The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 02, 1995, Page 15, Image 15
Used 19* GE Color TVs. $42. Call Nebraska Center, 472 3435 anytime. VCR w/remote, $80 excellent condition. Also, COLOR TV., $70.466-8520. * NU vs. Colorado Tixs (303)430-1111. 1990 Volvo 760 Turbo Black All Power, Deluxe Options, Excellent Condition, Must See, 49K, $12,500,474-5391. 1987 Toyota Celica GT, Excellent Condition, Loaded, Low miles, Very Clean, CD optional, $5600,488-2476. 200s Notices --: Refresh those interviewing skills! Attend an “Interview ing” seminar, Tuesday, October 3rd, 2:30 pm. NU ~Flu Shots This Week** Flu shots for student, faculty/staff and general public. October 4-Nebraska Union, October 5-East Union, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. ALASKA EMPLOYMENT Students neededl Fishing Industry. Earn up to $3,000 $6,000+ per month. Room and Board! Transportation! Male or Female. No experience necessary. Call (206)545-4155 ext A57781 Attention Transfer Students New Student Enrollment Orientation Leader applications are now available. Specialize in working with transfer students from around the country. Applications are avail able at the following locations: Culture Center, Student Involvement (200 NE Union, 300 East Union), Multi cultural Affairs, all Residence Hall Front desks. APPLICATIONS ARE DUE OCTOBER 23rdI! COME TO AN INFORMATIONAL SESSION: Tuesday, Oct 3 at 4pm - Cltv Union Thursday, Oct 5 at 7pm - Nelhardt Pine Room Wednesday, Oct 11 at 4pm • Culture Center Tuesday, Oct 17 at 7pm • East Union Thursday, Oct 19 at 7pm - City Union Back Into Success With NSE! Be one of the “Nebraskans at Oxford”) Spend four fun filled weeks in Oxford next summer studying business and the arts. To find out more, come to CBA138 Monday, OcU2froro 1 ■•30-a30 or call Laurel Anderson at472-2310 CAREER DAY Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources Career Day. Thursday, Oct. 5, 9:30-3. Nebraska East Union, Great Plains Room. College Scholarships Available. In-bound telenotification. Recorded message gives details. 1-308 247-3107. Coming soon Homecoming 1995 October 16-21 We’re Here.... We’re Staying #1 Nebraska Attention Student Organizations, Greek chapters and residence halls. Event packets are available at the following locations: ASUN office, Culture Center, Office for Student Involve ment (city & east campus), Greek Affairs, Multi-Cultural Affairs, Campus Recreation, RHA office, University Pro gram Council, Alumni Assoc., and at the Vice Chancellor tor Student Affairs office. Any student organization, residence hall floor, or greek chapter interested in participating in the Lawn Display/ Carnival can pick up an entry form at 115 Nebr. Union. Deadline for participation forms is October 11. Delta Sigma Pi Congratulations to our Fail 1995 pledgesl B.Baum, J.Bergan, M.Bond, M.Brown.S.DeWitt, S.Ekiz, G.Emery, J.Hammer, A.Hass, T.Hofeldt, C.Jansen, K.King, J.KIaumann, B.Kozak, C.Kruse, A.Miller, V.Pftaum, A.Risk, J.Skeels, N.Smith, K.Swee, C.Taubenheim, M.Waldhauser, and B.Wanamaker. EVIL EVES by AROUSED ADAMS or Male artists’ nightmare-fantasies of classic and everyday femmes fatales. A slide show introduction presented by Christian Brantner, Modem Languages and Women's Studies. October 4,7:00-8:30pm In 338 Nebraska Union. The Women’s Center FACULTY/STAFF INTRAMURAL RACQUETBALL The last day to enter Men's & Women's Faculty/Staff Racquetball Singles is Tuesday, October 3. Don't Delay! Enter now at the Office of Campus Recreation. Call 472 3467 for more information. FREE FINANCIAL AID! Over 46 billion in private sector grants & scholarships is now available. Aft students are eligible reagardess of grades, income, or parent's income. Let us help. Call Student Financial Services: 1-800-263-6495 ext F57781 Guitar Instruction/Rental _ Zager Studio, 464-7771. _ Guitarist/Writer seeks bassist and drummer interested in avant garde harmonic and percussive ideas. 