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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 24, 1995)
Classified IBM PS2 386SX, 2megRAM, 120Hard, Color monitor. Panasonic jrintBr, Word Perfect Quattro. mouse. $400/ MACINTOSH -5685. including 20 Furniture For Saie For Sale: Queen size watertoed. Very nice. Mirrored headboard and frame with drawers. $175. Cal420-2407. 50 Pets Must sen tame 7lt Albino Burmese Python, $250. Ask for Mike, 489-3964. 65 Stereos TVs For Sale VCR w/remote, $80 excellent condition. Also, COLOR T.V., $70.466-8520. 90 Vehicles For Sale *89 Mustang LX. Automatic, A/C, cruise, cassette, 2 snow tires, 75K, Clean. $5400 080,477-5712. ^Mercury Ctou^.gower everything. New mags&tires. '80 Suzuki GS 250T, 7k, +2 helmets, $500 OBO, runs/ looks great. 475-4477. 1990 Grand Am LE Tec 4,4-cylinder, automatic, power steering, power-brakes. A/C, AM/FM cassette. Excellent condition. Call 464-7766-day or 464-0646-evening. 1987 S10 Blazer 4X4, A/C, PS/PB, very sharp, i. Call 488-3341 evenings or weekends. 1987 KAWASAKI EX 500, btack/fed, runs lent condWon, 15K mi.. $1700/060.476-1 Excel 100s Services 100 Adoption Adopt A caring couple looking to adopt a newborn, to cherish and adore. Expenses paid. Please cal Phyffis and Joe. 1-800 741-9394. ADOPT A California couple wishes to adopt baby to age 2. We are happily married, have love, security, and a wonderful future to offer your child. We can help with al medical, legal, and living expenses. Completely legal. Please can Lynne collect 818-790-0648 Thank you. ADOPTION A loving alternative We offer counseling and adoption services to help you plan the best future for you and your baby. No fees or obligations. Statewide since 1893. Nebraska Children’s Home, 4600 Valley Rd. Suite 314.483-7879. Adoption Home study approved. Loving childless couple wishes to adopt newborn. Full-time mom and devoted Dad(an adoptee himself). Offer you’ baby a lifetime of love, laughter and security. Please call Julie and Bill anytime. 1-300-315-2348. Fun, happy, secure couple Marty & Greg, 489-1834. will love to adopt you child! Lots off Love 115 Bicycle Service Is you bike ready for summers? Fix it at Cycle Works. Top quality work with fast turn around. Cycle Works, 27th & Vine Open 7 days, 475-2453 145 Gift Ideas Thank Roses v 31 O St with balloons and Roses! Just 1118. 150 Health and Fitness can help you achieve you goals. Cal 477-3922. 170 Misc. Services Wanted: 100 students lose 5 to 100 poundB. New metab olism breakthrough. Doctor recommended products, guaranteed results. I lost 10 pounds in 2 weeks. $32. t 173 Music Exchange CASH PAID!! W* buy, sad, trad* Largest aelection of new and uead CDs and tapes. Homer’s/Twisters RECYCLED SOUNDS Wants your used CD's, Tapes, Pasters Open Every Day I Sounds, 824 P St, 476-8240. 178 Pregnancy PREGNAHT7 BIRTHRIGHT is a confidential helping hand. ^Free^gregnancy test, please cal us tor appoint 185 Rentals Mini Storage-For Summer Remember what tinppnnnrl to your favorite take > your now ex-triend nd that it would be *no-problai stash it in their garage? Special rate-4th month F when you pay forTstraiaht out West “O'*. Strong Boi Storage. 47&92S2,2861 West XT ST. 195 Typing & Resumes Professional word { level documents. Laser-printed copy. Anna Plank. 489 2671. Sears Resume Service Experienced professional writer. Gateway MaN location, 10%dteoountwlth student ID. 484-9537. Resumes By Ann umas, professional writers. “ i, proven results. 464-0775. QueBty resumes, profosetonel wHers. Over 14 yeeni owpenenco. j " — Resumes Professionally typeset and tear grinted$15 plus tax. a_- - - - - .a *■— »«- ■-a ■—■ umiiy noonsKMn, onwnfrvr or mo foorsno union 200s Notices 210 Announcements Alaska Jobsl-Eam up $3,000-$6,000+/month working in the fishing industry. Free transportation! Room and board! No ext experience A7010. necessary! Male/female. 