The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 13, 1995, Page 12, Image 12

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    Wanted: Permanent crop production assistant for pro
gressive Hamilton County farm. Ridge till, irrigated com,
soybeans, introducing GPS systems, registered cow/calf
herd, new John Deer equipment, farm experience neces
sary, good pay, and benefits. Must be of good character,
and keep equipment and farm neat. 694-2619.
Now accepting applications for all shifts at all locations.
'Flexible schedule
'Pay based on experience and availability
'Meal discount
'Vacation plan
Stop by today and start earning $$$ tomorrow!
Work Outdoors This Summer
Help the states largest environmental organization lobby
for dean renewable energy. Ideal for Poli Sd, Environ
mental, and Business majors. We offer competitive wag
es and a fun work environment. Part-time, lull-time, and
summer opportunities. To schedule an Interview, call
477-8689 between 1-4pm.
Nebraska Citizen Action
You need two things to make it through college: good
grades and money. You take care of the grades-our
propram can take care of the money! Make $1900/month.
310 Child Care Needed
Free rent in exchange for babysitting, light housework,
own car, have references. 5:15pm-9:15pm Monday-Fri
day. 489-2324
Nanny needed this summer for New York family. Non
smoking, references needed. Please call collect 914
921-1552, ask for Elaine.
Summer babysitter needed for 9 & 12-year old girls. Mon
Fri 8am-5pm. Foxhollow area. Experienced, references
and own transportation required. Call 486-1532 after 6pm
and weekends.
Summer sitter needed for older children, 3 days/week.
Must drive. 421-3472, 489-6549, Ask for Patty.
Wanted: Special Ed student for childcare. 2 children, 16
& 12. Flexible hours. Part-time, possible overnights. Over
minimum wage. Not long distance, call from pay phone or
extend service. 798-7429, call 6 a.m.-10:30 p.m.
320 Work Study Jobs
Summer Work Study Students needed at Love Library,
City Campus and CY Thompson Library, East Campus.
Day, evening and weekend hours available, $4.60-$4.85/
hr. Apply at Love Library room 108,472-3963.
330 Summer Jobs
Spend your summer ‘running the fun’ on the sunny
beaches of Southern California, The Florida Coast. Hilton
Head Island, SC and Myrtle Beach SC. Other locations
include Palm Springs CA and Orlando, FL National Rec
reation company has summer and year round openings
at over 90 beautiful resort locations. Fully furnished
apartments + $150/mo stipend. Call 800-864-6762 or fax
resume to 803-785-4368.
CAMPS: Tennis, Dance, Slimnastics, WSI, Athletics,
Nutrition, Dietetics. Age 20+. 7 Weeks. CAMP CAMELOT
on COLLEGE CAMPUSES AT Mass., Penn., Calif. Con
tact: Michele Friedman, 947 Hewlett Drive North
Woodmere, N Y. 11581:1-800-421-4321.
Wanted for private Michigan boys/girls summer camps.
Teach: swimming, canoeing, sailing, waterskiing, gym
nastics, riflery, archery, tennis, golf, sports, computers,
camping, crafts, dramatics, OR riding. Also kitchen, of
fice, maintenance. Salary $1200 or more plus R&B. Camp
LWC/GWC, 1765 Maple, Nfld.. IL 60093. 708-446-2444!
Children's Counselors, Activity Instructors, Nanny, Bus
Drivers, Cooks, Kitchen Manager, Kitchen Help for Moun
tain Summer Camp, PO Box 711, Boulder, CO 80306,
Does your summer job leave you feeling OVERQUALI
FIED and UNDERPAID? Check out our summer
program...Make $5700. Call 438-7093.
Maine Sports Camp
All Land, Water, Adventure & Individual Sports. Fun
outdoor summer working with kids. (617)277-8080. Camp
Cedar, 1758 Beacon, Brookline MA 02146.
Need summer help. Both full-time and part-time positions
available. Hours available: 7-11:30, 7-3:30, 12-4, 3:30
8pm, Monday-Friday. Please apply in person at Para
mount Linen, 837 S. 27th.
