$3.00 per day for 15 words on individual student and student organization ads. . $4.00 per day for 15 words on non-student ads. j $.15 each additional word. $.75 billing charge. Personal ads must be prepaid. , Found ads may be submitted free of charge. • DEADLINE: 2:00 p.m. weekday prior to publica tion. ! The Daily Nebraskan will not print any adver tisement which discriminates against any person . on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, race, ; religion, age, disability, marital status or national origin. The Daily Nebraskan reserves the right to edit I or reject any advertisement at any time which does not comply with the policies and judgments of the newspaper. The advertisers agree to assume liability for j all contents of all ads printed, as well as any claim arising therefrom made against the Daily Nebras kan. v Be descriptive. The more information you pro vide the readers, the better your responses will be. Begin the ad with the item for sale or offered. Include the price of the items for sale. Highlight the ad with larger type, boldface, art or a box. Run the ad for at least two days. Make sure the ad reaches the Monday-Wednesday-Friday students and the Tuesday-Thursday students. 00s For Sale '94 KHS Comp. (Need spring break cash) Manitou Sus pension, Clipless Pedals, Perfect Condition. $350 OBO, Call Mike 436-7112. Mountain bikes for every type. Come see Cycle Works huge selection of Trek, Specialized, KHS, Fat Chance, ana Klein mountain bikes - they're ready to go, are you? Cycle Works, 27th 6 Vine_ New and used bicycles, expert repair on all brands. Wheel'n & Deal’n Bike Shop, 2706 Randolph. 438-1477. Trek 920 Mountain bike, perfect condition, $565/new, selling for $350. Call Dan, 435-8554. IBM EXCEL 386-33MH, Math Coprocessor, 110MB HD. Modem, SUGA, Sound Card, 2 wives, DOS, Windows, and extras. 477-9982. MACINTOSH Computer. Complete system including printer only $599. Call Chris at 800-289-5685. '88 Red Buick Regal Limited, A/T, P/W, Cruise. High miles. 6-cylinder, $3700. Can 435-6724/Kean. WQg Services A Loving Choice A cozy room awaits your newborn in a warm, loving home. Financially secure couple; stay at home mom and devot ed dad; Medical/legal expenses paid. Please call Esther and Michael at 1-800-200-9333. ADOPT A California couple with much love and security to offer, wishes to adopt baby to age 2. We can help with all medical, legal and living expenses. Completely legal We can offer your baby a wonderful future full of love, laughter, good food and happiness. Call Suzy and David at 800-518-5055 THANK YOU. ADOPTION A loving alternative We offer counseling and adoption services to help you plan the best future for you and your baby. No fees or obligations. Statewide since 1893. Nebraska Children's Home, 4600 Valley Rd. Suite 314,483-7879. Adoption Home study approved. Loving childless couple wishes to adopt newborn. Full-time mom and devoted Dad(an adoptee himself). Offer your baby a lifetime of love, laughter and security. Please call Julie and BiH anytime. 1-W0-315-2348. Adoption-A loving choice If you want your baby to be adopted into a loving, secure family, which already has another adopted child, call Betty and Aaron, toll free 1-800-254-1674. after 3:30 pm. confaentional, legal, expenses paid.• Happily married, fun loving couple with dose extended family wish to adopt newborn.. Can provide your baby a home filled with warmth and love. Legal and medical expenses paid. Maybe we can help each other? Please call Jean and Dave 1-800-909-0777, The weather is cooperating, but is your bike? Tune it up now at Cycle Works. Top quality work with fast turn around. Cycle Works, 27th * vine, 475-2453 Star dty academy tutors instruction in writing, computers, & Spanish. Call 489-9228. . % * CASH PAID!! We buy, sell, trade Largest selection of new and used CDs and tapes. Homer’s/Twisters PREGNANT? BIRTHRIGHT is a confidential helping hand. ^Freyxegnancy test please call us tor appoint Resumes By Ann Quality resumes, professional writers. Over 14 years Bxpenence, proven results. 464-0775. Resumes •rofessionally typeset and laser printed. $15 plus tax. W/y Nebraskan, basement of iht Nebraska Union Sears Resume Service ixperienced professional writer, Gateway Mall location, 0% discount with student ID. 464-9537. 200s Notices SPRING BREAK SOUTH PADRE 1-3 bedroom condo. Beachfront, pool, parties! PRICE MSCOUNTED BY OWNER. 212-472-1414 $$$ Open a Swiss Bank Account While you study at the University of Basel in Switzerland, or one of twenty European Univer sities in the Utrecht Network Exchange! Don't miss the INFORMATION MEETING! 