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The foundation of the concert was the tabla drums, played by Vijay Ghate. The two drums make a deep sound, like water drip ping in a cave. Ghate’s constantly changing rhythms and tempos were fantastic— subdued one moment, then a fero cious barrage of complex, interlock ing patterns. With the tabla drums, Khan played an exciting, natural exploration of the raag’s key notes. He played the 20 string instrument as though it were three instruments at once, the equiva lent ofbass, rhythm and lead guitar by himself. Ashok Krishnan, a Lincoln resi dent, played tanpura, a backing instru ment that functions like a melodic metronome to help the sitar player stay in time with the music. Krishnan is a software engineer at Advanced Business Consultants. “It is different playing with him,” Krishnan said about Khan. “He re ally tries to keep the audience enter tained. He’s a showman, and he’s good at it.” A high point of the concert was reached with the third raag, when Khan played an amazingly fast, raucous in terpretation of the song. As he dove into one joyous assault on the song after another, the classical piece reminded one of what is best about American folk or rockabilly’s passionate traditions. Khan said after the show, “With the sitar, 80 to 90 percent of the music is improvisational. There are many, many things to remember while play ing it, all at once.” “It is important at all times to re member the mood, the feeling of the raag,” he said. “The music cannot be impotent.” Music BeviewsHi “Bring ‘Em AH In” Mike Scott Chrysalis/EMI Records Grade: A With all of the things the Waterboys have done, Mike Scott remains true to his music and re mains an incredible musician. His first solo album, “Bring ‘Em All In,” is a marvelous collection of music, full of acoustic guitars, har monicas and other instruments. And it’s all Mike Scott. Scott plays every instrument on the album, and it truly is majestic. Scott’s songwriting ability creates a story in each song, unfolding within each melody and verse. On “Edinburgh Castle” it’s hard to remember that it is just Scott. With the power of three guitars play ing at almost all times, Scott’s ge nius comes into focus. The very co ordination of all his music together is masterful. His soft wispy voice is still pow erful and moving. Songs like “What do You want me to do?” and “Won derful Disguise” are soft and gentle, yet they are like starlight in that they light up bleak stories. “Wonderful Disguise,” which tells of Scott seeing the people bc hincTthe masks they put up, is poetic in its appeal. His insightful lyrics catch attention and his guitar sings along behind him. He could be sit ting in the room with you, by him self. At other times, like “Building The City Of Light,” Scott proves he can still rock without losing the acoustic guitar. He simply adds in his electric guitar and cuts loose. The power folk rock rings of the Waterboys and it’s easy to see why Scott really WAS the Waterboys. „ “Bring ‘Em All In” is an album that cannot really be classified. And Scott’s excellent solo album should not be ignored. Talent like this comes once in a blue moon, or maybe it’s only found in the City Of Light. —Cliff A. Hicks Sidney’s Continued from Page 9 chili. Sidney’s also serves malts and shakes, “made with 100 percent whole milk.” The staple of Sidney’s is their hot dogs, however, and the Chicago-style hot dog is indeed a work of art. Jackson said a true Chicago-style hot dog started with a vienna-beef sausage in a steamed poppy seed bun. The dog is then topped with mustard, diced onions, green relish, sport pep pers, tomato wedges, pickle spear and a dash of celery salt. “It’s called ‘a hot dog with a salad on top,’” he said. One standard ingredient may be missing from Sidney’s toppings list. But, Jackson said, that omission is designed to retain the integrity of the true Chicago-style hot dog. “Absolutely NO ketchup,” he said. “It’s considered blasphemy.” Wiseguys Continued from Page 9 a thick crust, Beshears said. “We cook it in something like a pie pan. We butter up the pan, put in the crust, then the cheese and toppings (generally about 1 1/2 to two times more) and the sauce on top of that.” Also available is the stuffed pizza, which involves putting the meats and I-—— cheeses on the crust, cooking it, then layering another crust on top with sauce. The whole pizza is then cooked again. “That’s why it takes longer,” Beshears said. The pizza toppings at Wiseguys come in abundance (20 to choose from), and also have a flair of unique ness with such succulent selections as artichoke hearts, spinach and broc coli, he said. “We make everything from scratch — fresh ground beef, homemade sau sage, authentic pizza sauce. “Artichoke hearts are just kind of a meaty vegetable. Those cook up re ally good in a stuffed or deep dish pizza.” Variety is a key to success at Wiseguys, he said. “We’ve got a little something for everybody,” he said. 4 MOTORCYCLE OPERATOR LICENSE YOU SAY YOU CAN RIDE? PROVE IT. A motorcycle operator license is more than a legal document. It’s proof that you are a rider of a certain caliber. Statistics show that unli censed riders account for 80% of the fatalities in some states. So get your license and prove that you can ride, motorcycle safety foundation Redormet ding by the author ay, November 6,7:30pm Andrews Hall 228 fsr ^\eisA University Bookstore ^_Lower Level Nebraska Union ggaffiSE