Rain or Shine
You work 40 hrs weekly, Air-conditioned, smoke-free
warehouse, temporary-May thru August. Earn cash for
tuition. Apply now.
Nebraska Book Company, Inc.
4700 S. 19th St.
Summer Playground Staff
Lincoln Parks and Recreation is accepting applications
for summer playground staff: leaders($5/nr), assistant
leaders($4.80/hr), craft spedalists($5/hr). Program hours
9:15am-12:15pm, M-F, June 5-July 28. Plan and conduct
activities for elementary children at parks or schools.
Apply at 2740 A St. Call 441-7952 to arrange interview.
•Do you think it's tun to work with children?
•Do you quickly build friendly, supportive relationships
with children?
•Do you like to plan activities?
If so. the SRI St. Elizabeth Child Development Center has
opportunities to work with children ages 1-10 years old.
Part-time, full-time and substitute positions available for
both summer and year-round teachers.
Call our Interviewing Center Today
Monday-Friday 8am-5pm
SRI St. Elizabeth Child Development Center
Rea or Uaht, warm I8pk cans
1 Rea, Liaht. Red. Ice. NA. warm case cans. So
Rea or Liaht, warm 18pk cans..
8c ICE warm case cans.
ZIMA... 6pk warm
I'm looking for 2 students who want to make about $6,000,
get ^reat experience, and travel this summer. Call 420
340 Internships
Minority Internship
KOLN/KGIN-TV is currently seeking applicants for its
paid minority internship program for the Summer, 1995.
This is a 13-week paid internship designed for minority
students interested in the broadcast industry. This part
time position provides an opportunity to work in most
areas of television. Applicants need not be broadcast
majors. Questions answered by Pam Sullivan, Public
Affairs Director, 467-4321. To apply, send cover letter,
resume, and video tape sample of work (if available) to
Lori Lembrich. P.O. Box 30350, Lincoln, NE 68503. EOE
400s Housing
Publisher’s Notice
All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to
the federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to
advertise any preference, limitation or discrimination
based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial
status or national origin, or intention to make any such
preferences, limitations or discrimination. The Daily Ne
braskan will not knowingly accept any advertising for real
estate which is in violation of the law or discriminates
against sexual preferences. Our readers are hereby
informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an
equal opportunity basis.
400 Roommates
2 M/F roommates needed for 5-bedroom house. 5 min
utes from campus. $100-1-1/5 utilities. Call Mark or Sean
3 non-smoking female roommates wanted. May-August,
5-bedroom, 2-bath, D/W, W/D, 2 car garage and much
more! Call 474-1720 for interview.
Female non-smoking roommate to share my home near
East Campus. $200/month plus phone. Must be dean.
Female nonsmoker to share nice house, 20 & A area.
$190-1-1/4 utilities + deposit. Marde 476-8267
M/F roommate for 2-bedroom apartment near campus.
Call Eric 435-0709 or Leave message.
M/F roommate, May 1. $175+ 1/3 utilities. By Devany,
Male, non-smoker wanted to share 2-bedroom apart
ment. May, June, July ONLY. 1/2 rent and utilties. Call
Adam 436-8198.
Male/female roommate. Three bedroom duplex. May 1.
Between both campuses. $150/month, 1/3 utilites, de
posit. 464-6242.
N/S Female Roommate needed May 1. $150/mo+ 1/3
utilities. $100 deposit. 476-1159, Leave message.
Non-smoking roommate needed for 3-bedroom/2-bath
apt. Very nice, spacious and furnished. $237+ utilities.
Must be either family or family-friendly. Avialable imme
diately and close to campus, 477-1771.
Non-smoking female roommmate needed. Omaha area,
beginning in May. Call Traci at 436-9079.
Roommate needed for summer. Three blocks from cam
pus. Call Chad 438-7022 for information.
perdass female roommate wanted for fall semester.
II Amy 435-1341.
