The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 26, 1995, Page 12, Image 12
Classified Thursday, October 26, 1995 Page 12 The National Bank of Commerce is currently accepting applications for: (2) Part-time Encoder Operates an encoding machine to encode and balance transactions for computer processing. Prefer bank oper ations or encoding experience or at least 6 months of 10 key adding machine experience. Must meet a minimum of 6000 keystrokes/hour and be available stated hours. Hours are: (1) Monday and Friday 1 pm-6pm or until done. Tuesday. Wednesday, Thursday, 1pm-5:30pm or until done. (2) Monday-Friday 6pm-10pm or until done. Call the First Commerce Job Hotline 434-4700 for more details or contact Human Resource Division for appoint ment. 434-4147. _EOE "Flexible Hours** Work study students needed at city/east campus librar ies. Day, evening, or weekend hours. $4.60-$4.85/hr. Apply Love Library, Rm. 108,472-3963. ICANC UN-SO UTH PADRE ISLAND 1 II »^- Early booking savings until Nov. 15,1995 e^- Guaranteed Lowest Price Book early for the lowest price & best properties I FROM $99 eenaoN $399*_l South Pedre Cancun Note: With Panama City sevaraly damaged by I Humcant Opal, all tpaca it tailing out fast | Part-time, flexible scheule, babysitting in my home. For more info, call Gail 421-6501. 400s Housins Publisher’s Notice All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, imitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or intention to make any such preferences, limitations or discrimination. The Daily Ne braskan will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law or discriminates against sexual preferences. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis. j 1 roommate or 2 to sublease a 2-BR apartment. Close to shuttle stop. 477-4197 Sheila. Available January 1: Male to share one bedroom apart ment eight blocks from city campus. $150/month plus 1/ 2 utilities. Call 438-2123. Leave message. Hi! I’m looking for a nice female to share a 2-bedroom apartment on 18th and C. It’s a good deal at $165+ Utilities. 474-4492. Needed: 3 room mates M/F to share big house. $ 150/mo+ deposit* 1/5 utilities. Nov 1.477-7311, Frank or Tylor. Non-smoking responsible female to share beautiful two bedroom main floor of house. Free washer/dryer, cable. $300 includes utilities. 477-1213. Non-smoking roommates (2) wanted to share large home, minutes from campus, $200-$240/month + 1/4 utilities. 476-2585. ifi^Cuts *n Tftinasl)! |l\ 1/2 block north of Holdroy at 1602 N. 56th Ty | Full Set of $4 t CA ■ j Sculptured Nails 1 IrSSL j Ask for RHONDA ■ Nail biters welcome • Free repairs for regular customers Expires December 1, 1995 466-1603 jLaunDRYLan^^ 1340 N. 27th-474-5155 21st and J' - 474-4363 1440 N. 56th - 466-8353 I 48th and Old Cheney - 423-5955 SPIRIT'SPECIAt^p 1UERVOGOLD TEQUILA.750ml&$J&99 CUERVO MARGARITA MIX....Ltr..$2.99 BACARDI RUM...Ltr...$B.99 PHILLIPS SCHNAPPS Peach or Peppermint...1.7S....$3.99 RED DOE yaur choice, ice house 'SSST REDWOLF Battles... $12,491 ■■■ 5 ' , Budweisor ttnaa Reg, Light UDouls, warm case cans..„.-p 1 Ljj OLD MILWAUKEE tt___ Reg, Light, NA, warm case cans..-P f.jlJ .. .and much more thru 11/1/95 _ _ T- - - * _ ' ’i Quiet, non-smoking, to share private home. 6 month lease, no pets, $275 deposit and/month, utilities paid. 464-5446/leave message. Roommate needed. Five bedroom house in Capital Beach area. $193.75 plus 1/4 utilities. Move in anytime. 435-8769. 1127 N 30th, New 2-bedroom, C/A, dishwasher, Washer/ Dryer hookups, $500+deposit. Available 11-1,488-2094 Beautiful! Recently remodeled 2 bedroom, woodfloors, large win dows, free laundry, quiet, all utilties paid, $520 + deposit. Non-Smokers. 