818-774-1199, Attention students: Please review your sytabi for Dead Week conflicts. Con tact the Student Government office, 115 Nebr. Union, <472-2581) with (Sscrepandes or questions. Dead Week Finals only at time per Official Schedule of < during finals week mutuatty agreeable to all. or time Examinations allowed during Dead Week: laboratory practical examinations, make-up or repeat examinations and self-paced examinations. Quizzes are acceptable. Projects, papers and speeches due Dead Week need to have been assigned by the eighth week of the semester. Projects, papers and speeches due Dead Week need to have been assigned by the eighth week of the semester. Project a scope, not topic. Cruise Ships and Vacation Resorts Hiring Earn up to $2200+/month working for these companies. World travel and exotic resorts. Fufl time and seasonal SSBSff experience necessary. Ca. <818,70* 1 FACULTY/STAFF GOLF LEAGUE Tuesday, Apr! 25 is the last day to enter the Men’s and Women's F/S Intramural Golf League. Don't delay I Enter now at the Office of Campus Recreation. For more infor mation, call 472-3467. FREE FINANCIAL AID! Over $6 BUSon in private sector grants 6 scholarships is available. Al students are eligible regardless of , income or parent’s income. Let us help. Call it Finanadal Services: 1-800-263-6495 ext F57783. Looking (or live-in position in exchange tor my babysitting services and/or housework. Responsible. 435-8924. NATIONAL PARKS NRMG- Seasonal & full-time em ployment available at National Parks, Forests & Wildlife Preserves. Benefits + bonuses! Cal: 1-206-545-4804 exLN57784. OUTDOOR ADVENTURES TRIP DEADLINES Tuesday, April 25, is the daadfihe'to sign up for the following Outdoor Adventures trips: Badands Backpack ing and Moab Mountain Biking. Don't miss out on these great tripe. Call the Office of campus Recreation at 472 4777 for more information. RESORT JOBS- Earn to $12/hr. + tips. Theme Parks, Hotels, Spas, + more. Tropical & Mountain destinations. Can 1-206-632-0150 ext.R57784 Students Interested In Teachers College ATTENTION: Students interested in: teaching. If you want to transfer to Te attend the final transfer session of the semester on We April 26 at 330pm in Room 116, HenzKk. Bring your advising folder and a CMA to the transfer day. For more information, contact the Teachers College Student Ser vices Center, 105 Hemdik. (472-8624) SUMMER ADVENTURE How about a paid six-week adventure? Registi for ARMY ROTC’s Camp Challenge. Coiiec Credit! No Obligation! Cal today. 472-2468 Nominations should include, letter and resume. Please send nominations and self-nominations by May 8th to: Marlyn Grady, Secretary ChanceSofs Commission on the Status of Women 1204 Seator. Hal 0638 215 Meetings Block & Bridle Officers meeting 5pm, Animal Science Bldg. Meeting Tuesday Pre-Physical Therapy Tuesday Apnl 25th at 7pm, Union, room wff be 220 Greek Affairs I AMI Hey, ati of you Alpha Delta Pi seniors, you rock our woridlt We wM miss you next year!! Lots ofLove your sisters GREEKTOOS BOOTH Thursday 4/27 9:00-4:00 Nebraska Union This is your chance to stock up on Greek letter temporary hkhs Congratulations to the fotiowing outstanding Kanpas: Stspn Neison on Mortar Board VP; Amy Reed on Gamma Gamma Award; Val Arms, selected to Washington DC r. Chancellor's Schol Diversity Conference; Susan Hagar, l ar and Amy Off, Journalism College Advisory Board. - - Albracht And a special Congrats to Melissa Spader on their pinning. and Cory 240 Personals Congrats to MfceM. for his engagement to his T850. Hope she makes it to Iowa A backT Congratulations on a wonderful show, rs great to see all your hard work pay off. Loot; ISU Watch in Rac Cenlar or near MKtary Science Sentimental value. For reward cal 488-8182. 300s Jobs 300 Help Wanted Advertising Sales Basic rate $5Aiour plus commission. Finable hours. CaH 466-1888. • ' ' • ' Are You Ready For a great summer job? Give us a cad. We've nirad some j for morel Help get Nebraska utilities to i our own natural resources and economy by using wind power, solar, and energy crops from our farmers. Work outdoors, dres6 casual, shorts and Birkenstocks OKI This is an ideal job for pod sd, environmental studtes.commu Nebraska's Premier Environmental Group Attention Nursing Students Medication Aide Part-time, 2 shifts/wk 11pm-7am Apply in person Gremercy HU, 6800 A St Branched Oak Marina Located at Branched Oak Lake, Fun and Part-time sum mer employment Marina and food service. 783-3311. Carpet cleaning production workers needed. Day. evening, and nignt hours available, flexible around school schedule, hours available now and throughout the sum mer, 489-4511. Don and Millie’s Has some lunch and evening shifts coming open, work around your school schedules, appicanons 6pm, 5200 S. 56th. appicatk>nsfrom2 takirtg applications for Full-time and Part-time env ies. Apply at Campus Comer. 