The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 04, 1995, Page 14, Image 14

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    ■ i
t Plug Into the
■World with FREE
" Bigred Classes
Now that you have your computer account on BIGRED, you can
discover how to tap into the resources available to you on the internet.
These classes are free and no reservations are required. Seats are
available on a first come, first served basis. Call 472-9050 if you
have any questions.
Intro to E-Mail
Wednesday, October 4 11:00 - 12:30 p.m. Bancroft Hall, 239
Wednesday, October 4 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. Bancroft Hall, 239
Thursday, October 5 2:30 - 4:00 p.m. Bancroft Hall, 239
Friday, October 6 9:30 - 11:00 a.m. Bancroft Hall, 239
Friday, October 6 3:30 - 5:00 p.m. Bancroft Hall, 239
Monday, October 9 10:00 - 11:30 a.m. Bancroft Hall, 239
Tuesday, October 10 9:30 - 11:00 a.m. Bancroft Hall, 239
Tuesday, October 10 2:30 - 4:00 p.m. Bancroft Hall, 239
Thursday, October 12 2:30 - 4:00 p.m. Bancroft Hall, 239
Friday, October 13 11:00 - 12:30 p.m. Bancroft Hall, 239
Friday, October 13 3:00 - 4:30 p.m. Bancroft Hall, 239
Courtesy of Justice Records
Tab Benoit brings his brand of Cajun-stlye blues to
Omaha’s Jones Street Brewery Thursday.
Continued from Page 12
the presence of only one instrument
each. But Ricker, Nelson, and
Robinson more than manage to hold
their own with what they have, and
it would be hard to ask for anything
more than that.
Tickets for Ricker’s show at the
Zoo Thursday night are $3. The
music starts at 9.
On the other side of the Platte
River, Tab Benoit will be letting his
own style of blues loose at the Jones
Street Brewery.
Benoit is a practitioner of the
Cajun blues style — one that may
be lesser known in the Texas-blues
dominated Midwest, but no less
fiery and appealing.
His latest release, “Standing on
the Bank,” is a perfect example of
this technique. Made with a two
track recorder and most of the final
cuts recorded on the first take, this
album has a raw and basic feel that
is usually made available only in
live performances.
Benoit will take the stage at Jones
Street around 9 p.m. Tickets are $8
in advance, $9 the day of the show.
Continued from Page 12
Denny, program director at KETV.
“People were watching all over
town, whether they were at work or at
home,” Denny said. “They were glued
to their sets.
KOLN-KGIN, Channels 10/11,
also broadcast coverage for much of
the day.
Charlie Peterson, the station’s pro
gram manager, said that the clues of
what television viewers wanted were
“Normally, at 9 a.m., we run ‘Regis
and Kathy Lee,’” Peterson said, “but
they^idn’t even tape an episode to be
shown today, so we didn’t have any
choice but to start the coverage at 9
KMTV, Channel 3, even cut into
national coverage about 2 p.m. to show
local reaction to the verdict.
“In the past, quite honestly, it was
a very hot topic and people wanted to
know everything they could about it,”
said Loren Tobia, the station’s news
Continued from Page 12
carried by nearly every major news,
sports and entertainment network,
culminated in one brief, collective
surge of emotion as the “Trial of the
Century” drew to a close.
The event was carried live on all
news- and entertainment-oriented
channels such as ABC, NBC, CBS,
FOX, E!,WGN, CNN, Headline News
and Court TV, with uninterrupted cov
erage from early morning until late
ESPN, ESPN2, FX, and MTV ran
updates all through the day and showed
the verdict live with in-depth analysis
provided by qualified “experts,” or in
MTV’s case, Tabitha Soren.
The Univision Network, an all
Spanish network, carried the verdict
live — with subtitles.
Even Hollywood got in on the ac
tion. Oliver Stone, best known for
producing and directing controversial
films such as “JFK,” “Natural Bom
Killers,” “Bom on the Fourth of July,”
“Platoon” and the upcoming “Nixon,”
has bought the rights to tell Simpson’s
story on the big screen.
Outside the courthouse, people
started gathering early in the morning,
trying to get a glimpse of the players in
this legal chess game.
After the verdict, cameras and news
helicopters followed Simpson as he
rode home in a white minivan. People
offering support lined the freeway,
and the whole scene was reminiscent
of... well, where it all started, with the
White Bronco.
The celebration among the crowded
mass outside the courthouse was re
played in kitchens, cafeterias, class
rooms, office buildings and court
houses through the rest of the day.
Some people came pretty close,
though. Some were ecstatic, some were
aghast, and all seemed to have opin
ions ready to share with TV reporters.
By mid-afternoon, courthouse cov
erage began to give way to cartoons,
talk shows and various other mid
afternoon syndicated television fare.
And as the scene outside the court
house was replayed one last time, so
was the image of one man outside the
courthouse holding a sign reading
“O.J.’s Guilty,” bowing his head and
preparing to return to daily life.
Life without the O. J. Simpson trial.
