n Western Weekend Saturday, October 14 11am Barrel Racing Jackpot J_2pm Team Roping Jackpot Wrangler Arena ~ -< Benefit Dance featuring: High Caliber Lancaster Bid. State Fair Park 8:00pm -1:00am Adm: $5 or $4 w/UNL ID Sunday, October 15 11:30am Intramurals Rodeo 33rd. & Leighton, East of Audio Visual J Events include: -rrow with a sensual fullness, arly Swick is consistently original id unflinching in her observations f the dynamics that develop be veen friends and lovers, parents ind children, husbands and wives. >wick is a well known Nebraska author and teacher. She has received several awards, including the National Endowment of the Arts Fellowship. ymmmmmmMmmmmmmmmmsmzr' Autographing with Marly Swick Sunday, October 15,1:00pm General Book Dept., Upper Level TUrt rtalfy is a difafttrtnot. ■hoj bs h8n3 } 1300 Q Street • 476-0111 Monday - Saturday 9a - 6p • Sunday Noon - 5p * Thursday until 8p SERVING IN SILENCE ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ COL HARGARETHE CAMMEBMEYEB Colonel Margarethe Cammermeyer joined the Army student nursing program while a student at the University of Maryland. She served at an evacuation hospital in Vietnam, for which she won the Bronze Star. She has been married and has four children, and her sexual identity was revealed in 1989 when she applied to be Chief Nurse of the National Guard. She was discharged in 1992. Colonel Cammermeyer is the highest-ranking military official to challenge the "don't ask, don’t tell" policy. Her book recounting her experiences is entitled Serving in Silence. It was recently made into an Emmy-winning TV movie starring Glen Close and co-produced by Barbara Streisand. TONIGHT at 8 P.M. Centennial Room • Nebraska Union $3 for Students (with I.D.) • $5 Non-Students