City snow removal budget cleared out by latest storm From Staff Reports The city’s budget for snow removal was wiped away with the latest snowfall. “We probably have spent all the money already,” said Bill Nass, Lincoln city mainte nance coordinator. “Our budget is just about zilch.” The problem is still not critical, Nass said. It hasn’t been an incredibly severe winter. The cost of workers, sand, salt and snow removal equipment usually exceeds the budget for clearing the snow. However, Nass said, the :ity can’t put removal on hold. “It’s a whole lot of work because people need these things so quickly. It is a 24-hour operation.” . Because of the urgency of the job, many other city employees also join in. Fire depart ment and construction companies also take part, Nass said. “Somewhere your own people have to get some sleep,” he said. The cost of cleaning up Monday’s snow storm may cause some other city projects to be put on hold, Nass said. The snow thawed quickly, but that’sa mixed blessing, Nass said. The freezing and thawing causes potholes to develop, and existing pot holes to become more hazardous, he said. As spring approaches, construction crews will fix the problems. Other costs the city must cover are damages to mailboxes and yards by removal equipment. The city also must pay for damage to parked cars from snow plows and sand trucks. SCC Continued from Page 1 The 50 courses at SCC are at the 100 and 200 level. They include classes in math, agriculture, science, humanities, business, social science and practical nursing. The Lincoln SCC campus will have less selection because this is only the second year it has offered courses that transfer to UNL, Ross said. “It was our first time ever last year, and we had a less than exciting response. We look for that to change this year,” he said. Only five or six classes were offered last year, and only ten to fifteen students were in each, he said. Officials at the Beatrice campus also hope more students enroll for their summer classes. “The schedule came out last Wednesday, and we already have gone through a lot of them. We anticipate a lot of students taking advantage of this,” said Cheryl Parks, Student Services Secretary at the Beatrice campus. Community colleges aren’t meant to steal students away from the universities, Ross said. “Our goal is to be an addition to the univer sity and not in competition with it,” he said. Pre-session classes at the Beatrice campus begin May 19 and end June 9. The six-week session begins June 12 and ends July 20. Agri culture classes are held in a separate session, starting May 30 and ending August 4. A three-week session and a five-week ses sion are offered at the Lincoln campus. The three-week session starts June 12 and ends June 30. Nineclassesduringthis session will transfer to UNL, Ross said. The five-week session starts July 12 and ends August 15. Fifteen classes will transfer from this session, Ross said. Washington Continued from Page 1 Florida Sens. Connie Mack and Bob Graham ilso might attend the reception in the Russell building, said Russ Rader, Exon’s press secre ary. Florida teams and Nebraska are perennial college football rivals. _The leam will take a.walking tour of the Capitol after the reception, said Jeremy Fitzpatrick, Kerrey’s deputy press secretary. The Orange Bowl victory gave Nebraska its first national championship in 23 years. Ne braska last won the national championship in 1970 and 1971. The Huskers were congratu lated by President Richard Nixon in the Ne braska Coliseum in 1971. The Daily Nebraskan will follow the team throughout its tour of Washington and provide full coverage in Tuesday’s edition. yvkek dt MONDAY Burger Double Monday Double Cheeseburger® $1.49 ^ Bacon Double ^ Cheeseburger® $1.89 ^ 2-fer Tuesday 2 Burgers, 2 Fries—$2.22 ^ 2 Croissan'wiches®—$2.22 M\ WEDNESDAY a sS N THURSDAY Whopper Wednesday 994 Whopper® ^ ^ Thirsty Thursday 4 ^ Small Drink 399 \ Medium Drink 599 ^ ^ 8URCg Large Drink 799 Not valid with any other coupons or offers. Offer for limited time only. QT. Bum, baby, burn —disco inferno. MAC. Not the burger, pal - the killer computer. DEALS. Cheap. Not as cheap as a taco, but hey. Being a student is hard. So we’ve made buying a Macintosh* easy. So easy, in fact, that prices on Macintosh personal computers are now even lower than their already low student prices. And ^nil|KxKT!f£w Power Macintosh™ 7100 AV w/CD 16MB RAM/700MB hard drive, CD-ROM drive, 15" color display, keyboard and mouse. 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