NSE Continued from Page 1 said, in cooperation with the Scholar ships and Financial Aid office. Freshmen apply for direct loans and the federal government requires students applying for direct loans to go through entrance loan counseling, John Beacon, director of Scholarships and Financial Aid, said. During the counseling sessions, stu dents are told the responsibilities of borrowing money, Beacon said, and also receive hand-outs and watch a video. “We can’t hand over checks to students in the fall if they haven’t had counseling,” he said. Beacon said loan counseling usual ly took place during the fell. But while new students are already on campus with NSE, the Financial Aid office has decided to take the opportunity to get loan counseling out of the way during the summer, he said. “It will save time and effort,” Bea con said. Loan counseling will take place around 3:30 p.m. at the end of each NSE day, Beacon said, and parents are encouraged to attend. “Students are already notified of this change so it won’t be a surprise,” Beacon said. NSE begins June 6 and lasts through July 8. The late program runs from July 17 through August 4. So fer, die NSE staff expects 2,428 new students to attend, Gray said. Tanna Khmaman/DN Double-sided bicycle racks are leaving their home outside the Union and going to Abel and Sandoz Halls. Charles M. Zillinger, assistant manager of Landscape Seraces, said, “Students can’t use the back side of the racks outside the Union. There isn’t enough room, we’re just swapping the double-sided racks for single racks from Abel and Sandoz Halls.” From left are Diane L Wilson, curator plants and educational director, Landscape Services, Zillinger, and Kirby K. Baird, city landscape manager, Landscape Services. Education by nbc NBC Urtfanal Bank of Coanmeroe 3th & “O" Streets / (402) 434-4321 / Member FDIC A UlRST COMMERCE bank. Your bank for life