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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 10, 1995)
Concert Continued from Page 9 familiar,” she said. “She’s an in credibly beautiful woman; guys would just drop at her feet. “It was hard to picture her being so sick.” As one of Lavedas’ closer rela tions at KKNB, John has been keep ing in close contact with her. She said that, as of Wednesday, Lavedas was in her 12th day of the bone marrow procedure in Omaha. She was scheduled to return to Lincoln Thursday. “She’s really anxious to see her child again,” John said. But expensive medical proce dures haven’t allowed Lavedas to completely remove herself from cancer’s deadly path, John said. She said doctors have determined that, despite the bone marrow trans plant, the cancer has a 50 percent chance of returning. “We’re all prayingfor her,’’John said. Sunday’s benefit concert will be held at 9 p.m., with the doors opening at 8 p.m. KKNB on-air personality “Junior” will be mas ter of ceremonies for the event. Admission is $5. Those who cannot attend the concert but wish to donate to Lavedas’ medical fund may send checks to the Greek Orthodox Church Assistance Fund at the Greek Orthodox Church of the An nunciation, 950 N. 63rd St., with Lavedas’ name written in the memo space. Redneck humor to hit Lincoln By Gerry Beltz Senior Reporter Is there a redneck in the house? Jeff Foxworthy, whose “You Might Be A Redneck If...” compact disc has sold more than 200,000 cop ies, will perform at Pershing Audito rium Saturday at 8 p.m. Foxworthy has worked the com edy circuit for about 10 years and has opened for acts such as Garth Brooks, Wynton Marsalis and Jay Leno. He has also authored six books including “Check Your Neck.” His latest book, “Games Rednecks Play,” blends Foxworthy’s humor with the Olympic Games, which are set to take place in Atlanta, Ga., in 1996. Although it makes up only a frac tion of his two-hour show, Foxworthy’s signature catch phrase is “You might be a redneck if...” Lincoln, students have a variety of opinions about what qualities make someone a redneck. “If he’s driving a pickup that looks like mine, he might be a redneck,” said Theresa Anderson, a freshman secondary education major. Many students said rednecks could be spotted by their clothing. “I think of a little tiny guy in big ol ’ boots with baggy Wrangler jeans,” said Leslie Myers, a senior elemen tary education major, “and he’s miss ing a tooth.” Kevin Cary, a junior management and marketing major, agreed about the Wrangler jeans. “He’s got the dip in his back pocket, wears cowboy boots and Wrangler jeans with a big belt buckle and a big straw cowboy hat,” Cary said. ‘7 think rednecks are either people that work outside or because they always have flic kies on their necks. ” u CARIN RAMSEL UNL sophmore Carin Ramsel, a sophomore me chanical engineering major, guessed where the term “redneck” originated. “I think rednecks are either people that work outside,” Ramsel said, “or because they always have hickies on their necks.” 00s For Sale Mountain bikes for every type. Come see Cycle Works huge selection of Trek, Specialized, KHS, Fat Chance, and Klein mountain bikes - they're ready to qo, are vou7 _ Cycle Works, 27th & Vine New and used bicycles, expert repair on all brands Wheel’n & Deal'n Bike Shop, 2706 Randolph. 438-1477. Computer Rental! In house and off-site rental. IBM compatibles and Macintosh available. Support and training on most pop ular packages. Open weeknights and weekends. When you need a computer for an hour, a day, a week, or a month. Discounts with Student I.D. For more information call: Computer Designs, Inc. 477-4944 835 “S” Street IBM EXCEL 386-33MH, Math Coprocessor, 110MB HD Modem, SUGA, Sound Card, 2 drives, DOS, Windows and extras. 