The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 25, 1995, Page 3, Image 3

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Bret Gottschall/DN
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Workshop combats cockroaches
By Jenny House
Staff Reporter
A free workshop Thursday will help
students get rid of some unwanted
The University of Nebraska Coop
erative Extension of Lancaster County
will hold a free Cockroach Combat
Workshop at 6:30 p.m. in the Exten
sion Conference Center in Agricul
tural Hall.
“People don’t like cockroaches.
They are creepy and can startle you,”
said Barb Ogg, Lancaster County ex
tension educator.
Cockroaches cause health prob
lems, she said, because they transmit
bacteria by feeding on contaminated
garbage and leaving feces. They also
transmit bacteria by getting it on their
exoskeleton, then molting and leaving
the bacteria wherever they go.
Ogg said up to 25 percent of those
allergic to house dust actually may be
allergic to the molted skin of cock
roaches. Conditions created by cock
roaches also can cause asthma, she
Workshop participantswill receive
a 90-page manual covering the work
shop material. Ogg will present the
material with her husband, Clyde, who
works with a University of Nebraska
Lincoln pesticide educational pro
gram, and Dennis Ferraro of the
Omaha/Douglas County Extension
Conference Center.
“They will offer a wealth of infor
mation because both have worked in
the pesticide field combating insects,”
Ogg said.
Deali ng with cockroaches i s a com
plex task, she said. Several things must
be done at the same time to ensure
cockroaches are eliminated.
The workshop will promote prod
ucts that are not highly hazardous to
pets or families, she said; many com
monly used insecticide sprays have
harmful toxins and aren’t very effec
The workshop also will promote
the use of Insect Gross Regulator,
which Ogg described as “birth control
for cockroaches.”
To get rid of cockroaches, one must
eliminate their water, food and habi
tat, Ogg said.
“At the workshop we will show
how to lower the level, if possible, to
eliminate cockroaches,” Ogg said.
“Without elimination, some will sur
vive and a rebound of numbers easily
Sanitation is the answer to cock
roach frustrations, she said. Even clean
houses can have cockroaches, she said,
because cockroaches don’t need much
ASUN to establish
home page on web
By Kasey Kerber
Staff Reporter
To keep up with cutting edge
technology, the Association of Stu
dents of die Uni
versity of Ne
braska will soon
have its own
World Wide
Web page.
ready has infor
mation on the
Gopher system,
and within two
weeks most of
that information will be transferred
to the web.
“Gopher is archaic,” said ASUN
Sen. Ryan Homer, a Communica
tion and Publication Committee
member who is spearheading the
effort to go on the web.
“The World Wide Web is much
easier to use,” he said. “It has more
of a Macintosh-type environment
that students will feel more com
fortable with.”
The push to go on the web began
during the Impact Party’s election
campaign. When the party was
formed, it listed a web page as one
of its platform goals.
The page will make information
available to all students who have
access to the Internet. The informa
tion will be broken down into indi
vidual colleges so users can view
which ASUN senators represent
each college and find out how to get
in touch with them.
“At last week’s meeting I re
quested e-mail addresses from each
senator that will be added to the
web site,” Horner said. “We’re also
trying to include each member’s
picture with his or her informa
Information on ASUN also will
be available. Students can find the
latest information on legislation
passed by ASUN, meeting notes,
and information on how to get in
volved in upcoming activities.
“The main focus of the entire
project is to create a page in which
students can see what ASUN is
doing and get involved themselves,”
Horner said. “We want more stu
dent input, and we believe this is a
way to get it.”
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