The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 13, 1995, Page 4, Image 4

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Friday, October 13, 1993 Page 4
Editorial Board
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
J. Christopher Haiti.Editor, 472-1766
Rainbow Rowell..Managing Editor
Mark Baldridge.Opinion Page Editor
DeDra Janssen.Associate News Editor
Doug Kouma..Arts & Entertainment Editor
JeJfZeleny.Senior Reporter
Matt Woody.Senior Reporter
James Mehsling.Cartoonist
“As a little boy growing up in the heart of Nebraska,
watching the Buskers was not a pastime—it was life.”
— Matt Heineman, Husker fan
“If you’re used to driving a Ford, it won’t take you long
to lea rn to drive a \ londa. ”—Winston Yan, on software
training in the College of Architecture
“People said I was suicidal when I took this job.” —
Iowa State coach Dan McCamey
“When you walk through airports now, you see a lot
more kids with red hats on. Maybe that sounds goofy
to you, but that’s what we like to see.” — Steve
Pederson, heading up the Nebraska recruiting drive
“There are people in the legislature who think the
university gets too much money. But we have to look
at what we and the state get for that money.” — State
Sen. Carol Hudkins
“An average citizen in the United States of America can
move mountains, as well as the little molehills we call
members of Congress.” — Sen. Bob Kerrey
“I appreciate the ideas expressed by Jamie Karl...” —
Gov. Ben Nelson
“So if you’ll excuse me, I will be signing off.”—Jamie
Karl’s farewell address
“We thought he shot at us, and he thought we shot at
him.” — Anonymous roommate of Dung Tang
“We do not need to replace their set of professional
politicians with our set of professional politicians.” —
Pat Buchanan
“Have you ever imagined a world with no hypotheti
cal situations?” — A “Gallagherism” from the Net
“We have to remove what appears to be house paint
that the university put on it.” — Rick Drapal of Duncan
Aviation on attempts to restore the Apollo 009 capsule
“There is not liberty and justice for all.” — CoL
Margarethe Cammermeyer, 23-year military veteran, dis
charged for her homosexuality
“Sinatra’s really hard to do, but I don’t know why.” —
Denny Dent, two-fisted portrait painter
Editorial policy
Staff editorials represent die official
policy of the Fall 1995 Daily Nebras
kan. Policy is set by the Daily Nebras
kan Editorial Board. Editorials do not
necessarily reflect the views of die
university, its employees, the students
or the NU Board of Regents. Editorial
columns represent the opinion of the
author. The regents publish die Daily
Nebraskan. They establish the UNL
Publications Board to supervise the
daily production of die paper. Accord
ing to policy set by the regents, respon
sibility for the editorial content of the
newspaper lies solely in the hands of its
Ijffttffr policy
The Daily Nebraskan welcomes brief letters to die
editor from all readers and interested others. Letters
will be selected for publication on the basis of clarity,
originality, timeliness and space available. The Daily
Nebraskan retains the right to edit or reject all material
submitted. Readers also are welcome to submit mate
rial as guest opinions. The editor decides whether
material should run as a guest opinion. Letters and
guest opinions sent to the newspaper become the
property of the Daily Nebraskan and cannot be re
turned. Anonymous submissions will not be pub
lished. Letters should include the author’s name, year
in school, major and group affiliation, if any. Re
quests to withhold names will not be granted. Submit
material to: Daily Nebraskan, 34 Nebraska Union,
1400 R SL Lincoln, Neb. 685884)448.
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Walk the walk
Wc were unable to attend the Cam
pus Safety Walk on Oct. 12, but we
would still like to take this opportu
nity to bring a few places on campus
to light (so to speak) in the hope that
they will be improved.
In our experiences of walking
around campus at night, wc have
discovered several places where the
moon lights the path better than the
so-called lights along the sidewalk or
that just otherwise pose a threat to
student safety:
1. The sidewalk behind the HSS
tennis courts needs brighter lights.
2. The sidewalk between CBA
and the Sheldon Art Gallery also
needs brighter lights.
3. Some of the bushes in the HSS
remote lot (a.k.a. great nooks and
crannies for someone to lie in waiting
for an unsuspecting victim) need to
be eliminated.
As they are, they pose potential
threats to all who traverse those ar
eas, in the form of the unseen person
lurking about with the intention of
harming another, or in the form of the
unseen terrain where one could end
up falling over stray debris or the
numerous deep cracks populating the
Any way you slice it, the above
mentioned, and probably many other
areas we are not currently aware of,
are in dire need of improvement to
help increase the level of safety on
this campus.
Chris Liquori
Biological Sciences and Chemistry
Patty Hain
Junior Agronomy
via e-mail
I was shocked the other day when
I heard that the Christian Coalition
and the Republican Party are “join
ing.” Isn't there such a thing as sepa
ration of church and state? Or am I
missing something here?
Being Jewish, the thought of offi
cially making the United States a
Christian country terrifies me.
History has shown us what can
happen to minority religions where it
is illegal to be a minority. My great
grandfather fled Russia for that rea
Also, you do not need to be Chris
tian, or religious at all, to be pro
family and have good moral values. I
have plenty of friends who are gcxxl
people and are either agnostic or athe
ists. They know right and wrong with
out needing to go to any sort of reli
gious service. It can be done.
I have been told that the majority
of the nation supports the Christian
Coalition’s agenda. I am not sure that
I believe that and even if it is true,
that does not make it right.
Keep religion out of our govern
ment. We are a diverse country.
Right? Let’s keep it that way.
Jordan Mechanic
via e-mail
Say it ain’t so,
Dear Jamie,
I wanted to tell you how very
disappointed I am that you are giving
up your column. I think you need to
know you have a lot of fans out here.
Conservative republican readers
are now helplessly in the hands of a
consistently liberal group of colum
nists. Who will be able to pick up
where you left off?
You always had the ability to put
into writing what I have always felt,
yet was unable to express. The first
time I read your column I became a
big fan.
You were the voice of one calling
from the wilderness to a people so
wrapped up in themselves that they
have forgotten their responsibilities
to their nation for a responsible gov
I believe that you have more sup
porters than you think — you even
had Gov. Nelson singing your praises
just last week.
There may be a happy, unintelli
gent cashier in the bookstore, but
there are thousands of very unhappy
conservatives on campus also.
Oct. 11,1995, is a sad day for this
campus. 1 hope that God graces you
with strong winds and following seas.
I do not think we have heard the
last of the Great Jamie Karl.
Roger R. Johansen
Pre Dentistry
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