The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 07, 1995, Page 12, Image 12
Classified^ Tuesday, November 7, 1995 Page 12 A0> PHi’s and friends ON FOOT Walk-a-thon Everyone Welcome! Nov. 12th, East Union, 10-12p.m„Call 436-7781 for more info. Congratulations to our new initiates: Jennifer Bandy, Andi Barker, Kim Becker, Sabrina Canero, Christa Brandstetter. Angie Cool, Jahna Danielson, »Elli Erickson, Jessica Fargen, Libby Ferguson, Mindy Flint, Erin Halligan, Shannon Hilt, Alison Hobson, Lynne Jencks, Brandi Johansen, Kristin Johnson, Melissa Kamler, Tami Kaschke, Angie Kaufman, Michele Lewon, Amanda Matteo. Christine Meyer, Eva Nekovar, Jodi Nelson, Sara Rutledge, Rose Ryan, Shelley Sautter, Jami Schulte, Jenni Schulte, Kris Sedivy, Gina Sharon, Becky Simpson, Holly Wiederholt, and Alison Witt. We're so proud to have you! Love, your KD sisters Congratulations Erica Woods on your engagement were so excited for you! Love Your Kappa Delta Sisters KA© Congratulations to our newest initiates: Amanda Andersen, Megan Anderson, Carolyn Armstrong, Kate Benson, Brooke Blatny, Linly Butler, Suzie Camper, Michaela Deuel, Ashley Fecht, Tasha Hahn, Jami Havel, Bridget Hoffart. Karin lossi, Laurie Jacobs, Shelby McKinley, Hillary Monie, Amber Osnes, Heather Prucha, Natalie Ruhl, Kelli Sake, Sara Spence, Kelly Spreen, Jamie Stallings, Jill Steinheider. Jacque Stem, Jessica Stem, Natalie Teaford, SueTresham, KaelaTworek, Kelly Velinsky, Lynn Welch, Sara Wenande, Megan Wigert, Julie Williams. Love, Your Theta Sisters Looking for hashers that appreciate good food. A sorority Hbmssia 5 Year Projection Comm. The committee reviews and updates the previous 5 Year Projection Comm, report on the future of UNL. Applica tions available at 115 Nebr. Union. Deadline Nov. 15. Homecoming Steering Committee Coordinator This person will coordinate all 6f the events of Homecom ing 1996. Application available at ASUN office, 115 Nebr. Union, deadline November 17. _ I am looking fora journalist named Ron S. Good job, great benefits. Call 436-5372._ FOUND: ID bracelet by Andrews Hall. Claim at the DN. Congratulations 1994 National Champion Nebraska Cornhuskers. Wanted: your national championship rings. Please call collect (617)527-8922, 4-9pm EST. Wanted 100 Students. Lose 8-100 pounds. New metab olism breakthrough. I lost 15 pounds in three weeks. RN assisted. Guaranteed results. $35 cost. 1-800-579-1634. Fast, Easy, No Investment Necessary. Make $500 in 5 days. Greeks, clubs, anyone!! 800-862-1982 Ext 33. 300s Jobs l -- - !Entrepreneurs Wanted! Exciting new business opportunity right here, right now. Not flipping burgers, not door to door, not telemarketing, simply something you’ll love while working your own hours, determining your own wage. Call Toby, 434-3338/ 8am-5pm.__ $12-$14 per hour Great opportunity for any student This job will not inter fere with your studies or social life. Set your own hours. Call for more information, 1 -800-480-8797 or 1 -800-641 - 5647. 7 a.m.-8 p.m. $port$ Minded Competitive, energetic, team leaders needed for sales/ management positions. Excellent $$, 402-484-7339. ★ ★ ★ A RARE OPPORTUNITY TELEMARKETERS Join Lincoln s fastest growing firm where the work envi ronment is stimulating and run and where YOU CAN MAKE BIG BUCKS! Starting with a guaranteed $6.50 rate, you can earn $8.50 with good performance. We also offer paid training, awesome non-cash bonuses and flexible hours, in all, a great part-time position—see for yourself Apply in person or call Jane. EOE. IMS 434-2626 Suite 304 Golds Galleria A** f% Airline Attitude Looking (or people with professional appeal and people skills. *3-5K/month potential* Training and travel avail able. Serious inquires only. 483-2293. Assistant Managers Full and Part time. Must be 18 and responsible. Apply at 48th and O. Little Caesar's Pizza. Athletic Types Needed for exciting career in Healtn/Nutrition field. 2-4k/ month potential. 