Quotes from colleagues 7sincerely doubt that Graham left because the ‘heat was on. ■ Nancy O’Brien NU regent chairwoman “Graham Spanier is a fine colleague. He was always a gentleman when the (engineering) debate was going on. ” ■ Del Weber chancellor of the University of Nebraska at Omaha “The University of Ne braska will continue to move forward and part of that is because of Graham Spanier. I’m sure that his accomplishments will be remembered for a very long time. ” ■ Gladys Styles Johnston chancellor of the University of Nebraska at Kearney “He has a very generous soul. Personally, Pm really going to miss him. ” ■ Eric Jolly director of affirmative action and diversity 7 think use’ll all miss his spirit, his leadership and his vision. But, generally, he did a gfeat job for us and will do a great job for Penn State. He under stands higher education very well, and I will miss his spirit and his insight, his confidence and his positive manner. ” ■ Joan Leitzel vice chancellor for academic affairs 7 couldn’t have been happier with a chancel lor. ” “Personally, I think that is a bogus issue. If you examine what the chan cellor has done in detail, he has carried out the policy of the board of regents. Graham has done nothing but what his bosses have told him to do.” ■ James Greisen vice chancellor of student affairs, on Spaniel's “social agenda." “Pm pleased to see him go. Pll help him pack. ” ■ Robert Allen NU regent “I’d be excited if we had another Graham Spanier. ” ■ Don Blank NU regent Spanier to leave solid foundation i 11 i r* Administrators praise legacy By Paula Lavigne Senior Reporter Although Chancellor Graham Spanier is resigning from his post at UNL, administrators said positive impacts he has made would remain. Spanier brought openness and di versity to the university and raised its academic standards and national repu tation, they said. But even with his exit, they said, the university will have enough mo mentum to keep those programs in tact. Eric Jolly, assistant to the chancel lor and director of affirmative action and diversity, said Spanier made UNL one of the nation’s top universities. “He created for the University of Nebraska a national structure and prominence that has added value to the degrees that all of our students are receiving,” he said. He said Spanier brought UNL into a prestigious class of universities — the Carnegie 100 — by improving relations with the National Science Foundation, revising the general edu cation program and heightening so cial responsibility. “I hope that the majority of our university communities recognize that those social accomplishments that have been labeled as too liberal pro vided the environment in which we could recruit and maintain the caliber of faculty, staff and students that has enhanced our academic prominence.” UNL is a better ‘campus now than it was before Spanier’s arrival, he said. Jolly said he was concerned that cer tain individuals would try to push the university backward. “I don’t think that will happen,” he said, “but it is the underlying fear of a number of people who’ve seen the tremendous strides he made in such a time.” - I I. I 11 I UNL’s program. quality faculty, staff and At UNL Spanier was in control of one campus, which has 24.000 students. It has been designated a Carnegie I Research University and passed the $100 million mark in research & development expenditures. .*.....*...Is Penn State1 s gain. Penn State liked Spanier M is regarded as an education. M promotes both ■ promotes tolerance ■ looks toward the Pennsylvania State is a hybrid 70.000 students on 23 campuses. at the flagship University Park Campus. It is a distinguisned research university, ranking in the top 10 in annual research expenditures with $300 million. Herb Howe, associate to the chan cellor, said he did not fear the dissolu tion of Spanier’s legacy. Howe said Spanier’smark would remain on UNL because of the wise administrative hiring choices he made. Howe commended Spanier’s deci sion to hire Joan Leitzel as Senior Vice Chancellor for Academic Af fairs, Priscilla Grew as Vice Chancel lor for Research and Jolly. Leitzel emphasized several of Spanier’s accomplishments as a chang ing force at UNL. Spanier strength DN Graphic ened undergraduate education, she said, and presented a more formal planning program and budget. Spanier improved campus aesthet ics, student life, research productivity and expanded distance-education, she said. James Greisen, vice chancellor of student affairs, said Spanier supported the highest priorities of the student affairs office. “I couldn’t have been happier with a chancellor,” he said. Alien ready ror Spanier’s move By Matthew Waite Senior Reporter When Regent Robert Allen of Hastings was asked to comment on Chancellor Graham Spanier’s move to Pennsylvania State University, he pulled no punches. “I’m pleased to see