The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, June 01, 1995, Summer, Image 1

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Textbook reservation
-Page 2
Community diversity
-Pages 14,15
Eating in Lincoln
-Pages 16,17
-Page 19
New Student Enrollment introduces students to UNL
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Staff Reporter ~
With the school year finally over, high school
graduates have new futures looming ahead.
Some may decide to find jobs. Some may decide
to travel Europe. And some may wish to begin
their college years.
For those who have chosen to attend the
University of Nebraska-Lincoln, the first step
toward embarking on those college years is a
process called New Student Enrollment (NSE).
NSE is a program for incoming freshmen,
new students and their parents. A typical NSE
day includes advising sessions, class registra
tion and orientation programs, Jody Gray, an
NSE assistant, said.
Students and their parents also spend part of
the day touring campus with an NSE student
orientation leader.
NSE orientation is designed to expose UNL
services to students and parents, Patrick McBride,
director of NSE, said.
Orientation includes discussing issues new
students face, both academically and socially,
he said.
Orientation leaders also perform skits which
address such issues.
Students learn about the services UNL offers
through ‘Campus Life’ videos,” Gray said.
The videos cover issues such as safety, resi
dence hall living, parking and the health center,
she said, and parents also have the opportunity
to view videos that address their own concerns.
“We want parents to feel free to ask ques
tions,” she said.
During NSE, students also take a necessary
math placement test prior to the advising and
registration sessions, McBride said.
The test determines die most suitable intro- i
ductory math class for each student
McBride said another part of class registra
tion included teaching students how to use the
registration system.
This summer’s NSE program will offer an
added feature, McBride said. Student loan coun
seling sessions will be offered during NSE, he
See NSE on 9
Tanna Kinnaman/DN
The job off a tour guide involves more than pointing out buildings throughout the University of Nebraska-Lincoln
campus. Britt Ehlers, a senior secondary education major, pointed out puddles to a group that recently visited campus.
From left are Susanne Staehr, Jeanne Staehr and Jennifer Neal.
Student identification cards to sport a new look
Previous student ID cards had a black and white photograph.
From Staff Reports
University ofNebraska-Lincoln stu
dents who get a new student identifica
tion card this summer and fall will be
able to see their baby blues.
The pictures on the new ID cards
are in color for the first time this year.
Sue Ostrander, a staff member ai
the ID Office, said the color option is
more available now.
The ID office, located within the
University Bookstore in the basement
of the union, had to obtain new equip
ment because of problems finding parts
for its old equipment.
That left the ID office with nc
alternative but to purchase an entire
new system with color format
The new student ID cards have full-color photographs.