Wanted: 1 or 2$iale nonsmokder roommates to share
nice 2-bedroom apt. Available May 1. Call 466-1579,
please leave a message._
430 Houses For Rent
210 S. 44th. 3 bedroom, garage. $595
2948 Starr, 4 bedroom, two bath, garage, $695
1201 Charelston, 6-bedroom, two bath: $975
Air, no pets. Jerry, 430-6328
3018 S St., large, 4-bedroom, 1 1/2 baths, central air,
living room/dining room, parking, $775, 437-9618, 489
4 bedroom, 2311 U St. Walk to campus, neat and dean,
will rent effictive 8-1-95, $695. Phoenix Properties 474
Four-bedroom house, convenient location between cam
puses. Garage, DW, disposal. Ideal for four students.
Available May 1,489-6070.
Houses available in May
for summer lease or longer
2284 "W. 1 1/2 baths. 3-bedroom. $475
726 Y. 3-bedroom. 1 1/2 baths. $575.
1237 Court. 3-bedroom. 1 1/2 baths. $575.
804 Y. 4-bedroom. 1 1/2 baths. $625.
2301 Vine 4-bedrodtn. 2 baths. $700.
1549 N. 23rd. 4-bedroom, 1 1\2 baths, $675.
All near campusll Air conditioning. Pets welcome.
432-0644 or 432-6644.
Other houses available for rent In August.
I440 Duplexes For Rent
2231SW19th: 5 bdr., 2 ba, 2 garage, c/a, w/d, appliances,
$895. 435-7807
Two-bedroom. 25th & Holdrege (1445 N. 25th). New deck,
bath, washer/dryer, carpet, paint, stained glass. $375.
Phone 432-0813.
450 Apartments For Rent
722 S. 27th. 2-bedroom. Roomy and nice. Parking and
laundry. No pets. $347-$367. 466-9526.
850 S 32nd. Furnished 1-bedroom basement apartment
available May/June, 1995. Serious students welcome.
$275/mo. Call 435-1343, evenings.
Claremont Park Apartments
Has 3 bedrooms available for August. They won't last
long; 1,2 and 4BRs are already gone! OPEN HOUSE:
Wednesday evenings 5:30 to 8:30 pm. Bring your friends
and family to check us out.
9th & Claremont 474-PARK
!!!! April Rent Free !!!!!!!
Newer 1 and 2 bedrooms, South. Convenient to UNL.
Parking. Well maintained. No smokers. No pets. 6 month
lease. $310 and $395 plus deposit and references. 466
8966 (work) or 423-5921 (home).
Summer Leases Available
Efficiencies, one & two
bedroom apartments, $229-5495.
Century Management Co.
$50.00 Move-In Special
Have we got an apartment for you!! Every size, price and
length of lease! Efficiency; Small & Meoa-sized one
bedroom; Two bedroom. Prices from $300. Relax and tan
yourself POOLSIDE. Summer or Fall Term leases. 640
South 20—475-7262, if no answer 430-4776.
One, two and three bedrooms available for May. Low
deposits, $250-595
Management One 477-2600.
1020 C St. Big, beautiful 1 bedroom. $ 375+ deposit. Call
Kim, 430-9019.
1900 S. 13th. Large 1-bedroom. All appliances, laundry,
off-street parking, new carpet. $315. No pets. 476-2313,
1910-20 J Street. 1 -2 bedroom, $290-$400. Clean, quiet.
Jim, 437-9014.
1938 Garfield
2-bedroom. Very nice, newer apartment.
$375. 486-1267.
2-bedroom apartment. Available 5/7. Next to east cam
pus, laundry, appliances, fireplace. $300, 467-1883.
Help change someone's life.
Donate plasma today.
1442 "O" STREET
2504 Vine, walk to Lincoln campus. Sharp 1-bedroom
apartments. Choose your style from $340.
1109,1121 North 28th. 1 -bedroom apartments. Spacious
bedrooms, personal patios, breakfast bars, pool opens
soon. $350-365.
311 North 24th, 1-bedroom duplex, unique. All utilities
paid, $300.
2615 Vine, 1-bedroom duplex, 2 levels, lots of windows.
$350 all utilities paid.