02 Appliances 400 Roommates
05 Bicycles 410 Housing Wanted
10 Books 420 Rooms/Rent
13 Clothing 430 Houses/Rent
16 Computers 440 Duplex/Rent
20 Furniture 450 Apartments/Rent
30 Jewelry 460 Summer Housing
40 Misc. For Sale 470 Mobile Homes/Rent
45 Musical Instruments 480 Vacation/Rent
46 Office Furniture 490 Homes/Sale
50 Pets -
55 Photo Equipment
60 Soortina Goods -
65 Stereos/TVs 500 Adoption
70 Ticket Exchange 505 Alterations & Sewing
90 Vehicles 510 Automotive
515 Bicycle Service
520 Bridal
525 Catering
200 Rides 528 Child Care
203 Spring Break Trips 530 Cleaning/Uundiy
205 Career Events 531 Cleamr^Ftouseholds
210 Announcements
oic — 540 Entertainment
220 GreekAffairs g| g{|j]jj£L
230 Student Government |gl88TPta«ss
240 Personals 553 insurance
242 Pinning & 555 Instruction/Tutoring
Engagements 558 Job Placement
245 Lost & Found 560 Lawn care
250 Wanted 565 Legal Services
260 Fundraising 573 Music Exchange
270 900 Numbers 575 Photography
300 Help Wanted 585 Ren*
310 Child Care 588 Tanning
320 Work Study Jobs 590 Tattooing
330 Summer Jobs 593 Travel
340 Internships 595 Typing & Resumes
$3.25 per day for 15 words on individual student
and student organization ads.
$4.50 per day for 15 words on non-student ads.
$.15 each additional word.
$.75 billing charge.
Personal ads must be prepaid.
£ Found ads may be submitted free of charge.
DEADLINE: 2:00 p.m. weekday prior to publica
The Daily Nebraskan will not print any adver
tisement which discriminates against any person
on the basis of sex. sexual orientation, race,
religion, age. disability, marital status or national
nnfie Daily Nebraskan reserves the right to edit
or reject any advertisement at any time which
does not comply with the policies and judgments
of the newspaper. _ .
The advertisers agree to assume liability for
all contents of all ads printed, as well as any daim
arising therefrom made against the Daily Nebras
Be descriptive. The more information you pro
vide the readers, the better your responses
Begin the ad with the item for sale or offered.
Include the price of the items for sale.
Highlight the ad with larger type, boldface, art or
■ a box.
00s For Sale
Tired ot the laundromat? We sell used washers, dryers,
refrigerators, and ranges for only $100 or 4 payments of
$25rmonth, no interest, free delivery and guarantee.
Hoffman's Appliances, 466-6252.
Men's Schwinn World Roadbike. Mint condition. 25 inch
rim, 12 speed. Click type shifting mecanism, quick re
lease wheels, light weight frame. Silver/charcoal. $190
OBO. Call Kevin or Gloria 421-1858.
Moveover95's. 1996 models are here and Cycle Works
is blowing out all remaining 95’s. Many suspension
options available at blowout prices. Hurry in for the best
27th* Vine, 475-2453, Open 7 Days
New and used bicycles, expert repair on all brands.
Wheel'n * Deal'n Bike Shop, 2706 Randolph. 438-1477.
Rebuilt Mountain Bike, $100. Call Rosey, 477-4515.
Macintosh computer for sale. Complete system including
printer only $499. Call Chris at 1-800-665-4392 ext. 8963.
Macintosh LC2 Computer, with 14* color monitor,
stylewriter ink jet printer, disks and paper included,
$1000/060, call 423-6796 after 4pm.
Computer desk w/printer stand. $25060. Call Loren 420
Pro-Form Cross-trainer exercise machine, $700 obo. 19*
color TV, $100 obo. RCA VCR, $125 obo. Couch, $25 obo.
Kitchen table w/4 chairs, $40 obo. 435-7060, leave mes
2-year old male ferret, $75. 6-month old female ferret
$100.1/2 Siamese kittens. $25.477-3720.
Need 4 validated football tickets together. NU/KSU, 489
2309 or 471-5979.
NU vs. Colorado Tixs
1994 Toyota Tercel. 4-door, auto, air, red. 13K. $8250,
1991 Honda Civic. 2-door hatch. 5-speed, air, teal. 75K<
$5250, offers.
1989 VW Fox wagon. 4-speed, air, 66K. $2450, offers.
Baer’s Auto Sales, 1647 S. Third, 477-6442.
200s Notices
Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources Career
Wr, Thursday, October 5th, 9:30-3:00, East Union, all
majors welcomel
Aerobics Classes
For the month of October, Gold's Gym, 48th and Leighton.
Come get a schedule today.
**Flu Shots This Week**
Ru shots for student, faculty/staff and general public.
Today-Nebraska Union, October 5-East Onion, 11 a.m.
1 p.m.
Learn to Walk Backwards!!
Applications for New Student Enrollment Orientation
Leaders are now available at these locations: Culture
Center, Student Involvment (200 NE Union, 300 East
.Union), Multi-Cultural Affairs, 106 Administration, all
Residence Han Front Desks.