483-5892. BE PART OF WINNING THOUSANDS TO CHRIST. Vocals, drama, audio/radio engineering, office staff need ed for evangelistic ministry team. Weekend events in the Lincoln area. Student internships possible. Team mem bers have opportunity to attend Billy Graham School of Evangelism at no charge. For information, call Alan VanErt Evangelistic Association/The Living Word Sing ers. (402)477-4750 no later than November 16th. Body Builders Health/Nutrition company seeking assertive and motivat ed people to train sales team. Positive attitude required. 483-2293. Can you play the Plano? We have some excited children(lots of them) and a piano. If you would like some extra $ and can share your talent, call us. Hours are great. 438-3337. Clerks afternoon and night. Apply in person at Mike's O Street Drive-In, 22nd & O. Computer operator needed for small downtown area business. Typing profiency, friendly phone skills, and familiarity with Excel, Microsoft Word and Macintosh computers a must. Flexible daytime hours. Call 477 9256, 8am-6pm. Daylight Donuts is hiring for 6:30am-9:30am. Apply at 1625 S. 17th before 11am. Delivery Drivers Full and part time positions available. Earn $6-10/hour. Must be 18 and have good driving record. Apply at Little Caesar's, 48th & O St or Capital Beach & West O. EA SPORTS, the leader in sports video games is looking for a motivated student to organize a campus video game football tournament. Must have great organizational skills and play sports video games. You will receive cash plus reference letter and games. Stop by SEIC for more information or call Eric Petersen @415-513-7175 or e East Union food service. Part-time hours available. Flex ible schedule. Call 472-1731, ask for Kim or Shelley. i, Monday thru Friday, 10 and M. Will train. Phone CANCUN-SOUTH PADRE ISLAND Early booking savings until Nov. 15,1995 Guaranteed Lowest Price Book early for the lowest price & best properties FR0M$ 9 9 $399*r South Padre ri cen..<m I I* , i . Associated Bioscience. Inc. Earn Extra CASH for the HOLIDAYS. and Perform a Life Saving Service "Donate Plasma” at ABI Open Longer Hours, 7 Days A Week! Monday-Thursday .7:30am-8:30pm ( Friday . 7:30am-7:30pm 1 Saturday . 7:30am-5:30pm Sunday . 9:00am-4:00pm New donors receive S25.00 on 1st donation. S5.00 bonus i for new donors on Sunday. Return donors earn S20.00 on 1st donation after 3 month lapse. Call Today for More Info: 475-8645 UNIVERSITY PLASMA CENTER • 1442 nO" STREET Make Money Now Rapidly growing telecommunications business opportu nity; flexible hours, no experience needed. This simple program offers substantial earnings potential and can be done completely over the phone from your room or apartment. (402)466-5005, M-F, 8-5. Merry Manor School of Childhood Inc. is looking for a part time afternoon teachers aid. Please apply at 320 N. 48th. NE Book Company Inc. 4700 S 19th We have a few openings, part-time day hours, inside dean work. Accepting applications for now and semester break. Call Mr. Egger, 421-0402. EOE Now taking applications for full and part-time at Campus Comer Mi S and Kabredlos. Please apply at Campus Corner on 17th and R. Ogden Entertainment Services PART TIME Event HELP WANTED. Flexible hours Show set-up and tear down. Other duties will Indude Building Maint. No experience necessary. Paid training program for people willing to learn. Day and over night hours available. Dependability a must. Apply Monday Friday Pershing Auditorium 226 Centennial Mall So. Lincoln, Ne EOE. Part-time nanny 2 days a week. Jan-April. Southeast Lincoln. Must be non-smoker. Own Transportation. Ref erences. 423-7279. Part-Time Cashier Fixed schedule. Evenings and weekends. $5.50 to start. Please call Ron or Cary at 467-5441. Part-time positions are available in the following depart ments at Hinky Dinky, 48th and VanDorn. Some week ends are required. Evening Sackers; Daytime and evening deli, must be 18: Afternoon and evening floral designer; evening stocker. Apply at the Courtesy Booth today. Part-time Teacher Assistant. Join our exciting early childhood program. 