The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 04, 1995, Page 13, Image 13
‘Halloween 6’ definitely no treat By Gerry Beltz Rim Critic " Like all other things in life, being a film critic has its pluses and minuses. And one of those minuses has to be r—---“Halloween 6: The M0VI6 Curse of Michael Dow Myers.” Kev Plot? Plot?? Like it’s changed from the last “Hal loween flick/!/ Michael chases people, people scream, Michael kills. Lather. --Rinse. Repeat. Loosely fitted around this is a baby who is supposedly Michael’s last re maining relative, whom he is required to kill to complete an ancient Celtic ritual, of whicn Michael is an integral part. No, I’mnot kidding. Really! Could I make this up? John Carpenter, who directed the original “Halloween,” may currently be in the proverbial toilet for his latest attempts at cinema (“In The Mouth of Madness,” “Village of the Damned”), but this piece of drivel makes them all shine in comparison. Every cinematic “make-the-audi ence-jump-for-nothing” trick is brought out to play in this odious piece of crap. TTiere have been life insurance seminars with more sus pense, and bank commercials with better acting than “Halloween 6.” Donald Pleasance once again shows up as Dr. Loomis, the only man ca pable of understanding the evil Michael truly possesses within his soul. Pleasance died soon after the film was completed. Also appearing are Mitchell Ryan (“Lethal Weapon”) as Dr. Loomis’ partner, Dr. Wynn, and Kim Darby (“True Grit”) as a timid housewife who is one of the first to face the wrath of Michael Myers. Yawn. Ho-hum. Snore. At the screening I attended, every Movie: “Halloween 6: The Curse of Michael Myers” Stars: Donald Pleasance, Mitchell Ryan, Kim Darby Director: Joe Chapele Rating: R Grade: F- (I’d go lower if I could) Five Words: Horror sequel blows big chunks body was getting hyped up about Michael’s mask finally being taken off, but why would anyone want to see that? This guy has been stabbed, shot, sliced and burned... and that was just by the critics! 1 This movie has no horror, no sus pense, no plot, and it’s just plain stu pid and pointless. -I Music Review^ “The Brooklyn Side” The Bottle Rockets TAG Records Grade: D The Bottle Rockets are just like their namesake firecrackers: some times they fire off beautifully, but mostly they either shoot where you don’t want them to or just fizzle out and die. The group’s new album, “The Brooklyn Side” probably should’ve stayed that side of Brook lyn. As the album opens, the thought runs through your head that maybe this is a blues album as “Welfare Music” hits you. One acoustic gui tar played well in an acoustic blues style adds to the image of four guys playing on a street comer with an open guitar case, hoping for loose change. « ■«, « “Gravity Fails,” the second track, changes into a much more rock oriented feel and you begin to get lost. “I’ll Be Cornin’ Around” puts the rock somewhere in between blues and rock. At this point, the album could be salvaged, because these three songs have some merit to them. Once “Radar Gun” begins to play, it spells the beginning of the end. A weak attempt to create a Bruce Springsteen song with a dead guitar keeping a beat as well as some tough guy vocals, “Radar Gun” almost puts too much diver sity on the album, leaving it with no consistency. “Sunday Sports” could be a bad demo tape from the Screaming Trees, like a song from very early in their career and hopefully some thing they’ve forgotten. The drums are flat, the bass is virtually inau dible and the whole thing is like a .badquiche. % % / - “Pot of Gold” signals for a mo ment that there could be hope for this band, as it bears similarity to “Welfare Music” with more blue blues and an electric guitar. This is the type of music that should have filled “The Brooklyn Side.” “ 1000 Dollar Car” gives up hope and returns to the weak grunge/ blues approach similar to the one the group takes on “Sunday Sports” and while the drums are full this time, it’s not a great song, and the melody lacks luster. Not bad, but not great. What’s worse is that it can go even farther down, something that shouldn’t be possible. “Idiot’s Re venge” is an attempt to be an alter native country song, ;.nd it practi cally waves a red flag in your face, jumping up and down, screaming “Hi! We’re trying to play every thing so you have to like SOME THING!” And then, bizarrely enough, they do another song similar to the last one they played. “Young Lovers In Town” is a country song, which is the complete opposite from where the band headed with “Gravity Fails.” At least, you’re thinking at this point, they settled on something. Uh-uh. “Take Me To The Bank” is a wannabe Chuck Berry song (“Johnny B. Goode” maybe?) and we completely leave behind what has been done before, in typical Bottle Rockets fashion. - Next comes a depressing song - that desperately cries out for a har monica, “What More Can I Do?” Someone wrote this in a bar some where, half drunk, dealing with a bottle of liquor and a guitar. Nothing is continuous at all; “Stuck In a Rut” is another grungy blues tune, “I Wanna Come Home” tries the pop approach, and “Queen of the World” is a folk song delving into country roots. With all of these influences, one would hope they could all be com bined into one definitive sound that the band could call its own, but The Bottle Rockets lack any sense of continuity, personal flair or origi nality. — Cliff Hicks UNL Student Colorado Migration I I ; Moiety October 3-5 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. TICKETS MUST BE PICKED UP IN BOULDER, CO. Only 1995 UNL Football Season Ticket Holders are eligible to apply. Maximum of six applications per group. Winning lottery numbers will be notified via mail. Please bring your current UNL photo I.D. _Athletic Ticket Office -117 South Stadium - 472-3111 For more information, call 472-7440 Community Health Education It's time to stop smoking! Parking Problems? Need a Place to Park? Park by —“Park by Day Month SI.00 $20 Don't Fight For Parking Enter at 8th & S Streets, 1 Block West of Memorial Stadium Contact: 1033 "O" Street, Suite 120,474-2274 There are hoagies & subs & NOW there are Doozy's! 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