Walk to Union College. 4537 Prescott, 2-bedroom, 2
bathroom, fireplace. All appliances, spacious. $450.
Cherry Hill Management
Close to campus. 2311 Vine. 3 br, newly remodled, $475
+ deposit. No pets. 665-2521
Colonial Heights
One-, two- and three-bedroom apartments available.
Tanning bed and indoor heated pool. 421-3070.
East Campus 3609 Baldwin, 2-bedroom, central air,
fireplace, balcony, appliances, laundry, parking, for sum
mer or longer, 467-6437/489-9916.
Efficiencies and one bedrooms. Near campus. Secured
building. $235-$260. No pets. Call 477-3648.
Efficiencies, 1-2-3 bedroom apartments, 4-bedroom
HOUSE, near campus. 475-1449.
Efficiency Apartments close to City Campus. Available in
May. Gas, water, heating paid. Call 477-4490.
Large studio, 1107 L St. Just remodled, walk to campus.
Heat paid, only $280.
Roomy studio, 3179 R St. Hardwood floors, $210. Call
Phoenix Properties, 474-5327
Looking For Affordable
We have 1-bedroom apartments close to campus for
$260/month-$310/month. Contact 450-2211 or 475
May Leases
East campus—3600 Huntington. Two bedrooms. Brick
four-plex. Fireplace. Central air. Parking. Laundry. Sum
mer lease or longer. 489-9916.
May OpeningsfEmbassy Park Apartments**31st & Old
Cheney, 2 & 3 bedrooms, $480-$630. 821 A St., 2
bedroom, $430.2900 North 1 st, 2 & 3 bedroom, $410-610.
515 West Saunders, 1 bedroom, $345. 2540 W, 3 bed
room, w/d, $595. No pets. 483-1130 or 483-6057.
New Apartments on UNL Campus with free parking. 17th
& Holdrege. Efficiency, 1 and 2 bedroom units available
for summer. Non-smoking building, laundry room, con
trolled entry, UNL shuttle stop. $325-475/month. 477
Quality for LESS.
2 bedroom apartments. No pets. Year leases, May 1
2527 H, $410, balcony
203 South 30 $445, garage
885 North 25 $395, close
5019 Walker $450, patio
Rental Real Estate
489-6345 423-5707
Studio-720 S. 16th, fireplace, wood floors, utitlites paid,
1 -Bedrooms: 720 S. 16th, utilities paid, old fashion charm,
wood floors, $380.
1100 S. 25th, garage, laundry, brick 4-plexs, $325,
930 S. 16th, Balcony, heat paid only $280.
2-Bedroom: 420 N. 24th, carpet. Walk to campus, $320.
Newer 3-bedroom between campuses with laundry and
B, 3545 T St., $550.
x Properties 474-5327.
Sublease starting May. Spacious new 2-bedroom, 2
bath. Close to campus, $495. 476-9289.
Two two-bedrooms available May thru August, Dish
washer, Washer/Dryer, $400/month+utilities. Call 467
2943 or 466-3953, leave message.
We need individuals to sublease 2BR. Reasonable rent.
Near east campus. Call Jean/Lisa, 466-0106.
460 Summer Housing
3223 Holdredge, 2-bedroom. $400/month + utilities.
Move in May 7. 465-5186.
Historic house. 1801 B Street, 1-bedroom apartment.
Sublease from May-July, $340+ utilities. 474-4963
Houses available for summer lease, Near campus, Air
conditioning. Pets welcome. 432-0644, 432-6644,
Sigma Alpha Mu Fraternity has rooms for the summer. On
campus, reserved parking and optional payment plan for
double occupancy. Call 436-0124.
Claremont Park
9th & Claremont
Uniquely designed for student living.
Close to campus and downtown.
Available for August 1995,
Call 474-PARK to reserve
your new home today!
v n. i u/
V 6erciosez
\T ro/
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Chewing turns off relationships.
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OFFER GOOD through April 1995
1440 N. 56-466-8353
1340 N. 27-474-5155
21st. & J -474-4363
48th & Old Cheney - 423-5955