7-9am or 3 6pm. Also need subs. Any days of 9-12:30pm. Little Kingdom, 5100 Old Cheney. Part-time positions available for mornings or afternoons, Monday-Friday. Apply at Lollipop Farm. 301 S. 48th. Phone Volunteers Needed Excellent experience for Human Service majors. Lincoln Personal Crisis Service will hold a one-day volunteer training session. Saturday, Nov. 18 from 9am-4:30pm at Trabert Hall, 1st floor conference room, 2202 S. 11th St. To register call 475-5171, leave your name and phone number. The Voice We Need is Yours Make a difference by being heard. While you learn about how to make a difference in society, you can earn credit towards our new tuition reimbursement plan. Great pay and flexible hours mean you need to call Hudson Bay Company now to schedule an interview. 476-1010, 12 3pm. Mon-Thur. Two part-time positions available working in Dental Lab. M-F, 5:00am-7:30am, 2pm-6pm. No experience neces sary. Will provide training. Close to Campus. Apply in person at 125 S. 9th. Wal-Mart is hiring for both permanent and temporary positions. We have FT and PT positions available. Appli cations taken on Monday at 2:30 p.m. and on Thursday at 6 p.m. 4700 N. 27th. Wanted!!! Individuals, Student Organizations to Promote SPRING BREAK. Earn MONEY and FREE TRIPS. CALL INTER CAMPUS PROGRAMS 1-800-327-6013 WANTED: Students to complete a study on religious change. Looking for students who have had a dramatic change in religious belief since high school (i.e. leaving your faith). You will be paid $6 for one hour to complete the surveys anonymously. Contact Brandy Randall at 472-3310. 400s Housing Publisher’s Notice All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or intention to make any such preferences, limitations or discrimination. The Daily Ne braskan will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law or discriminates against sexual preferences_ 2 bedrooms in 5-bedroom house. Available between now and semester. $165/month + 1/5 utilities. 476-6384. Female roommate needed for 3-bedroom duplex in Col lege View area. $187.50+ 1/3 utilities. 438-1647, 430 0464. Female roommate needed to share a 2-bedroom apart ment dose to East Campus. $220 +1/2 utilities. Call 466 4839. M/F roommate needed to share 2 bedroom apartment, $155 + 1/3 utilities. Comfortable, quiet, clean atmo sphere, 3 blocks from campus. Call 438-2507. M/F. Huge 5-bedroom duplex. 2 bath. A/C, washer/dryer, dishwasher. $172.50 + deposit. Available 12/1. 475 2203. Roommate needed to sublease spadous 3 bedroom apartment. Close to campus. $220 + 1/3 utilities. Call Brian 438-6201. Roommate needed to share 4-bedroom house near cam pus. Available Dec. 1. $175 + utilities. 435-3168. Roommate needed. Five bedroom house in Capital Beach area. $193.75 plus 1/4 utilities. Move in anytime. 435-8769. Roommate Wanted. One block from UNL Campus, $195+ utilities. Call 435-1902. 1427 N. 21 st. Real nice 4-bedroom. 2 full baths. Parking. Near campus. $675. 432-0644, 432-6644. 2832 Dudley. Very nice 4-bedroom, near campus, park ing. Available Dec 1, $650. 432-0644, 432-6644. 702 South. Updated 2 bd, W/D hookups, appliances, no pets. S500+dep. References and lease. 423-0212, 475 1127 N 30th, New 2-bedroom, C/A, dishwasher, Washer/ Dryer hookups, $500+deposit. Available 11-1,488-2094. New 3 bedroom 2 bath duplex, 5 minutes from downtown. Ind. garage. N/S, no pets. 475-2323. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! $100.00 SPECIAL Could you use some extra cash? If you qualify & rent a 1 or 2 BR unit, from $314. we’ll give you $100!! 640 S. 20. 475-7262. 1107 L St. Lg studio, newly remodeled, heat pd., safe downtown location - only $280. Phoenix Proprerties 474 5327, 2 bedroom, located between campuses, on bike and bus routes, private entrance, utilities paid, free cable, off street parking, semi-furnished, $430/month, 474-2181. 2- bedroom apartment, 2423 B Street. No pets, housing, good location. Call 489-6969 after 6pm. 2221 S St. New, 2-bedroom, 2-bath, dishwasher, micro wave. Close to campus. $495. Call 438-4514. 244 S 26th. 1-bedroom, utilities paid, off-street parking, laundry Leave message, 483-2357. 2726 Dudley, Newly remodeled One-bedroom apart ment, $240/month + utilities, deposit required, Between both campuses. Call 789-7500 or (Cell)432-7575. 