The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 27, 1995, Page 19, Image 19
Country Club of Lincoln Wishes tofflltoH and part-time positions of banquet help to workday and/or evening hours. We offer the following benefits: ‘Great wages plus gratuity ‘Free meals ‘Flexible schedule ‘Excellent working conditions ‘Full-time benefits including: paid vacation, health insurance, etc. jfin person at 3200 S. 24th St Tuesday thru Sunday, Male tobacco chewers needed for on campus study. Requires 1 hour of time for $10. Calt Rhonda at 47S-2203. Nanny Live in or out in foothills west of Denver. Weekly salary, car usage. Needed Mon-Fri. Lots of EXTRAS for qualified canddate, 303-5204)649. Needed: 21 people to lose weight over 10 pounds. No witipower needed. 100% natural. 100% guaranteed. Doc tor-recommended. New product Call 483-6371. NO WEEKENDS! TheOmaha World Herald is looking forapart-time service assistant Duties include: dtetribuoon of toe newspaper. Must be able to work independently. Hourly wage PLUS mileage. If interested cal 476-6100. Now taking applications tor Full-time and Part-time em ployees. Apply at Campus Comer. 1701 a St Ogden Entertainment Service DBA PERSHING AUDITORIUM Part-time help as needed. Event set up and change over, schedule vanes with each show requirements. Apply in person Pershing Audttorium, Business Office. M-F, 9am 4pm. Overnight freight company looking for toil and part-time drivers and warehouse postions. Must be 21. Full-time indudes benefits. Pay is $6/hr. Very flexible scheduling. Apply in person to2200W Adams(airport) between 10am 6:30pm, 474-7886. Preferably no phone calls. Part-time warehouse delivery. Flexible schedule. Call Jeff at LinTel Systems between 4 and 5 pm at 486-7235. Plump Tomato Pizza Co. Available now, toll or part time position, food experience helpful, flexible hours. Apply at 16th and W, The Reunion RENT EXCHANGE Exchange 18 hours/week at front desk for private quar ters. Position open May 1. The Rogers House Bed and Breakfast Inn, 2145 B St Apply in person. No phone calls please. SCARLET AND CREAM TECHNICIANS Wanted for '95-'96 school year. Some knowledge of lighting and sound systems. Call Beth at the Wick Alumni Center if interested. 472-2841. security neeoea. ran-ome positions avaiiane ngnt now with the possibility of full-time. Call 476-6600 extension 350. Taste of India now hiring for summer positions. Kitchen, waitery. Apply in person or call 475-1642.1320QStreet. The Athletic Business Office is seeking student assistant. Experience using a personal computer is important A limited number of hours may be available this summer and up to twenty hours a west will be available during the regular semesters. Pay depends on qualifications. If interested, call Craig at472-2273or pick up an application at 113 South Stadkim. The Williamsburg Village Child Devetopement Center has an immediate opening for a part-time teacher aid for toddlers. Hours are 11-5:30 M-F. Must have cheerful! attitude, dependability, experience and references. Apply in person, 3301 Orwell St _ Tumbler/Floater Full time positions available' this summer in our tumbled brick program, peace work brick handbng, in inclement weather, wil be floater in other areas of the plant as needed. Base rate $6.50Hhr, varialbe rate when tumbling S6.50-S12.00. Must be at least 18 years old. Apply in person Yankee Kin Brick 3705 S. Coddmgton. EOfc Veterinary Clinic Front office assistant needed for a busy fast-paced veter inary dinkt Experience preferred but not mandatory. Full time hours with possibility