the office. “I enjoy running every day,” he said. “Sometimes it’s nice to let the rust fall off.” Workjpg at Big Eight universities has made him a “college football junkie,” and he and his wife attend several concerts in Ames, Iowa, each year. Their three children have followed in Kozak’s academic footsteps. His daughter, Jenny, graduated from Vanderbilt University with a de gree in business and math and teaches high school in Boston. Joe, a sophomore environmental engineering major, attends Notre Dame. Greg, a Notre Dame graduate, is now in graduate school at the Uni versity of Michigan studying geologi cal sciences. His two sons waited to attend Notre Dame until after their father left the school. “My son told me he’d never go to a university where his dad was the principal.” Womens Services, P.C. • Abortion Services Performed During All Legal Stages • Tubal Ligations • Birth Control • Awake or Asleep • Outpatient Care • Total OB/GYN Health Care • Caring Staff Call for an appointment: 201 South 46th St. 554-0110 or 1-800-922-8331 Omaha, Nebraska Dance Program Howell Theatre 12th & R Streets Postcards from Nebraska Fall Dance Concert November 30 & December 1-2 at 8 pm December 3 at 3 pm ^ TICKETS: 472-2073 P.O. PEARS NO COVER Every Thursday Night $2.49 Pitchers of Miller Ijtf & I After Shock Girls 9-11 322 S.9TH STREET LINCOLN, NE 68508 476-8551 SUPPORT YOUR FAVORITE CBA FACULTY MEMBER AND GRADUATE ASSISTANT. NOMINATE THEM FOR THE This prestigious award is given annually to a CBA faculty member/graduate assistant who has made a difference in the academic lives of students. Let us know about your positive experience! NOMINATION FORMS AVAILABLE IN 138 CBA DEADLINE: November 28,1995 edge ■- - - _____ MEN S SOCCER 1. Lambda Qii Alpha (4-0) 2. Golden Horn Q (4-0) 3. Cather 10 (4-0) 4. The Blue Team (4-0) 5. Kappa Sigma (4-0) 6. Harper 4 (4-0) 7. VivaLaTopa (4-1) 8. Phi Gamma Delta (4-0) 9. Delta Upsilon-B2 (4-0) 10. Hooligans (4-1) WOMEN'S SOCCER 1. Alpha Chi Omega £ (3-0) 2. Abel 2 (4-0) 3. Law School (3-1) 4. Delta Gamma ^ * "(2-2) 5.Sandoz2 ^(2-2) MEN'S VOLLEYBALL 1. Lambda Chi Alpha (4-0) 2. Piper 2B (3-0) 3. Delta Upsilon (3-0) 4. Team Gult (4-0) 5. Abel 2B (5-0) 6. Haze Grey (2-0) 7. Pi Kappa Phi (3-1) 8. Chi Phi-C (4-0) 9. Regulators C (4-0) 10. Phi Gamma Delta 2 (4-1) W X WOMEN'S VOLLEYBALL 1. Alpha Phi A (3-0) 2. Huskers ^ (4-0) 3. Sandoz 6A ^ (5-0) 4. Killer Bee's w ^^k (4-0) 5. Volley Girls (4-0) 6. Who Cares (4-0) 7. Kappa Alpha Theta ^^k (3-1) 8. Delta Gamma B W (3-1) 9. East Husker Girls m (2-1) 10. Schramm 5B (4-1)