3- BR apartment available December 1 st. Claremont Park Apartments. Call anytime 477-9364. Affordable Apartments One, two & three bedrooms available, $225-$550 Management One 477-2600 Apartments on Campus 1 & 2 bedrooms available. Nonsmoking, laundry, guaran teed parking, secure access. UNL shuttle stop, $425-475 per month. 477-6578. Close to Campus 1121 N. 28th: middle floor, huge BR, dusty rose or grey decor, sharp! $350, heat pd. 2504 Vine: 1BR, lower level, new carpet, $350, heat pd. 4300 Cornhusker Hwy: 2BR, 2 Ba., top floor, W/D hk-up, neutral color, private deck, BEAUTIFUL! $520-$550. Walk to Union College: 4537 Prescott. 2BR, 2 ba., FP, all appli., spacious, $450. Cherry Hill Management Moral Management 489-4857. Close to campus, 2511 R. Large 3-bedroom, laundry, off street parking, C/A, security entrance, no pets. $545,435 6811. Colonial Heights Apartments One-, two- and three-bedroom apartments available. Tanning bed and indoor heated pool. 421-3070. Efficiencies and one bedrooms. Near campus. Secured building. $225-$275. No pets. Call 477-3648. Efficiency apartment dose to city campus. $225 heat, gas stove, water paid. Call 477-4490. Nebraska Center Would you like to work six days a month and live on campus? The Nebraska Center can help! The Clifford Hardin Nebraska Center for Continuing Edu cation is seeking responsible students to live at the center and provide nignt security. Position includes providing security for the center and hotel guests and hotel desk duties as needed. Hours are 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. one weekday night per week, plus rotating weekend shifts (average of six, 8-hour shifts per month). Additional on-call hours are available. Pay is $5.86/nourforan estimated 48 hoursper month. Training, uniforms and equipment are provided. This is a year round employment and housing opportunity. Housing is a one-room efficiency unit in tne Nebraska Center. The unit includes private bath, large closet, and some furnishings. Rentis$255/month plus $100 deposit. Cable TV hookup with HBO is furnished. Long-distance telephone service is available. Meals must be purchased through UNL dorm plan. The Nebraska Center is on the bus route to City Campus. If you’d like to: ‘Work with a variety of people. 'Work six nights a month. 'Uve and study on campus year-round. *Work around your schedule. Call today! 472-3820 To apply, contact Kelly Clark, director, Clifford Hardin Nebraska Center for Continuing Education, 33rd and Hotdrege streets. Lincoln, NE 68583-9700. Phone: 472 3820. The University of Nebraska-Lincoln is an AA/EO employ er_ Pine Tree Apartments—1st A Adams. 2-bedroom $460*480, 3-bedroom $625. Embassy Park Apart ments—31st A Old Chenney. 2 A 3-bedroom, $480 $645. No pats. 483-1130,483*057. r ***PRE-HEALTH STUDENTS*** ^ Had your Hep B Shots? Just 4 hours a week of your time can earn you nearly $300 a month, while you study. Call 474-2335 and ask for Tam, North American Biologicals Inc. a Daily is uur uream Happily married California couple wishes to adopt baby. We offer lots of love, a dose family, financial security, and a bright future. Expenses paid. Completely legal please caH Kathy and David collect at (310)544-5068 ADOPTION INieffer Horn*4600 Valley Rd. Suite 314,483-7879. F ADOPTION "S? I A wonderful home awaits your baby. HappBy mantled, financially secure couple wfii give much love. Expenses paid. Call Margarets Peter atl-800-529-8386 Home study approved. Loving, childless couple wishes to adopt newborn. Full-time mom and devoted dad (an adoptee himself) offers your baby a lifetime of love, laughter and security. Please caH Jufie and Biff anytime, 1-800-315-2348- _ , Sincere, secure, sensitive married coupie seeks to share a life of love & kindness with newborn. Expenses paid. Please bless us with your caH. Frances & John-1-800 531-9525. 7 MARTY ROACH AUTO 17420 STREET. See ouT vehicles ON UNE. Motom number 465-5277 (8.N. 1 ANSI). Does your bike need work? Cydo Works can fix it No repair® too large or small. Excellent service, competitive rates and fast turn-around. > W Cycle Works, 27th & Vine, 475-2453. ■ wjayrUMi; iinirtltiniinnwiil ~i^rHinrn' in^nwr 1 ii|' irngrrn