of part-time in FaD. (Monday off. Tues-Thure 1-9:30pm, Fri 10-6:30pm. Sat 730-130) PosWon consists of clerical and phone work, client assis tance, doctor assistance, customer service and client education. Please apply in person at Forney Animal Center, 5720 Ok) Cheney Road, Lincoln NE 68516,423 9100. Wanted: Help to instal underground sprinkler systems. S7/hr. Cal423-6202, leave name and number. Warehouse Jobs Great part-time opportunities working afternoons &eve nmgs to our warehouse. Wete dose to campus 6 offer toSJllddkioSi vancement may be avalabte for outstanding performers. If you enjoy a test BwSreon " ' » youytoy ■ fast pace, hard work and take pride in completing your work accurately and on time, you may be the person we need! Come and see us at: Lincoln Poultry 20th & M Streets WEEKENDS ONLY! The Omaha Work) Herald is looking forapart-tlme service dtetribuoon or the news assistant. Duties include: <__ Young and Energetic West pQ”t. bMy company seeks motivated, strong wriM indMduais tar new office. Sales and management positions available. 421-8556 310 Child Care Needed Full-time summer day care provider in my Southeast Lincoln home. 3-children, 8-5p.m. M-F. & occasional Saturday afternoon. Must have own transportation. 434 7000 ask tor Lu, 423-7842 leave message. Student to babysit tor two to three grade school children, three to lour day&Week for the summer. Northwest Lin coin ansa. Must have own car. 435-7653. Summer sitter needed tor older children, 3 days/week. Must drive. 421-3472,489-6549. Ask tor Pally. Wanted: Daycare provider for9t T2year olds. Tues-Fri, 7am-430pm in my home. Cal 489-0597 after 430pm. Wanted: Full-time nanny for summer. Elementary educa tion preferred. Cal 421-8002. 320 Work Study Jobs Needed: Student with work-study voucher to work during the summer sessions on project to improve teaching at I HtM oirlllo iisirwwtant <» util, uvnai SKJiis imponaru. M&antosn experience preferred. No eveningAwookond hours. Beginning salary fc.00. Call Sheley. Teaching and Learning Cantor, 472 3079. Summer Work Study ndCr Students needed at Love Library. ACTIVITY DIRECTORS your summer "running the ton" on the sunny Call o CAMP COUNSELORS Want'd tor private McNoan boysHris summer amps. “^ftSjSRSWR Teach: swimming, riHery, archery, 3, crafts, drama CAMP COUNSELORS- OUTSTANDING SUM DOWN CAMPS: Tennis, Dance, Siimnastics. WSI, Athletics, Nutrition, Dietetics. Age 20+. 7 Weeks. CAMP CAMELOT on COLLEGE CAMPUSES AT Mass., Penn., Calif. Con tact: Michele Friedman, 947 Hewlett Drive North Woodmere, MY. 11581:1-800-421-4321. Maine Sports Camp All Land, Water, Adventure & Individual Sports. Fun outdoor summer working with kids. (617)277-8080. Camp Cedar, 1758 Beacon. Brookline MA 02146. Nanny needed. Live in Monroe, CT. Young family seeks warm energetic nonsmoker to care for three year old and eight year old. Some housekeeping required. Easy ac cess to NYC by train. Driver's licence and car required. 203-452-7454 Office Assistant Athletic Department is now accepting applications for summer employment (May through August). Knowledge of Mfcrosoft Word and Excel (IBM) desired. Must haweye for detail and ability to organize information. $5.00/hr. 30 40 hrsAwk. Apply at 208 NU Coliseum or call Mary Jo at 472-8253. Part-time lawn mowing, approx 20hrsAvk. Expect to work hard. Must have own transportation. Can Phoenix Prop erties, 474-5327. Rain or Shine You work 40 hrs weekly, Air-conditioned, smoke-free warehouse, temporary-May thru August Earn cash for tuition. Apply now. Nebraska Book Company, Inc. 4700 S. 