FRIDAY if)0 >*<><: ><><;>o <{><»<><:><><#><>•<><>><>< ;><>o>o«o<»*o<><«><>m>< JHL V/ WEATHER: Today - Partly cloudy and windy. Northwest wind 25 to 35 mph. Tonight - Partly cloudy. >«><><«><»■{>< ;><><«><>• I Low in the lower 30s. October 27, 1995 Boulder full of activities By Jeff Zeleny Senior Reporter Nebraska fans have much more to eat and stomp on than buffalo this weekend in Boulder, Colo. When a flock of students and Comhusker faithful travels west to the Rockies for the annual Ne braska-Colorado football show down, a mile-high city full of food, fun and music awaits. Boulder, which The Denver Post hails as “The little town nestled between the mountains and real ity,” is alive with excitement. The eight-hour drive from Lincoln may not turn you into Colorado fans, but it wili almost certainly make you crave a return visit. Nebraska sold its ticket allot ment of4,000 almost immediately, said Nebraska Ticket Manager Cindy Bell. About 800 students also purchased tickets to watch No. 2 Nebraska play No. 7 Colo rado. The game is televised on ABC (Channel 7) at 2:30 p.m. Sat urday. If you are going to Boulder, follow this Daily Nebraskan guide ~ to a thrilling wOTrnT. If you’re not, read on with envy. Downtown Boulder — located a few blocks away from Folsom Field on the University of Colo rado campus — is the hub of pre game activity, and it features the city’s most popular tourist attrac tion: Pearl Street Mall. Considered to be one of the best pedestrian malls in the country, Pearl Street hosts bars, cafes, bou tiques and coffee houses. Street vendors and musicians amuse and entertain shoppers if the weather is prime. “If heaven has a college town, it’s probably as beautiful as Boul der,” raves Sunset magazine. University of Nebraska-Lincoln students who were lucky enough to win the student migration ticket lottery are sure to enjoy the city. Locals recommend sipping margaritas on a rooftop bar or drinking locally brewed beer, which runs as free as water in this land of the Rockies. Nebraska students are likely to find Colorado students in a less tourist-like environment directly west of campus at The Hill, which INSIDE Nebraska totamdko) Coverage begins on Page 7 is lined with college bars, a book store, record store and art store. Most bars in the city stay open until 2 a.m. Many of the following clubs, which were recommended by Boulder Magazine, are just blocks from the CU campus. Re member to adjust your watches (and to leave the bars on time'! because kickoff is at 1:30 p.m. Boulder time. • Taylor’s Bar & Grill, 1143 13th St., claims it has the best party in town. The drink specials at this bar on The Hill begin at 10 a.m. • Dark Horse, 2922 Baseline Road, is a sister restaurant to Lincoln’s P.O. Pears. This bar and grill has free parking, free live music, and a guarantee that all Huskers will be served in the main bar. •Old Chicago, 1102 Pearl St., offers 110 brews, a free game shuttle and breakfast at 10 a.m. before the game. The pizza, pasta and sandwiches would not be com plete without a giant chocolate chip cookie baked right in a deep-dish pizza pan and topped with a scoop of ice cream. • J.J. McCabe’s Sports Bar and Grill, 945 Walnut St., is a comfort able, casual sports bar with 14 TV screens that can be viewed while eating sandwiches and snacks un til 1 a.m. • The James Pub & Grill, 1922 See BOULDER on 10 -: ^ -■■- i Courtesy Bouldfer Visitors Bureau At least 5,000 Nebraska fans already have purchased tickets for the annual Nebraska Colorado showdown on Saturday. New access channel developing By Brian Jensen Staff Reporter CableVision announced Thursday that a new community access chan nel will soon be available to the pub lic. After some channel shuffling to accommodate the new addition, con troversial public access will move out of its Channel 14 slot and up to Channel 20. The announcement came at the Thursday night meeting of the Cable TV Advisory Board. The main difference between the two channels, as developed so far, is that public access has little or no restrictions for getting a program on the air. With the new community access, that process may become more difficult. can have sponsorships at the end of the program that aren’t available now with other access channels,” said Rick Kiolbasa, CableVision director of government and public relations. - CableVision officials would not specify what had motivated them to produce a new community access station. They also would not address past controversial shows of the Closet Comedian Scott Harrold shown on public access. Public access and Harrold’s “Cos mic Comedy Show” have recently drawn a lot of media attention and local criticism. Harrold, one of the public access users, made his story on freedom of speech famous in September when he wore clown make-up and mastur bated on his show. Harrold was cited for public inde cency, relating to the incident. He will be in court Monday to answer charges. Last month, the board voted 7-2 to recommend the City Council elimi nate public access. One board member asked for clari fication about the decision to add community access, saying: “Were you just bored?” Kiolbasa laughed, but declined comment. “We would prefer not to speculate on that at this time,” he said. Harrold’s “Cosmic Comedy Show” is still being aired, but the shows no longer contain any sort of obscenity. The most controversial show was made after city officials had already attempted to ban public access. Be See CABLE on 2 - UNL group organizes aid for cancer victim By Mike Kluck Staff Reporter A university professional group has stepped in to help an 11-year-old girl win a desperate race against time. Chanel Jenkins-Todd — the daughter of Lynda and Thomas Todd, both university employees — has developed renal meddulary carci noma cancer. Lynda Todd said doctors hoped a bone marrow transplant would cure Chanel; but the operation costs $250,000 and isn’t covered by the Todds’ health insurance. The University Association for Administrative Development is help ing to organize a fund-raising effort to help pay for the operation. But there is no loiown cure for Chanel’s disease, said Lynda Todd, assistant director of the educational talent search. Chanel’s father, Tho mas Todd, is director of University Television. Chanel’s disease is so rare that she is only the 35th patient in the nation to be diagnosed with it. Her mother said no one with this type of kidney cancer had survived more than six months after diagnosis. Chanel was diagnosed with the disease in July. Sandy Flint, the association’s president, said board member “ See DONATIONS on 3