1701 R. St Cook/Catering Attendant Under general supervision, receiwsforepares food or ders for delivery and/or service in the cafeteria lor 2nd and 3rd shifts in accordance with established redpes/taroce dures. Must be 18 years of age to operate production equipment; high school dfoloma or equivalent Any com bination of background/experience that win alow the indwidual to perform the listed duties. PT-630pm-4:30am or 630pm>1130pm (weekdays) Cafeteria Worker Ifxfvkfoals needed to perform a variety of routine duties such as dtehing salads, serving on (he cafeteria line. haw ability to Rft up to 251bs. and communicate effectively with others. PRN(as needed) Dishwasher Indwidual needed to receiwfcoak/feed dirty dishes into the dBh machine, as well as unload dean dishes and put themaway. Must haw manual dexterity and ability to lift PT- 4:45pm-8:00pm (2 to 3 evenings/week) or™0am-2:00pm or 830am-3.30pm or 4:45pm-830pm Medical Records Clerk -Temporary IncSviduaJ needed to handle requests for information and to perform various clerical duties. Must haw knowledge of medfoal terminology and current office procedures. Must also haw the ability to file alphabetically and numerically and skill in typing. Good telephone and people communication skills. Previous r preferred. ! filing experience FT-Day/Evening hours available (M-F) Please submit resume/application to: BRYAN MEMORIAL. HOSPITAL Human Resources 1600 South 48th Street Lincoln, Nebraska 68506 (402|483-8610 Flexible Hours Part-time/MMime, days, evenings, weekends. Compet itive wages. Advancement possibilities. Must work through summer. Appiy In person. West O Dairy Queen. Fun or part-time, flexible hours. Starting pay: $6/hr. Out side work, 421-2416. wages. Call 303-483-7490 evenings. Julio’s Is Back Hiring for lunch servers and kitchen staff postions. Flex ible schedule for students that want to make some cash. Apply in person at 5600 S. 48th, between 2 and 4. Kare Bear Daycare is now hiring for part-time summer positions. Apply at 720 Westgate Btva. KinderCare, 6900 Huntington has an opening for a school age teacher. Must be enthusiastic and patience. Experi ence and/or education needed. Apply in person, No phone calls please. King’s Drive Inn King's Drive Inn of Lincoln is looking for hard working line cooks to serve the WorWs Greatest Hamburgers. Top wages, $6 & up, flexible hours. If interested call 474-4262 for interview or stop in at 923 South St, ask for Ron, Labor to help with grading and hydro feeding. Call Nebras ka Grade, 437-6652 or 464-0646. Laundryland pays $5/hr to start Now hiring for 7:45am 2pm & i :45-7:30pm shifts at 21 st &J. 48th & Old Chaney, and 56th A Holdredge locations. Apply in person. Leasing position available for daytime weekend hours. Must have excellent communication skills; clerical skills also required. Appl^inperson at Hghpointe Apartments Lied Center Box Office UNL Student for part time ticket sales. Contact Cheri at 472-4725,11-5:30pm, M-F. Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson i-1 r.. / - 1 mr A PRETtt ) ITS TOO SVC< TODAV.' / BLUE. __ IT HEEDS SOME RED. rW Jv) ( RED? 1 RIGHT OVER THERE. BASICM1X TWEM RECOMMEND INTERVAL TRA\N\NG: CHEWING ONE PVECE OF SUM N\TU LOVb OF REPS, FOLLOWED BT eCU9NtNG FIVE P\ECES OF SUM | AT ONCE, SO iOU CBIH WORK 5 THE MAS5EFER AND BOCONATOR IT'S * 6RV)tUUS YtOWMfcJT, BUT iCM BU\U> STR£U<3VH ANP ENDURANCE, s>w ON DA SORE. TUE OCRS WvKES \T ML ViOP^WiWlE. Crossword Edited by Eugene T. Maleska No. 1017 ACROSS i Bears’ coach • “Amo, amas, I love-*: O’Keeffe 11X, to Aeschylus 14 Very pale is “Vissi Puccini aria 15 Possesses 17 Britt Reid it Comment from Sandy 50 Puzzler’s plum 21 Chuck-a-luck triplet 22 Involved with 22 Cheers 25 John Reid 22 Explorer Johnson 25 Underlined 30 Kin of Inc. 31 Tear’s partner 32 Verve 30 Disobedient 30 Painters Giovanni and Giuseppe 40 Farmer in April 41 “I acta-est!” 42 “-Popular Man,” Cohan song 43 Moralist 40 Shar-Pei or Akita 47 Kit Walker 00 Well, to Ovid 01 Physics measures 02 Sally’s Norma 03 The Rome of Hungary ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE 8 3 3 55 White or slippery — 56 Diana Prince 60 Demography item 01 Auspices expert Perform Ply a picot Photos of Ginger? 05 Babies, in Madrid DOWN 1 Hammarskjold 2 Medit. republic 3 Lamont Cranston 4 Timbers for Dennis Conner 5 -Domini o Brouhaha 7 Ring from Niles •-army (Palmer ferns) o Celibate bulls 10 Unit at Wimbledon 11 -and Eng 12 Poker Flat creator 13 “M-the many.. isSkelter companion 22 Southern constellation 23 Massages deeply 88 8 883 888 Houston athlete Mouthward Poseidon’s realm Dusky, in poesy Peter Parker Misanthrope of Athens Inedible orange Sobs Commercial Muse? a* Enlarger 41 Threw a tantrum 44 -al Raschid, famed caliph 45 New Zealand fish 47 Give medical aid 45 That Wyeth model 45 Irish hero SSXK so *Td rather see than-G. Burgess Is past Urns' partners Point winner for Sampras so Some P.M. periods