SEE TOMMY DAVIDSON...LIVED The BUI BeUamy Comedy Show scheduled for October 17th has been cancelled. We apologize for any inconveniencies. Instead, Tommy Davidson from In Living Colour will be performing. * Individuals who have already purchased tickets for Bill Bellamy can get a refund from the Lied Center Box Office. Otherwise, the price of tickets for Tommy Davidson is $5 with a Student I.D. or $8 for the General 4— Public. \ i Sponsored by the University Program Council ' Wednesday, October 4 7:30 pm Nebraska vs. Kansas ADMISSION: Reserved- $6.00 General Admission Adult- $4.00 General Admission Youth- $2.00 General Admission unl student- $2.00 . at mu CoDnseym We ll Give You 10 Weeks. Ten weeks may not seem like much time to prove you're capable of being a leader. But if you're tough, smart and determined, ten weeks and a lot of , hard work could make you an Officer of Marines. And Officer Candidates School (OCS) is where you'll get the chance to prove you've got what it takes to lead a life full of excitement, full.of challenge, full of honor. Anyone can say they've got what it takes to be a leader, we'll give you ten weeks to prove it. Marines The Fern The Prood.The Marines. all ’as TREKusa on sale B pg}g| 27tb b VINE OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 475-4375 University Theatre and Dance presents Michael Brady's To Gillian On HerU 37th Birthday A journey of recovery! A story of love conquering grief! directed by Paul Steger September 28-30 & October 3-7 8 pm Studio Theatre 3rd floor Temple 12th & R Call 472-2073for tickets Brown Continued from Page 7 games for the Huskers, while Phillips has been suspended from the team indefinitely. Any athlete’s family background must be examined, Brown said, be fore discipline can be administered when an athlete gets in trouble. “If we kick a guy off the football team, where does he go?” Brown asked. “Where does he end up? Does he have Mom and Dad to go home to? Does he have a love and support net work to go to?” Most parents would not kick their own children out of the house if the child was in trouble, Brown said. It was unreasonable for fans to want the Huskers to do the same to their ath letes. “There is a moral fabric in each young man that we’re trying to instill, the difference between right and wrong,” Brown said. “We’re not just .* going to let people get away with anything.” Brown said many people outside football had misconceived notions about football players. He said many players on thisyear’ s team were people anybody would feel comfortable . around. “These just aren’t gladiators on Saturday afternoon who show up and perform to the delight of 76,000 people,” Brown said. “These are young men who are so impressionable, and perhaps we’re the last line of defense they have.” For the Right Look... Right Price... $9.00 Haircut &. Style (Includes shampoo) reg. $12 $5.00 Off color of your choice: Permanent haircolor, frosting, highlighting (includes shampoo and style) $10.00 Off any Perm $39 or more (Includes shampoo, haircut and style) Get 10% Off any Salon service with your student I.D. Gateway Mall • 402-467-6106 Hair Salon Not valid with any other discounts or promotions. Long hair and specialty wraps priced by consultation. Ends Oct. 7, 1995. ©1995 Premier Salons International, Inc. Student Basketball Season Tickets are on sale now! Don’t miss this chance to apply for 1995-96 Student Basketball Season Tickets. All full-time UNL students are eligible. NU Ticket Office -117 South Stadium. For more information call (402) 472-3111.