him go,” Allen said in a phone interview. “I’ll help him pack.” Allen, who has been Spanier’s big gest critic for the three years Spanier has been chancellor, said he wanted someone more interested in academ ics than in a social agenda. Spanier’s troubles with Allen started over a controversial move by Spanier to issue pink triangle stickers to faculty and staffmembers. The stick ers were to notify homosexual stu dents they could talk to that person without reservation. Other problems arose over the es tablishment of an independent engi neering college in Omaha. Spanier denied allegations that Stan Liberty, then dean of the College of Engineer ing and Technology, was removed from his post. Allen has repeatedly criticized Spanier in public for removing Lib erty and former College of Business Administration Dean Gary Schwendiman. “He’s impressed these people — more power to him,” Allen said. “They are gettinga very controversial man.” Allen warned Spanier to not take* the pink triangles with him to his new job. “If he takes those pink triangles, I’m sure that coach at Penn State (Head Football Coach Joe Patemo) isn’t go ing to be too happy,” he said. “I’ll be tickled pink to see him go,” Allen said laughing. Jeff Haller/DN Graham and Sandra Spanier pose Monday afternoon for a picture with President Clinton on the White House South Lawn. Spanier Continued from Page 1 glish. Susan Welch, dean of Penn State’s College of The Liberal Arts, said the department of English hired faculty every year. She said she couldn’t com ment on job prospects for Sandra Spanier. Welch did say that Sandra Spanier is scheduled to deliver a paper to the Penn State English department in a few weeks. She said plans to have her come to Penn State were made before her husband was offered the job as president. “She’ll come here, meet the faculty and we’ll go from there,” Welch said. William A. Schreyer, chairman of the Board of Trustees, said he was pleased with the selection of Spanier as president. Schreyer said he spoke with Spanier two weeks ago about being the leading candidate for the position. “It came together beautifully,” he said. Spanier declined Thursday to specify his goals for the university. Penn State already does an excellent of job with the three goals of teaching, research and scholarship, and public service and outreach, Spanier said. “I pledge to continue these mis sions,” he said. Spanier said the transition between Nebraska and Penn State would occur in August, when an interim UNL chan cellor would be appointed. A search committee to find a replacement is expected to be appointed within 30 days. Leaving UNL, Spanier said, would not be easy. “I have surprised myself at how quickly I’ve established roots ia Ne braska,” Spanier said. But becoming president of Penn State has changed his outlook in only a day, Spanier said. “Yesterday I thought Nebraska de served the national championship,” he said Thursday. “Today... maybe Penn State should have won it.” Spamer’s resignation no surprise to some Massengale, Perlman endorsed chancellor during 1991 search By Matthew Waite Senior Reporter The two people most responsible for Chancellor Graham Spanier’s 1991 hiring at the University of Nebraska Lincoln said Thursday it was no sur prise Spanier was moving up. Harvey Perlman, dean of the Col lege of Law, and Martin Massengale, former NU president, both said they were disappointed that Spanier was leaving UNL. Massengale, who was NU presi dent from January 1991 to February 1994 and endorsed Spanier as the final candidate for the job, said many NU employees had moved on to larger and more prestigious univer sities. “I always try to hire good people and when others hire them away, they confirm that you’ve hired good people,” he said. Massengale, now a professor of agronomy and director of Grassland Studies, was UNL chancellor before Spanier. In Spanier’s term as chancellor, Massengale said, some of the high lights have been his implementation of administrative realignments, his focu^ on gender equity and his push for general education requirements. “We set out to find the best person we could, and when you set out with that expectation, you know that other people ivill be looking for them in the future. ” ■ HARVEY PERLMAN Dean of UNL College of Law Perlman, who was chairman of the search committee that recommended Spanier in November 1991, said Spanier had made substantial progress for the university. He said he was not surprised that other schools came look ing for Spanier. “I don’t believe that he wouldn’t have left Nebraska for any job,” he said. “We set out to find the best person we could, and when you set out with that expectation, you know that other people will be looking for them in the future.” Perlman said he wasn’t surprised Spanier accepted a job at Penn State, where he served in three administra tive positions.