435-1796 after 3 p.m. _ Have a “Hoot & Hollar” with OA Day Hike—Deadline: 10/3, $15.00 Dismal Canoe—Deadline: 10/10, $75.00 Basic Rock Climbing—Deadline10/10, $85.00 Badlands Sampler—Deadline: 10/,17, $100.00 Mountain Bike Weekend—Deadline: 10/17, $50.00 Summit County Ski Adventure—Deadline: 11/ 28. $325.00 Please contact Outdoor Adventures at 472 4777 for further information!! Sign-up deadlines are at 5:00pm Hayrack rides & bam available for activities. For more information call 402-797-2066. Here Ye Here Ye! Arts & Sciences Students Advisory Board applications are now available in the Advising Center, 107 Oldfather, and the Office for Student Involvement, rm. 200 in the Union. Deadline is Friday Oct.6, Don't Miss Out! INTRAMURAL INDOOR SOCCER The last day to enter Men's and Women's Indoor Soccer is Tuesday. October 3. Don't delay. Enter your team now at the Office of Campus Recreation. Call 472-3467 for more information. ^ INTRAMURAL RACQUETBALL SINGLES The last day to enter Men's and Women’s Racquetball Singles is Tuesday, October 3. Don’t delay. Enter now at the Office of Campus Recreation. Call 472-3467 for more information. INTRAMURAL SOCCER TOURNAMENT The last day to enter the Co-Rec Soccer Tournament is Tuesday, October 3. Don't delay! Enter your team now at the Office of Campus Recreation. Call 472-3467 for more information. INTRAMURAL SPORTS Intramural sports Men’s & Women's Softball postponed from Wednesday, September 20 will not be rescheduled. Playoffs wilt be posted Monday. October 2. and playoff games wiB start Wednesday, October 4. Journalism Freshmen and Sophomores Do you want to graduate? Find out how at an Informational session Tuesday, Oct 3 at 6:30pm in Avery Hall Sponsored by Society of Professional Journalists Learn to Walk BackwardsU Applications for New Student Enrollment Orientation Leaders are now available at these locations: Culture Center; Student tnvolvment <200 -NE Union, 300 East Union), Multi-Cultural Affairs. 106 Administration, all Residence Hall Front Desks. Applications are due October 231 Come to an Information session: Tuesday, Oct. 3 at 4:0G»m, NE Union Thursday, Oct 5 at 7:00 pm, Neihardt Pine Room Wednesday Oct 11 at 4:00 pm, Culture Center, Tuesday, October 17 at 7:00 pm, NE East Union, Thursday, October 19 at 7M pm, NE Union Back into Success with NSEII NATIONAL PARKS HIRING Seasonal & full-time employment available at National Parks, Forests & Wildlife preserves. Benefits + bonuses! Call: 1-206-545-4804 ext. N57781 _ Non-Traditional Students Applications for New Student Enrollment Orientation header positions are now available. Specialize in working with the different needs a non-traditional student has. Applications are available at the following locations: Culture Center, Student Involvement (200 NE Union, 300 East Union), Multi-Cultural Affairs, all Residence Hall Front desks. APPLICATIONS ARE DUE OCTOBER 23rd!! COME TO AN INFORMATIONAL SESSION: Tuesday, Oct 3 at 4pm - City Union Thursday, Oct 5 at 7pm • Neihardt Pine Room Wednesday, Oct 11 at 4pm-Culture Center Tuesday, Oct 17 at 7pm - East Union Thursday, Oct 19 at 7pm • City Union Back Into Success with NSE! RESORT JOB Students Needed! Earn to $12/hr. + tips. Theme Parks, Hotels, Spas, + more. Destinations include Florida, Ha waii. Colorado & So. California. Call Resort Employment Services 1-206-632-0150 ext. RS7781 Serious working country band seeks vocalist Call 560 6872,9am-6pm. WANTED: 100 students to lose 8-100 lbs. New metabo lism breakthrough. Guaranteed results. $35 cost. 1-800 200-3896._. _ + ' Campus Rad Cross Come joirf us! Meeting Wed, October 4, Basement of the Health Center. Everyone is welcome! Pre-Physical Therapy Club Meeting 7 pm, Tuesday, in the Union. Room posted. . ■ •' li&ie nealbf (a <t di^etttue. . . jcllauv Eh ■'' / *r'!:' •■;/• 4*t;s■ •-. * ' *■“.