The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 15, 1995, Page 14, Image 14

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Courtesy of Universal Pictures
Strike Dunham (Mekhi Phifer) is flanked by homicide detectives Rocco Klein (Harvey
Keitel) and Larry Mazilli (John Turturro) investigating a drug-related murder in “dockers.
‘dockers’ strikes a chord
By Jeff Randall
film Critic
With his eighth feature film,
“Clockers,” director Spike Lee
hasn’t necessarily made any major
jumps from his previous efforts.
But at least he manages to keep
things interesting.
Continuing Lee’s tradition of
harshly realistic, mildly comical
and culturally-driven street stories,
tells the tale of
Strike (first
time actor
Mekhi Phifer),
an up-and
coming drug
Strike’s ca
reer, however,
seems to be
coming to an
ena wnen ms orotner coniesses to
a murder that Strike was supposed
to commit. Strike soon finds him
self trapped between his boss,
Rodney Little (Delroy Lindo), and
a racist homicide detective, Rocco
Klein (Harvey Keitel).
As Strike’s world cpmes crash
ing down around him, partly be
cause of his own actions and partly
because of Klein’s manipulation,
he must decide what is truly im
portant to him and make amends.
Phifer is excellent as Strike,
especially considering that this-is
,his acting debut. His portrayal of a
man who is forced to question ev
erything he has learned and forced
himself to unlearn as a docker is
strikingly simple and utterly be
Film: “Clockers”
Director: Spike Lee
Stars: Mekhi Phifer, Harvey
Keitel, Delroy Lindo, John
Turturro, Isaiah
Rating: R (violence,
language) ' -
Grade: B+
Five Words: Lee tells brutal
drug tale.•_
Keitel (“Bad Lieutenant,” “The
expencmce1 spectrum with a 30
year career and dozens of feature
films under his belt. His presence
alone gives many films merit, and
his role in “Clockers” helps to
prove why. He brings the bitter
cynicism and clouded racism many
police officers are accused of to
As patriarchal drug dealer
Rodney Little, Lindo (“Malcolm
X”, “Crooklyn”) gives a perfor
mance worthy of recognition. As
he encourages youths to deal drugs,
he tells them to stay in school and
be responsible. Lindo is both fright
ening and calming, often in the
same scenes.
John Turturro (“Quiz Show,”
“Miller’s Crossing”) also makes a
strong showing as Larry Mazilli,
Klein’s more genial and streetwise
partner. Although his role ends up
being marginalized, it is one of the
film’s better ones.
But Isaiah Washington
(“Cropklyn,” “Strictly Business”)
gives the film’s most memorable
performance as Strike’s brother,
Victor Dunham. His character is a
man who is trying his hardest to
remain honest and strong in a world
that is doing its best to make sure he
fails. His tortured emotional state is
relayed by Washington merely by
the look in his eyes and the slight
tremors in his voice.
Over the past nine years, Lee
hasn’t changed his outlook, although
his filmmaking is getting increas
ingly mature and restrained. His
usual messages regarding racism,
poverty, drugs and violence are evi
dent throughout‘the film.
Lee keeps these mes'sages vital,
though, with parallels to reality and
a blunt approach that can do noth
ing but make the audience pay at
The opening sequence in this
film, in particular, exemplifies that
technique-with a series of grotesque
still photographs of murder victims
and memorial murals on inner- city
buildings. Lee makes sure the audi
ence never forgets the reality of
which his films are an extension.
But no matter how many mes
sages Lee tries to cram into every
scene, every line of dialogue, he
still manages to hold the audience’s
interest and maintain the focus on
the storyline.
Exciting camerawork, extremely
manipulative lighting, a powerful
soundtrack, and masterful pacing
make “Clockers” one of the best
films of 1995 so far.
> American Heart Association .
The 1995-96 UNL Student Directory will be on campus
mid-October. Your name, campus address/phone, and
home address/phone will automatically appear in the
directory. If you don't wantit to appear in the directory,
you must restrict your directory information before
Friday, September 15,1995. You can restrict direc
tory information by going to the Records Office, Ser
vice Counter 107C, Canfield Administration Building.
Please have your student ID available. If you previ
ously checked directory restriction on your change of
address form for the fall, you do not need to take any
further action.
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