Applications are due October 231
Come to an information session:
Tuesday, Oct. 3 at 4:00pm, NE Union
Thursday, Oct 5 at 7:00 pm, Neihardt Pine Room
Wednesday Oct 11 at 4:00 pm, Culture Center,
Tuesday, October 17 at 7:00 pm, NE East Union,
Thursday, October 19 at 7:00 pm, NE Union
Back Into Success with NSE1I
Seasonal & full-time employment available at National
Parks, Forests & Wildlife Preserves. Benefits + bonuses!
Can: 1-206-545-4804 ext NS7781
Students needed! Fishing Industry. Earn up to $3,000
$6,000+ per month. Room and Board! Transportation!
Male or Female. No experience necessary. Call
(206)545-4155 ext AS7781
Over $6 billion in private sector grants & scholarships is
now available. M students are eligible reagarcless erf
trades, income, or parent’s income, let us help. Call
Student Financial Services: 1-800-263-6495 ext. F57781
Attention Transfer Students
New Student Enrollment Orientation Leader applications
are now available. Specialize in working with transfer i
students from around the country. Applications are avail
able at the following locations: Culture Center, Student
Involvement (200 NE Union, 300 East Union). Multi
cultural Affairs, all Residence Hall Front desks.
Tuesday, Oct 3 at 4pm • City Union
Thursday, Oct 5 at 7pm - Neihardt Pine Room
Wednesday, Oct 11 at 4pm • Culture Center
Tuesday, Oct 17 at 7pm - East Union
Thursday, Oct 19 at 7pm - City Union
Back Into Success With NSE!
Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources Career
Day. Thursday. Oct. 5, 9:30-3. Nebraska East Union,
Great Plains Room.
College Scholarships Available. In-bound
telenotification. Recorded message gives details. 1-308
Coming soon
Homecoming 1995
October 16-21
We’re Here.... We’re Staying
#1 Nebraska
Attention Student Organizations, Greek chapters and
residence halls.
Event packets are available at the following locations:
ASUN office, Culture Center, Office for Student Involve
ment (city & east campus), Greek Affairs, Multi-Cultural
Affairs, Campus Recreation, RHA office. University Pro
gram Council, Alumni Assoc., and at the Vice Chancellor
for Student Affairs office.
Any student organization, residence hall floor, or greek
chapter interested in participating in the Lawn Display/
Carnival can pick up an entry form at 115 Nebr. Union.
Deadline for participation forms is October 11.
Non-Traditional Students
Applications for New Student Enrollment Orientation
Leader positions are now available. Specialize in working
with the different needs a non-traditional student has.
Applications are available at the following locations:
Culture Center, Student Involvement (200 Nt Union, 300
East Union), Muttl-Cultural Affairs, ail Residence Halt
Front desks.
Tuesday, Oct 3 at 4pm - City Union
Thursday, Oct 5 at 7pm - Neihardt Pine Room
Wednesday, Oct 11 at 4pm-Culture Center
Tuesday, Oct 17 at 7pm - East Union
Thursday. Oct 19 at 7pm - City Union
Back Into Success With NSE!
Do you want to learn
Sail Lee's TaeKwonDo Academy. 484-8989.
f you have or think you have an eating disorder, you are
nvited to attend the eating disorder support group. This
jroup provides a supportive and confidential environ
nent for the discussion of living with an eating disorder.
Broup meets on Thursdays from 6:30pm-8:00pm in the
Women's Center, 340 Nebraska Union. Any questions?
Call Kris 472-9428. __
EVIL EVES by AROUSED ADAMS or Male artists'
lightmare-fantasies of classic and everyday femmes
atales. A slide show introduction presented By Christian
Brantner, Modern Languages and Women's Studies.
October 4,7:00-8:30pm in 338 Nebraska Union.
The Women’s Center
Guitar Instruction/Rental
Zager Studio. 464-7771.
Students Needed! Earn to $12/hr. + tips. Theme Parks,
Hotels, Spas, + more. Destinations include Florida, Ha
waii, Colorado & So. California. Call Resort Employment
Services 1-206-632-0150 ext. R57781
Roller Hockey Club
Meeting Wednesday, 3:30 in the Union. Everyone Wel
come! Beginner to advanced or call Pat 421-6560.
Joe Kopetka- Graduate Student in Immunology; A pre
sentation of his Research. Monday. October 9.9:00pm,
Manter 127. ALL WELCOME!
Applications are now available for University Program
Cound Executive Offices and Event Directors. Pick up
applications at 117 in the Union.
WANTED: 100 students to lose 8-100 lbs. New metabo
lism breakthrough. Guaranteed results. $35 cost. 1-800
Campus Red Cross
Come join usl Meeting Wed. October 4, Basement of the
Health Center. Everyone is welcome!
Block & Bridle
Meeting Wednesday. Oct 4 In East Campus Union.
700pm Initiates. 730 regular. If attending national meet
Ings, please attend!
College Republicans
Ganaral mmm
Wednesday, Oct. 4
830pm City Unton
How many licks does It take to get to the middle of a
teaching csrotr?
Informational workshop on portfolios and hiring of teach
era, 730, Wednesday, October 11 in the Nebraska Union,
room to be posted. All those interested in teaching are