4:00pm Wednesday, March 15,1995 International Affairs (1237 R Street) Questions? Call 472-5358 All CD s $5.99 or $7.99 Xsc Go Round, 5001 O Street, 486-0047, PERSUN-al Approach! * APPLY NOW to be a Peer Sexuality Educator! 3eer Sexuality Educators (PSEs) are leaders on campus who educate students about very real, very personal ssues facing UNL students. They do so by teaching two Kfucationai programs: Contraceptive Methods & Issues, tnd STD/HIV: Social and Medical Aspects. 3eer Sexuality Educators are also active in providing xfucalional events on campus for World AIDS Day and National Condom Week. Requirements: Successfully complete PH230. Section 5; (A one-hour !teB& offered through HPER) Commit to the program for one year; Attend all scheduled meetings/activities; Assist in PSE recruitment for the following year; Por more into, or to apply contact: Community Health Education, University Health Center, Rm. 12,472-7440 UNL is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer. ATTENTION CBA STUDENTS THE ARTWORK IS UP PLEASE JOIN US IN CELEBRATING THE EXCITING, NEW ADDITION TO THE CBA PROFESSIONAL, EDU CATIONAL ENVIRONMENT. OFFICIAL ARTWORK DEDICATION: 4:30-6:00 P.M., MARCH 14,1995, CBA 2ND FLOOR ATRIUM. ALL ARE ENCOURAGED TO ATTEND THIS HISTORICAL OCCASION. Aviation Institute Offers 4 year degrees, graduate courses, and non-credit flight programs. For more information call 402-554-3424 or 1-BOO-858-8648.__ CRUISE SHIPS HIRING -Earn up to $2,000+/month. World travel. Seasonal & full-time positions. No exp. necessary. For info, call 1-206-634-0468 ext. C57783 Cruise Ships and Vacation Resorts Hiring Earn up to $2200+/month working for these companies. World travel and exotic resorts. Full time and seasonal employment. No experience necessary. CaH (818)705 3416 Ext. M701. FREE COOKIES! Get your nominations in now for Heart and Soul, Organi zation of the Month awards! Available in 200 Neb. Union. Due Tuesday, March 14. INTRAMURAL SOFTBALL The last day to enter Co-Rec Slow Pitch Softball is Tuesday, March 14. Don't delay! Enter your team now. Call 472-3467 for more information. INTRAMURAL SOCCER Tuesday. March 14 is the last day to enter Men's and Women s Soccer. Enter your team now at the Office of Campus Recreation. Call 472-3467for more information. Make a difference in Residence Hall life! RHA elections April 4. Filing forms available in 237 NE Union, Smith, Neihardt, Abel, Burr, and SeHeck. Forms are due by Sunday, March 26 at 6:00pm. Hurry to beat the Spring Break rusnl NATIONAL PARKS HIRING Seasonal & full time employment available at National Parks. Forests & Wildlife Preserves. Benefits + bonuses! Call: 1-206-545-4804 ext N57783 Position now available Graduate Assistant applications for the Office of Admis sions are now available- Canfield Administration Build ing, 106. Application reviews will begin March 30,1995 RESORT JOBS Earn to$12/hr.+tips. Theme Parks, Hotels, Spas, ♦ more. Tropical & Mountain destinations. Call 1-206-632-0150 ext. R57783. SENSHU-STUDY ABROAD Here is your chance to spend an exciting, adven turous, and funfilted semester in Tokyo, Japan! On the Senshu Exchange Program you'll study Japanese language, business, and culture for ten other cities, explore the mountains, shop in Tokyo, and sample the native cuisine. Come find out more at the next information session: Tuesday, March 14-4.00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. - CBA 125 Wednesday. March 15-3:30 p.m. and 4:30 ~ p.m. - CBA 125 Thursday, March 16-2:00 p.m. and 300 p.m. - CBA 1S5 For more details, contact: D'vee Buss, CBA 138 orphone472-2310. ... Sign up now for these Film Studies courses: Pre-session English 219 (Classic Fantasy and Horror); 2nd-Rve Week English 413/813 (Film); Fall 1995 English 213E (Rim History), English209(Rim Documentary), English 239 (Rim Directors), and English 259 (Screen wrttlng). SOFTBALL TEAMS. I am interested in sponsoring two Lincoln softball teams this summer. Tearn members must be over 21. Interested? Call 402-330-3588. Want to learn something new? Tired of classes, books, and lectures? Try Leisure Skills Warehouse, a fun, new way to learn skills. Sign up now at Student involvement, 300 NEU or 200 NU. Call if you have any questions-472 1780. Some classes include: Cocktail Conversations. Silk Screening, Camping Skills, Music for Young Kids, Bowling, and Country Swing. I When Moe Stanley received at A-in statistics he I drowned