NEBRASKA Women's Golf ON THE UPSWING ★NU's Michelle Patterson Firethorn Intercollegiate April 10-11 Firethorn Golf Course 8:00 a.m. FREE ADMISSION MAKE A DIFFERENCE! Residential Camp Staff. Camp Jened serves adults who have a wide range of disabilities. Join our summer staff and have an incredible experience working in the Catskill Mountains in New York. Jobs available for counselors, program staff, cooks and nurses. Season runs from June 1 through August 24. Good salary, room and board, and partial travel expenses. Call (914) 434-2220, or write CAMP JENED P.O. Box 483, Rock HOI, New York 12775. 10 Great Reasons Why YOU Should Choose Air Force Nursing Challenge, opportunity, advancement, education, training, medical, vacation, travel, best health-care team, sign-on bonus* *Find out more - contact an Air Force health professions recruiter near you. Or call 1-800-423-USAF. Health Professions Poet will read works on Holocaust tonight From Staff Reports Jacqueline Osherow, a poet and assistant professor of English at the University of Utah, will read from her latest book at the Nebraska Union tonight at 7:30. Osherow’s latest collection of po ems, “Conversations with Survivors,” is the result of a series of interviews with Holocaust survivors. The poems are lyrical interpretations of the anec dotes Osherow heard in these inter views. New Yorker magazine recently mentioned “Conversations with Sur vivors” in its “Recommended Read ing” column, citing Osherow’s ability to integrate historical and political realities with less concrete personal | and emotional aspects. Osherow’s visit is co-sponsored by the University ofNebraska-Lincoln’s English Department and Center for Judaic Studies. ;** Fascinatingly Funny! OUR COUNTRY’S GOOD April 13-15 & 18-22 TICKETS ON SALE NOW! CALL 472.2073 THEATRE ARTS & DANCE BOX OFFICE: TEMPLE BUILDING, 12TH & R STREETS UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA-L1NCOLN For fast relief from the nagging ache ot taxes, we recommend TIAA-CREF SRAs. SRAs are tax deferred annuities designed to help build additional assets —money that can help make the difference between living and living well after your working years are over. Contributions to your SRAs are deducted trom your salary on a pre-tax basis. That lowers your current taxable income, so you start saving on taxes right away. What’s more, any earnings on your SRAs are also tax-deferred until you receive them as income. That can make a big difference in how painlul your tax bill is eveiy year. As the nation's largest retirement system, we oiler a wide range of allocation choices — from TIAA s traditional annuity, with its guarantees ol principal and interest, to the seven diversified investment accounts of CREF’s variable annuity. What’s more, our expenses are very low,® which means more of your money goes toward improving your future financial health. To find out more, call our planning specialists at 1 800 842-2888. We ll send you a complete SRA information kit, plus a free slide-calculator that shows you how much SRAs can lower your taxes. Call today — it couldn’t hurt. a c insuring the future for those who shape it.3" • Standard e> Pnor’j In.mranct Rilling Aiuily.iu, 1994; Lipper Analytical Services, Inc., Lipptr-Dmclon Amilyliail Data, 1994 (Quarterly). CREF certificates are distributed by TIAA-CREF Individual and Institutional Services, Inc For more complete information, including charges and Cef ' ' expenses, call 1 800-842-2733, ext. 5509 for a CREF prospectus. Read the prospectus carefully before you investor send money. Attention: '95 - *96 Junior and Senior Emerging Leader TA Applications Now Available 200 Nebraska Union, 300 Nebraska East Union, the Culture Center, and the Women's Center Deadline: April 18,1995 •[Student Interviews: April 20 and 21 HERBIE HUSKER & LIL'RED TRYOUTS Open to any individual interested in trying out. Attend information meeting at the field house. (Gate 11. Memorial Stadium) TUESDAY, APRIL 11 at 7pm Come see what representing the Cornhusker National Champions is all about. If unable to attend or if you have any questions contact: Marlon Lozano 474-6539 FOR SALE 000s 02 Appliances 05 Bicycles 10 Books 13 Clothing 16 Computers 20 Furniture 30 Jewelry 40 Misc. For Sale 45 Musical Instruments 46 Office Furniture 50 Pets 55 Photo Equipment 60 Sporting Goods 65 Stereos/TVs 70 Ticket Exchange 90 Vehicles SERVICES 100s 100 Adoption 105 Alterations & Sewing 110 Automotive 115 Bicycle Service 120 Bridal 125 Catering 128 Child Care 130 Cleaning/Laundry 131 Cleaning/Households 135 Computer Service 140 Entertainment 145 Gift Ideas 148 Hairstyling 150 Health & Fitness 153 insurance 155 Instruction/Tutoring 158 Job Placement 160 Lawn care 165 Legal Services 173 Music Exchange 175 Photography 178 Pregnancy 180 Printing & Copying 182 Recycling 183 Religious 185 Rentals 188 Tanning 190 Tattooing 193 Travel 195 Typing & Resumes NOTICES 200S 200 Rides 203 Spring Break Trips 205 Career Events 210 Announcements 215 Meetings 220 Greek Affairs 230 Student Government 240 Personals 245 Lost & Found 250 Wanted 260 Fundraising JOBS 300s 300 Help Wanted 310 Child Care 320 Work Study Jobs 330 Summer Jobs 340 Internships HOUSING 400s 400 Roommates 410 HousingWanted 420 Rooms/Rent 430 Houses/Rent 440 Duplex/Rent 450 Apartments/Rent 460 Summer Housing 470 Mobile Homes/Rent 480 Vacation/Rent 490 Homes/Sale_ CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING CALL 472-2588 FAX: 472-176 8 AM-4:30 pm Monday-Friday 34 Nebraska Union 1400 R Street Lincoln Nebiaska 68583-0448 00s ForScde 5 Bicycles For Sale New and used bicydes, expert repair on all brands. Wheel’n & Deal'n Bike Shop, 2706 Randolph. 438-1477. See the Midwest’s largest selection of quality mountain bikes at Cycle Works. Including: TREK, SPECIALIZED, KHS, DEAN, KLEIN, and FAT CITY. Cycle Works, 27th & Vine. Open 7 days, 475-2453 10 Books For Sale LOW-FAT FAST FOOD An easy guide to local restau rants. Send $10.95 to Fatech, PO Box 80684, Lincoln NE 68501. 16 Computers For Sale Mac SE, 4 meg ram, 40 meg hard drive with accellorator, mouse, and Style writer II printer, indudes all protective covers, $600. 477-8595. _ MACINTOSH Computer. Complete system induding printer only $599. Call Chris at 800-289-5685. MICROSOFT SOFTWARE Software for Students, Faculty and Staff. Microsoft Office Professional $99.99. Call HAS Collegiate Express 1 -800 332-1100. 40 Misc. For Sale Recyled Sounds More new posters from the U.K. New vinyl from Sonic Youth, Mad Season, Hendrix, Mud Honey. Recyled Sounds, 824 P Street 476-8240 90 Vehicles For Sale 9? Geo Metro, 50K A/C, $4500.465-5112