-. sfe:,' .... *. J, • -. .- ' - .- - -•••■ -f.- • - * . ,'■' ■_•?' . »• r - • • How many Neks does It take to get to the middto of a teaching career? Informational workshop on portfolios and hiring of teach ers, 7:30, Wednesday, October 11 in the Nebraska Union, room to be posted. All those interested in teaching are invited. _____ Students for Choice Meeti [^Tuesday, October 3 atfcfcpm in the City Union, AT Delta Damma Pledge Class— Thanks for treating us to ice cream last week. We had a great time! _ Lambda Chi Alpha Associate Class * nB<£ Thanks for BBQing with us Tuesday night. ._ The Men of ACACIA We buy the best titles every day and trade, too. Recycle Sounds, 824 P Street, 476-8240. TKE 70th Anniversary Week Spades Tournament ’95 Sat., Oct. 7 Sign up in the Union Tuesday through Thursday For hot 2 on 2 action! To the new members of Phi Kappa Psi, » Thanks for roller skating with us and going out for ice cream Thursday night! we had a great time! The pledges of KD Congratulations 1994 National Champion Nebraska Cornhuskers. Wanted: your national championship rings. Please call collect (617)527-8922, 4-9pm EST. $1000 Fundraiser Fraternities, Sororities & Student Organizations. You've seen credit card fundraisers before, but you've never seen the VISA fundraiser that pays $5.00per application. Call Donna at 1-800-932-0528 ext. 65. Qualified callers recieve a FREE camera. Fast, Easy. No Investment Necessary. Make $500 in 5 days. Greeks, clubs, anyone!! 800-862-1982 Ext 33. -:_:_i—:_:_^_:_:_ WE’VE GOT YOUR NUMBER!!! DATE-NET: 1-900-868-2573 ext. 83; ALL AMERICA S INFO LINE: 1 -900-267-8727 ext. 20; PSYCHNET (“Live”) : 1-900-526-1144 ext. 20; HOROSCOPES: 1-900-868 2569, EXT. 19; SOAP OPERA REVIEWS: 1-900-476 3648, EXT. 22; SPORTS SCORES, 1-900-868-2580, EXT. 22; STOCK MARKET UPDATES: 1-900-868-2524, EXT. 21; SPORTS TRIVIA; 1-900-868-2563, EXT. 16; $2.95/Minute. Psychnet $3.95/minute. Callers under 18 years of age must have parental permission. Telecom 900 International/Bureau One. 300s Jobs $12-$14 per hour Great opportunity for any student. This job will not inter fere with your studies or social life. Set your own hours. Call for more information, 1 -800-480-8797 or 1 -800-641 - 5647. 7 a.m.-8 p.m. $ATTITUDE$ PAYS Looking for goal-oriented people with people skills and professional appeal to help with expansion in Lincoln area. $3000-$4000/month potential. 402-483-5262. $port$ Minded Competitive, energetic, team leaders needed for sales/ management positions. Excellent $$, 402-484-7339. ATHLETIC TRAINER Earn 2-4K/month, while having fun doing-it. Growing company new to Lincoln/Omaha area needs energetic, outgoing people to help train and manage. Call 402-483 5262/interview. Be a part of Nebraska’s other #1 team. Lazio's Brewery & Grill is how hiring for service and kitchen positions. Apply in person at 710 P St, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday between 2-4 p.m. Cash Paid Nightly Domino’s Pizza is how hiring delivery drivers to fit your schedule. Must have car, insurance, and good driving record. Apply at any Domino's Pizza location. " Clerks afternoon and night Apply in person at Mike's O Street Drive-In, 22nd A O. Customer Service Opening Excellent opportunity available for a self-motivated col lege student, seeking a challenge. Part-time opening requiring 20-25 hrs/wk for a responsible individual, to work in our