The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 30, 1995, Image 1

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_October 30, 1995_
Women’s group:
Get tough on
student crime
By John Fulwider
Senior Reporter
The UNL Faculty Women ’s Caucus has pre
pared four amendments to the Student Code of
Conduct that would stiffen penalties against
students who commit serious crimes.
The amendments will be proposed to the
Academic Senate at its Nov. 7 meeting. They
would immediately ban a student charged with
a felony or a violent misdemeanor from UNL
sponsored extracurricular activities, said Mary
McGarvey, caucus chairwoman.
They would also require the student judicial
board to meet within five working days after the
student is banned. The board then would judge
whether or not the student committed miscon
If the board found the student not guilty of
misconduct, the student could resume extracur
ricular activities. If the student were found
guilty, the board would decide what penalties to
Additionally, if a student were found guilty
in a court of law of a felony or a violent misde
meanor, he or she would be banned from extra
see wumcn on
Gingrich’s sis
talks in Omaha
about sexuality
By John Fulwider
Senior Reporter
OMAHA — Less than one week after her
brother drew public and media attention and a
slew of protesters to Omaha, Candace Gingrich
was met by a more subdued crowd.
Gingrich spoke Saturday at National Com
ing Out Day festivities at the Civic Auditorium.
She said she came to Omaha to remind people
of the difference they could make by being
honest about their sexuality.
She said she realized the difference she could
make when her brother Newt Gingrich became
Speakerofthe House of Representatives. Shortly
after the November elections, Candace joined
the staff of the Human Rights Campaign Fund,
which lobbies the federal government on les
bian, gay and AIDS issues.
Boulder bash
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Jay Calderon/DN
Jim Buchanan of Omaha displays a personalized license plate as Cornhusker players begin to line up before the start
of the Nebraska-Colorado game Saturday.
Conflict in Colorado confined to field
By Jeff Zeleny
Senior Reporter 9
BOULDER, Colo, — This time it was a
kinder, gentler Colorado.
No slashed tires. No smashed windows. No
irate buffaloes.
From Folsom Field to Pearl Street, Nebraska
fans were not harassed or intimidated here. The
rivalry, if you can call it that, instead seemed
good-natured and clean spirited.
Well, there were a few wisecracks—includ
ing a Colorado student dressed in a black-and
white-striped prison jumpsuit camouflaged as a
Nebraska football jersey — but those could be
passed off as pre-Halloween shenanigans. A
couple of young Nebraska fans even
complimented the CU student on his attire as he
walked across the University of Colorado cam
Hours before Nebraska began to trample No. l
7 Colorado Saturday, Buffalo fans were re- i
minded to behave themselves by none other :
than Woody Paige of The Denver Post. Paige, i
whose words have antagonized Comhuskers
for years, called for a truce. i
“Be nice to Huskers, and they’ll be nice to
us,” Paige instructed in hiscolumn in Saturday’s
“Colorado, warmly welcome the Nebras
kans. Take a Husker fan to lunch. ...Cheer the I
Comhuskers when they come out, and be po- j
It’s safe to say that most of the record
breaking 54,063 crowd didn’t hoot and holler as \
the No. 2 Comhuskers took the field, but at least ’
they didn’t throw anything. It was Nebraska <
fans — mainly students — who were guilty of i
hurling soft-shell tortillas onto the field.
The days of winging frozen oranges are
»one. With the Fiesta Bowl as the top college
ootball prize, tortillas seem to be the easiest
substitute. As of yet, no refried beans have been
lung through the air.
The Colorado Buffaloes charged onto the
leld in a high-energy race through the student
section to the echo of a Samoan drum beat. The
5,000-some fans who came from Nebraska —
ind the thousands more transplanted Colorad
ins for Nebraska that were sprinkled through
he stadium—were hidden by shaking golden
x>i ns.
hurrah in the Rockies didn’t last long.
Seconds after Nebraska scored on its first
possession, Husker fans began their own hoopla,
rhe 800 students who migrated to Boulder went
:razy. Empty Coors Light cups were tossed
iround as fans hugged, danced and slapped
Travis Heying/DN
Scottie Pippen, Michael Jordan and the rest of the Chicago Bulls thrilled a Nebraska audience
Friday night.
Fans wild for Jordan
despite Clippers’ win
By Tim Pearson
Senior Editor
The Los Angeles Clippers defeated
the Chicago Bulls Friday night.
But the 14,335 fans at the Bob
Devaney Sports Center couldn’t have
cared less who won.
They wanted to see Michael Jor
dan. Whenever Jordan shot the ball,
flashbulbs from cameras around the
arena went off. No other player on
either team received that kind of fan
Not even Eric Piatkowski, who
made his return to the Devaney Cen
ter, got a Jordan-like reception. The
former Nebraska star received what
normally would have been the biggest
cheer of the night.
But on this night, Jordan and the
Chicago Bulls stole the show.
“It’s just like you’re the new group
opening up for the Rolling Stones,”
Clippers center Brian Williams said,
“and they want you to get the hell off
the stage.”
The Clippers took the stage and
also the game by a score of 104-101 as
Piatkowski scored 16 points, second
only to teammate Lamond Murray’s
19 points.
Piatkowski, who played at Ne
braska from 1991 to 1994, was re
warded with his first start in the pre
season. Clippers coach Bill Fitch said
he knew he would start Piatkowski
once the game was scheduled for Lin
And the fans gave Piatkowski a
rousing welcome.
“The reception I got from the fans
was phenomenal,” Piatkowski said.
“That’s how the Nebraska people are.
They really support the people who
come here.”
Jordan, now in his 11th season in
the National Basketball Association,
also received plenty of support —
before, during and after the game.
See BULLS on 8