concert is a breathtaldnn experience-a ^ Dvff'n9 testlmony to tesssr HOT HERE& HEHDR** SOUP heW-M«C0!‘tfi°" nl songs ongwwty sss» Aum.WW iSS^tr sskst*: ssitf* Matthew c ]00% :°°h>nng. *S/CK ftE THE SAMF* ( MYSELF", JUPERBABY' &%*»>*" Mm mTss“s'2'** I'OCKS, onrtt nn/iiit.. r"'! MOWS hist S&i* toltnvoal, wed settinn fL*', wmuHy subtle c densely powerful an ADVERTISED TITLES ON SALE THROU6H 5/11/95 FireHouse 5 Including-. ^UFETOMOU I fSGE FIREHOUSE WkleW»o}[s'^“* mmaouloltahion® &M*?A the raiw"®1 ^,e0^ . neat musk iff® -quoVttYotW"^™* ^ctpuwdtoPfWt SC5»** mi uveEOLe^THor°cood E UTSWORKTOCETH£R _ penod in St. buisond Atlanta. Jhe album was Weed and mixed by ™ns rfafcums and thou is odd l ™ destroyers onfy or? live album to »*'credit. With the release ofLet's Work IN LINCOLN: Downtown 17th 1637 "F' Street Edgewood 5200 South 56th Street Downtown 14th 1339 "O" Street East 6105 "O" Street Van Dorn 2711 South 48th Street IN GRETNA: Nebraska Crossing 14333 South Highway 31 PLUS 5 LOCATIONS IN OMAHA AND V IN COUNCIL BLUFFS!