The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 03, 1995, Page 6, Image 6

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Continued from Page 1
Jack Kennedy, a Journal reporter
assigned to cover higher education,
said not being aware of when deci
sions would be made “has been a little
But secrecy is not uncommon in
such mergers, said John Bender, an
associate professor of journalism at
UNL. Neither is the fact that Lincoln
may become a one-newspaper town
for the first time since 1901, he said.
“The time when people subscribe
to more than one newspaper is gone,”
Bender said. “It’s so universal to have
only one newspaper in a town. The
competition is almost completely
In a sense, Bender said, that meant
Lincoln would suffer. The more di
verse the news sources, the more com
plete the news coverage, he said.
But the merger of the Journal and
The Star takes a market where starting
a newspaper already is difficult, he
said, and effectively seals that market
In the Journal newsroom, the ques
tion is which newspaper might be
eliminated, Kennedy said.
People at the Journal were not ex
cited to see White return, Beutler said,
but at least decisions are being made.
“We’ve been in a difficult position
for a number of years,” Beutler said.
“I just hope people like our new prod
uct. I also hope I have a job.”
Continued from Page 1
against an insanity outcome.”
Ten minutes after entering the
courtroom, McElroy was escorted out.
A trial would follow McElroy’s May
hearing within 90 days, and the court
might then commit him to the center
for an indeterminate number of years.
John Colburn, chief deputy county
attorney, said he thought McElroy
would spend “years if not decades” at
the center.
Scott Helvie, chief deputy public
defender, said he would not contest
McElroy’s committal.
Under Nebraska law, people are con
sidered insane if they cannot distinguish
right from wrong, or realize the conse
quences of their actions. In recent years,
the definition for an insanity defense has
gotten stricter. Defendants now must
prove their insanity.
Sullivan said he realized he didn’t
have expertise in psychiatry, but he
was uncomfortable with the possibil
ity that McElroy could be released
based on “subjective judgement.”
Of the four doctors who testified
before the court on Dec. 21,1994, all
said McElroy had a serious mental
illness. Three said illness impaired
McElroy’s ability to understand what
he was doing.
Both former students said they were
curious about what was happening
with the case, but tried to forget about
McElroy, why the incident happened,
what might have resulted and why
they were spared.
“It is not necessary to have an an
swer all the time to every question,”
Sullivan said. “At the same time, I
would like to see him incarcerated
until he can function in society. I have
great doubts he can do that today.”
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