477-2366. Brand new. Between campuses. 3-bedroom, 2-bath. No pets. $695. 923 N. 30th. 464-5859, 438-3393. !!!!!!$50.00!!!!!! Move in Special!! 1 & 2 Bedroom, $324 up! 475-7262,640 South 20th. 1107 L, just remodeled, walk to campus, new appliances, security, only $280. Call Phoenix Properties, 474-5327. l 244 S 26th. 1-bedroom, utilities paid, off-street parking, laundry. Leave message, 483-2357. 931G St. 2-bedroom. $360 + utilities. Deposit Call 435 0608, Don. Leave message or after 6pm. Affordable Apartments One, two & three bedrooms available. $225-5550 Management One 477-2600 Apartments on Campus 1 & 2 bedrooms available. Nonsmoking, laundry, guaran teed parking, secure access, UNL shuttle stop. $425-475 per month. 477-6578. Colonial Heights Apartments One-, two- and three-bedroom apartments available. Tanning bed and indoor heated pool. 421-3070. Efficiencies and one bedrooms. Near campus. Secured building. $225-$275. No pets. Call 477-3648. Four room basement apartment. Stove and refrigerator. All utilities paid. $200/month. One person. 423-5968. Two Bedroom, Close to Campus, Neat and Clean, only $340, call Phoenix Properties, 474-5327. I -jWrVH. JI ti*-" *T “• ^ Playing ^ Thursday. Friday, Saturday 8:30 to 12:30 THE CITY LIMIT BAND THURSDAY SPECIAL - $1.00 RAIL DRINKS Halloween Party - 1st PRIZE $99.00 56th & Cornhusker Highway ^TU ES DAYS OCT. 31.^ \V/ 1426 O str. % COSTUME CONTEST ^B3l-S400 CASH U |2J£- $75 BAR TAB 1 - KEG PARTY 3 OR MORE PEOPLE EiMiR P*UI*** EEKE 1 Earn up to $7.50 per hour 1 Cal 476-0445 f|l I M-F11 AM-7PM; SAT 9AM-3PM ,, 11.»"■ I I OR APPLY IN PERSON I iimmumt I 809 T Street_L~ " J Close to Campus Newer Two bedroom, FREE CABLE. No pets, $430,521 N. 25th, 477-7684. Close to Campus 1121 N. 28th: middle floor, huge BR, dusty rose or grey decor, sharpl $350, heat pd. 2504 Vine: 1BR, lower level, new carpet, $350, heat pd. 4300 Cornhusker Hwy: 2BR, 2Ba., top floor, W/D hk-up, neutral color, private deck, BEAUTIFUL! $520-$550. Walk to Union College: 4537 Prescott. 2BR, 2 ba.. FP, all appli., spacious, $450. Cherry Hill Management Moral Management 489-4857. I Close to campus, 2511 R. Large 3-bedroom, laundry, off street parking, C/A, security entrance, no pets. $545,435 6811. A baby is our dream. We are in our early 30s. Gait wants to be a full-time Momand Nick would love to coach little League. 800-247-3027. W ADOPTION 75m A loving atternetlve We offer counseling and adoption services to help you plan the best future for you and your baby. No fees or obligations. Statewide since 1893. Nebraska Children's Home, 4800 Valley Rd. Suite 314,483-7879. Home study approved. Loving, chifcSesscouple wishes to adopt newborn. Full-time mom and devoted dad (an adoptee himself) offers your baby a lifetime of love, laughter and security. Please call julie and Bill anytime, 1-S5o-3t5-2348. _ ' Looking for a loving home in which to place an expected 3%s:£srs35£ts^ssvss& Dan orMargaret: 1-800-484-5846, and at tone: 6695. Does your bike need work? Oyde Works can fix it. No rates and fast tum-around. . 1 Cycle Works, 270i & Vine, 475-2453. WOMEN'S CENTER and support groups for women. 472-2597,340 Nebraska UnionTcji forlnforma tion. Need Instance? Jim Wafiace474-5077. American Fam ily Insurance-Renters, Auto. Home, Health, and Life. 1340 L. Lecture Notes: '*55 We take notes in your dasses! Over 100 sets to choose from. Call or stop In and browse. Grade A Notes at Nebraska Bookstore. Lower Level, 1300 Q Street, 477 7400. ----- " " Don’t over pay for quality used CD sAP’Vcasettestoost ers. Cfreck out Backtrack Records, 3833 South 40th.