The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, August 23, 1995, Page 6, Image 6

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    Lincoln General Hospital Auxiliary’s
8 p.m., September 9, ‘95
Lied Center for Performing Arts
Proceeds to help fund Lincoln General Hospital's
Outreach Program On Youth Violence.
Tickets on sale at the Lied Center, 472*4747.
Career Services has Web site
By Erin Schulte
Staff Reporter
Students frantic about finding a
job this year can cool their heels,
-T-flip on their
I 1% I computers and
I VI , surf t0 UNL
Career Ser
vices' new site
)Tn»trnaafnfnVi on the World
WM4mfhm1 WideWeb.
Imnimimn The home
*"'"""7"**"™ page (similar to
Dn//nP atableofcon
|vj/f llll !\^ tents) links the
user to pages with job vacancy list
ings, available internships and cam
pus interview times.
Chris Timm, assistant director
of Career Services, said that al
though Intemetjobhuntingcouldn’t
replace traditional methods, the job
summaries provided could help
narrow the field for more in-depth
job-market research.
The home page includes further
links to information about various
companies, cities around the U.S.
and their job markets, and how to
write a compelling resume, Timm
As a further service to job-seek
ing students and companies, Career
Services will begin puttingstudents’
resumes on the World Wide Web
this year, Timm said.
Students registered with Career
Services can write their own re
sume in HTML format and have it
put on the home page. Those regis
tered but unfamiliar with the Internet
lingo can get started with monthly
But take heed.
Timm said job and internship
openings are updated frequently,
but they are only brief outlines of
what the job is about.
If a student is interested in a job,
Timm said, it would be best to re
search it further.
The home page for Career Ser
vices is at <URL;http: / />.
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