19th St. EOE Still no summer work? Check out what about 40 students are going to do from Nebraska. Average student makes $1922/nx>nth. Call 420-2741. Summer Camp help wanted for Woodmen of the World youth camp. Positions available: EMT, arts & crafts, archery instructor, riflery instructor, and outdoor living skills/ropes course instructor. $150/week. Weekends oft Camp located in Nebraska City, Nebraska. For more information, contact Chris at 402-467-2588 Summer In Chicago Child care and liaht housekeeoina for suburban Chicam families. Must be a responsible loving non-smoker. Call Northfieid Nannies 708-501-5354. Summer Playground Staff children at parks or schools. Apply at 2740 A St Call 441 7952 to arrange interview. EOE/AA. Summer Staff Needed Camp Easter Seal in Milford, Ne provides recreational opportunities for children and adults with disabilities. We need you to be counselors, program and support staff, nurses and morel. For more info, please call Andi Reed at 402-330-6660. Top boy’s sports camp in Maine still has a few positions available for collegiate athletes. Instructors needed to coach: baseball, basketball, hockey, golf, tennis, la crosse, waterskiing, swimming, and tnp leaders. June 18 August 18. Please call 212-316-1419 for application and brochure. 400s Housing Publisher’s Notice AH real estate advertising in this newspaper « subject to the federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference. Imitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handcap, familial status or national origin, or intention to make any such preferences, Imitations or discrimination. The Daily Nebraskan wil not knowingly accept any advertising tor real estate which is in violation of the law or discriminates against sexual preferences. Our readers are hereby informed that aldwetings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis. 400 Roommates 1 or 2 non-smoking female roommates, to share 2 bedroom apartment, May-August, 423-8407. 1 roommate needed to share 3 bedroom apartment for summer. $235Anonth. +1/3 utiity. May rent free, move in as early as May 6.3 blocks to campus. Cal 477-4851, ask for Matt or Kevin. 2 Roommates needed for 3-bedroom duplex, $190/ month. Cal 476-3042. 3 nonsmoking female roommates wanted May through August 5-beoooms, 2 bath, washer/dryer, dtehwasher, 2 car garage, and much more. $170 + utiktee. Cal 474 1720 Female roommate wanted, 12th & A. Close parking and bus. $170/month, 435-2433. Female Roommate. May-July. 2-br. apt Only $120. No deposit Cal after 10 pm. 475-1223. M/F to share 3 bdrm trailer. Rent $19Q/month + 1/3 utilities. W/D included. 474-1157 Male non-smoking roommate to share house. $200 +1/ 3 unities. 476-0462 or 4764)624. Male roommate. $200 + deposit < r 15-i 7, ask for Sean. Male/Female roommate needed to share 4-BR house for summer. $165/mo +1/4 utilities, smokers OK. Ken 436 Needed roommate for the summer, May 15-Aug 15. Apt campus, own bedroom, swimming pool, $160 + 1/2 utWies.477-9045. dose to i Non-smoking female to share furnished apartment for summer in S.W. Lincoln, 423-3011. Roommate needed for very nice and spacious 3 bed/2 bath plus loft $237 + 1/3 unities. No depost and dose to campus. Available now. 477-1771. Roommate needed to share 2-bedroom apartment M/F, $245+ 1/2 utilities. Available now. Michele 423-5037/ Roommates needed to share house. Male or female. $250/month, ALL utilities paid. 474-4505 Roommates Wanted $150/month to share mHtiies, Ctose to campus. 