his sorrows in a double latte at Mo Java I Cafe. 2713 N. 48th 464-4130 (in Uni Place). Winners of the Mortar Board Week Raffle ‘Electronic Spellchecker: Trad Williams “Go Big Red” by George Mills: Kelly Caverzagie Lori Schipper Megan Wnitney _Thanks to all who partidpatedi_ Pre-Pharmacy Club Meeting Wednesday, March 15, 6 p.m., Nebraska Union, Room posted. Pre-Physical Therapy Meeting Tuesday, March 14,8pm, Univeristy Health Center Base ment. Pre-Occupational Therapy Tuesday March 14th, 7 pm, in the Union, room 24 lower level. Janet Ehlers will be the guest speaker discussing the process of interviewing. Electronic Information Fair on Water Monday March 13,1995.7-9 p.m. at the Burnham Yates Convention Center, Cornhusker Hotel. SEA Meeting! Tuesday, March 14.6:00 in Henzlik Rm 201. Pat Shafer will be our speaker. All Education Majors Wel come! University Ambassadors March 14,5:30pm City Union Applications are out for the 95-96 Greek Yearbook Editor in Chief. Get one at Greek Affairs, NU 332. Deadline is March 29. ATQ Congratulations to newly elected ASUN Vice President Steve Korell, Travis Hopkins-Senator, and to Scott Wanetka, Jim Barnett, and Jeff Fiscus for their advisory board positions. Your ATO Brothers AXO, Chi-O, PiPhi, KD, DG, AXiD, Tri-Delt, Gamma Phi, A-Phi, Theta, AOII, Thanks for extending a warm invitation to let us come over and play last Monday night, and being good sports about it. Let's do it again soon! The Men of ATO Farmhouse Thanks to John, Scott, Tyler & Joe for the great soccer season. Maybe now you can keep your food down. XO Fmilv -Wpnrtv A Kristin IOE Congratulations to Jason Bynum for making Arts and Sciences Senate, Jim McClymont for making General Studies Advisory Board and Robbie Stefka for making General Studies Senate. The Men of Sigma Phi Epsilon S$E Thanks to Kappa Delta foraying Co-rec Soccer with us. The Men of Sigma Phi Epsilon Campus Recreation Advisory Council Elections Polling sites for Off-Campus students are 55 Campus Recreation Center and 32 College Activities Building. Polls dose at 5:30pm on Wednesday, March 15. Frater nity and Sorority, along with Residence Hall ballots must also be returned by 5:30pm on Wednesday, March 15. Student Government Appointments Board Student-At-Large positions open Be a part of the board that appoints students to 28 campus wide committees. Application available in the ASUN office, 115 Nebraska Union. Deadline is 4:00 p.m. Wednesday, March 15 STUDENT GOVERNMENT POSITIONS OPEN Have an impact on committees dealing with student related concerns. Applications available at 115 Nebr. Union for 29 different committees with openings for next uaar HaoHlina fnr all nncitinrir ie A AAnm Arvil 4 ft Calvin and HobbeS by Bill Watterson HELLO? TES, ID LIKE. TO SPEAK I WITH THE CHIEF OF POLICE. ^_■ HELLO, CHIEF? \S \T A LAN THAT 10UR SOCKS HAVE TO MATCH MTWIU6 ELSE ICWRE WEAR\UG ? HEf MOM. USTEM TO THIS i ij HOW Y 1 MUST OBEV COME ? J THE IHSCRUY^LE EXHORWIOHS V \^MAX SOUL.. jrAH. BUT l OF COURSE ^ Crossword Edited by Eugene T. Maleska No. 0930 ACROSS i Boxer’s thrusts 5 Rescue 9 “Madam, I’m (palindrome) 13 Beehive State 14 Having rounded projections is Actor Lugosi isStet's opposite 17 Revere 15 Verve 19 Beatles recording 22 Closed truck 23 Melody 24 Beasts of burden 27 Arab’s outer garment 30 Subsequently 34 Floor covering 35 Exit 38 Church part 39 Beatles recording 42 Secular 43 “Desire hath -Burton 44 Gelderland city 45 Ferber and Millay 47 Operated 48 Concur so Gentle pat 52 Etnean ejection 53 Beatles recording 82 Netherlands cheese ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE I d I a I c iHTTTa 111 .-BBTTTTin I ■ I 63 Pace 64 Pitch 65 Dream, in Arles 66 Kind of puff or sauce 67 Neat 68 Singles 69 Word on a towel 70 Palindromic emperor DOWN 1 Garland or Canova 2To (precisely) 3 Belle’s milieu 4 Lay aside 5 Does a job on 20 Down 6 “-Ben Adhem” (L. Hunt poem) 7 Sentence part 8 Swelling 9 Deviant 10 Cold-cuts store 11 King of comedy 12 Male lion’s locks 14 Sight in suburbia 20 Caravan stopovers 21 Trouble 24 Adequate 25 Buffet feature 26 Beer mug 9/30/91 (No. 0930) 27 Defensive body covering 28 Yogi of baseball 29 Poplar tree 31 Broncobuster 32 Dodge 33 Actress Taylor 38 D.D.E. was one 37 Distress signal 40 Scholastic environments 41 Hideaway 48 Pouch 19 Urban area populated by a minority group 11 Bungle 12 Monad 53 Kind of sandwich 54 First garden ss Rant’s companion 56 Adjective for a pittance 57 Cuchulain’s wife 58 Evian and Baden-Baden 58 Classify 60 Distinct part / 61 Verne's captain