circulation dept. Must be 18 years or older. You will take customer service calls & input information into a computer. Work any four days Mon-Fri, 5:00am-8:00am; Sat. 5:00am-12 noon; or Sun. 5:00am-12 noon. Applica tions for this position will be taken through Wednesday. October 4,1995, at the Lincoln Journal Star, 926 P St., second floor, Lincoln, NE between 9am-4pm. Equal Opportunity Employer. _ Delivery drivers, woodshop assistant and general yard help. Full or part-time. Flexible schedule. Apply Lincoln Lumber Co., 932 N 23rd. Dishwashers and line cooks needed for day and eve nings. Apply in person at Vincenzo’s, 808 P St. Fitness Instructors Wanted Part-time exercize science or similar background. Apply in person, Prairie Life Center, 70th & A. Gain Valuable Advertising Experience & Get Paid The Lincoln Journal Star has a part-time Classi fied Ad-visor position available in our Classified Department. You will be helping our customers place classified ads over the phone as well as selling ads to local businesses on our feature pages. The position will be 20 hours/week during the hours of Monday-Friday 7:30-5:30pm; Saturday 8-1 required. With the potential for more as business demands. Flexibility in scheduling is a must!.Pay starts at $5.25/hr+ commission. Ap plications will be accepted for this position 9am 4pm through Wednesday, Oct. 4, 1995 at the Lincoln Journal-Star, second floor. HAVEN MANOR Assisted living tor the elderly Part-time: full time evening and night care giver positions available. Perfect for nursing students. Also, part-time both aide position available competative wages and benefits. Contact Doreen at 434-2680. Higher Learning Is easier with a job that pays you to learn. Hudson Bay Company is proud to announce our new tuition reimbursment plan. We also offer good pay and a flexible schedule. Call between 12-3pm, Mon-Thur. 476-1010 to schedule an interview. Calvin and HobbeS by Bill Watterson BCST, I HAVE SCHOOL ASSIGNMENTS/ MISS WORMWOOD IS OUT TO DESTROS MT LIFE/ e i MAKE A LEAF COLLECTION? WHAT A DUMB WASTE OF TIME/ > mw MANY A LEAVES DO f YOU NEED?// 50/ I GOTTA COLLECT \50 LEAVES/J m JUST WfteH I THOUGHT OF A LOOPHOLE, the TEACHER SAID EVERT LEAF HAS TO 8E __ A DIFFERENT WHD. J^^TTshe's gotH **11 TOUR Crossword [Edited by Eugene T. Maleska No. 1226 ACROSS 26 Sandusky’s i Part of a Latin setting trj0 28 Astronomer 5 Certain pile of 33 “Thanks-!” chips 34Angakok’s 9 Sound abode investments? 35 Hop 14 Sham thumb 15 Actress Arlene 36 Derides 16 “With- 38 Soul, in Sevres bodkin?.,.■: MGowiththe ®hak' beau ’7 letters’00” «•— "aa. •.Knowledge . •.Takefive 4‘?uad'a „ 20 Song for Joel 44 ‘ ‘ Grey in a 1975 43 “The Spiral musical ——,”1946 film 23 Rev. 48 Peek follower 24 Tony relative 49 Confucian truth 25 Preceder of bi- so Jewish month ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE 52 Palestra’s mod. cousin 54 Bricusse Newley song: 1961 59 Navigation system 60 Madrid mouser 61 Served Seres style 62 Do blackboard . duty 63 Effluvium 64 Author Grey 65 Type of butterfly 66 “Did-and gimble Carroll 67 B.C. neighbor DOWN 1 Santiago sidekick 2 Hog of a kind 3 High anxiety? 4 Lose traction 5 Wing it verbally 6 Anagram for Omanis 7 A1984 Commodores hit 8 Sort of short, for short 9 Screed 10 Spain and Portugal 11 Summer replacement 12 Of anger: Lat. 13 Erotic 21 Likewise 22 Project 27 Mineralogical suffix 29 Vital statistic 30 Kind of garden 31 Use 32 Deli breads 33 Turkish titles 37 Kitchen utensil 38 -lettre (literally) 40 Oratory „ \ 53 Euripides opening? tragedy 43 Computer 54 Avila ovations f'9ure 55 Comedienne 46 Take-(loll) Dunn of TV . 47 Galley slave? 56 Auto 48 Is after you attachment .51 Previously, - 57 Worked up previously 58 C&diz cup