476-2355. Shared 3-bedroom house near Oak Lake 1/2 block from #11 busstop, $250 tor one, $150 each for two. Will reduoe rent $30 tor someone with PC. with Word tor Windows. Dan 474-1038 colect |F-£ Wanted: Male roommates to share townhouse starting May 1. $175/mo. 435-4216. 420 Rooms For Homelesstarthe summer... Wal. get a 1-bedroom apart ment with $100 off May rent tor the summer. $27SArionth , July, August No deposit Call Tony, ♦ utilities far June, 474-0234. ,*M6 1. 4 bedrooms, C/A, W/D, D/W, 2 for June and July, $795 trom August on. 1-tod house near East Campus. Available 5/1. $350 ♦deposit 477-3254. 2291 Sheldon, (22nd & Hoidrege) 4-bedroom, 11/2 bath, C/A, $600/month, available June 1, summer lease avail able. 421-1037. 3018 S. Large 4 bedroom, 11/2 baths, central air, living, dining room, parking, $775.437-9618/489-5168 4 bedroom, 2311 U St Walk to campus, neat and dean, will rent effictive 8-1-95, $695. Phoenix Properties 474 5327. 4-Bedroom House. 40th & Madison, $650. 466-9085, 464-5170. 5 bedroom house six blocks from stadium. Washer, dryer, range, refrigerator. 2 bathrooms, central air. $600.438 4 bedroom house, 5 blocks from stadium, washer, dryer, range, refrigerator, shower, central air. $600.438-1330 FUTONS...FUTONS...FUTONS m m ms TOWN CENTER SHOWCAS ^T$£Minco'n’47l^ Lincoln’s Largest Selection of Futons & Accessories Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson I NEED N TO SET A HEART RATE MONITOR, j TO MAKE SURE I’M CHEWING AT MN AEROBKL THRESHOLD' EVERS DAS I WANT TO SEE THAT I'M CHEWING MORE GUM FASTER. HARDER, AND LONGER f NUATS THE PO\NT OF ATTACHING A NUMBER TO ENERHTHING ACROSS 1 Eccentric rotators 9 Enjoy; relish 10 Interlock 14 Crooked is Castle or Rich 15 -pura 17 Flatfish 10 Inexperienced 10 Void’s partner 20 Wife of the 27th U.S. President 23 Something to bite? 24 Fitzgerald and Cinders 25 Engender 20 Century plant 31 Oratorio part s s s 32 Deli item 34 Cote sound 37 Wife of the 16th U.S. President 40 Bad-, German spa 41 European diving birds 42 First name in whodunits 43 Tops 44 Fold 43 One of Cortes’s victims 40 Bern waterway 50 Wife of the 3d U.S. President 57 Ignore Choir member That one: Lat. Citrus fruit ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE lull 11 11 11 11 11 I ii 11 Mnli I n 11 lil •1 N.Z. native •2 Enameled metalware 63 Comfort 64 Start 65 Twelve months DOWN 1 J. C. Penney’s middle name (honestly!) 2 Lily-family member 3 Gangster’s girl 4 Indianapolis feature 5 Ennui sounds 6 Court decree ir Quebec 7 Deviate 8 Lulu 9 Where the Truckee flows 10 Cloak; conceal 11 Peer 12 Kind of drug 13 Stops 21 Sister 22 Composer Ethelbert 25 Identical 26 British buggy 27 Broadcasts 28 Tree resistant t rot 28 Audacity 30 He wrote “How’s Your Glass?" 32 Garbure, e.g. 33 Axlike tool 34 Eagre 35 -breve 36 Dill herb of the Bible 38 One of the 3 senses 38 Speed 43 Furniture item 44 Before: Prefix 45 Soap plant 46 Floridian plant having a crown of palmlike leaves 47 Prunes 48 Preceder of said or mentioned 4t Mythical Arabian demon 3 3 3 51 Air: Comb, form 52 Harlow or Stapleton A son of Seth --gin Southwestern stewpot 55 Poetic contraction Edited by Eugene T. Maleska (St&Mlb 3 o »6Aos late/Z, ftoacer MlMAHAOA apMrKTHt IdHout THltiG L>A? A Complete. Shaw Pfiwe/O fiy 6ov€^m£ajt w€f .* 3 MILLION/ 1 5 2 1 ? 6 pRoT^srtfiS wees s«<rr JAltEPl AMtAlCA*J$ lOtfife SPltC? UPON) I aud aiiuoios of potuAcs \NtU,&MG fcl&OT KuST GwtbousoMt SAUS FACTION " UOH1 OH, X UiVSH IT c*0. 8UT UteMuSt (OtN/tft.R#6£T TUtMt£Ovts? PAi»J AHO MlSfcfc'j THAT THAT SyUAft CAUSED, N\AJ^. y YZXV—lJ DOtSTUlSMtAtfUte HAVtTO USTtiO TO TUe MUSIC OP TUt. SIXTIES R>ft.A*>OT«£JL 3o yeAC.s'?