477-9982. MACINTOSH Computer. Complete system including printer only $599. Call Chris at 800-289-5685. 89' Sentra 4-door, auto and air, $3,250. 88' ZW Fox 4 door, 4 speed, w/ air, 78K $2,750.86' Toyota Pickup, 4 speed, Red, $3,150. Baer’s Auto Sales, 1647 S. Third, 477-6442. 200s Notices port, Chicago. tee?rl^fterwlarch ?7,,47&!!?2VkVen SPRING BREAK SOUTH PADRE 2-3 bedroom condo. Beachfront, pool, parties! PRICE DISCOUNTED BY OWNER. 212-472-14M WHITE WATER EXPEDITION There are now spaces available on Outdoor Adventures' Spring Break white water expedition to the South-Eastern U.S. If you are interested, call 472-4777 to learn more about it or to sign-up!!! 1995 SUE TIDBALL AWARD CELEBRATION Sunday, Mar 12 7:00 PM St. Marks Ep-scopal 1309 R Sl eet Come and honor students, faculty and staff who help make the UNt campus more hu mane and just! APU GOSPEL CHOIR The Local Folks String Band Reception follow;no the Program .ALL INVITED! All CD’s $5*J99 or $7.99 Disc Go Round, 5001 O Street. 486-0047. ATTENTION CBA STUDENTS THE ARTWORK IS UP PLEASE JOIN US IN CELEBRATING THE EXCITING NEW ADDITION TO THE CBA PROFESSIONAL EDU CATIONAL ENVIRONMENT. OFFICIAL ARTWORK DEDICATION: 4:30-6 00 P.M., MARCH 14, 1995 CBA 2ND FLOOR ATRIUM. ALL ARE ENCOURAGED TO ATTEND THIS HISTORICAL OCCASION. I— ~ - Aviation institute Offers 4 year degrees, graduate courses, and non-credit flight programs. For more information call 402-554-3424 or 1-800-858-8648. Congratulations to our new officers: Brian Penton, President; Merry Schuerman, V.P.; Jon King, Treasurer. CRUISE SHIPS HIRING -Earn up to $2,000+/month. World travel. Seasonal & full-time positions. No exp necessary. For info, call 1-206-634-0468 ext. C57783 Cruise Ships and Vacation Resorts Hiring Earn up to $2200+/month working for these companies. World travel and exotic resorts. Full time and seasonal employment. No experience necessary. Call (818)705 3416 Ext. M701.__ Family Fun Time March 10, 6:00-8:00pm In Cook Pavilion at the Campus Recreation Center Recreational Activities for the family For more Information contact the Office of Campus Recreation at 472-3467 FREE COOKIES! Get your nominations in now for Heart and Soul, Organi zation of the Month awards! Available in 200 Neb. Union. Due Tuesday, March 14. FREE FINANCIAL AID! Over $6 Billion in private sector grants & scholarships is now available. All students are eligible regardless of grades, income, or parent's income. Let us help. Call Student Financial Services: 1-800-263-6495 ext F57782. HAIR-RAISING FUN! Now is your chance tojoin University Program Council as an Event Director or Executive. Applications available in. Rm 117 & 200 NE Union, Rm 300 East Union. For more information call UPC at 472-8146. Applications due Fri March 10. HURRY! Student Organization Award applications are due TODAY!!! Recognize your student organi zation’s achievements with these awards: Outstanding Student Organization Adviser, Outstanding Student Organization Member, Outstanding Student Organization Officer, Student Organization President of the Year, Student Organization Treasurer of the Year, Rookie of tne Year, Heart and Soul, Organization of the Month. Nomination forms are available at: Student In volvement, 200 City Union/300 East Union, A.S.U.N, S.A.F.S., the Culture Center, and the Women's Center. Question? Contact Jennifer Russman at 472-8143. INTERNATIONAL EMPLOYMENT — Earn up to $25 $45/hour teaching basic conversational English in Japan, Taiwan, or S. Korea. No teaching background or Asian Jan^uapes required. For info, call (206) 632-1146 ext. I Joe told Sid, Sid told Jane, Jane told Bill. Bill told I I Herman, Herman told Charlotte and they all met I I at Mo Java Cafe. Just to shoot the breeze. 2713 I I N. 48th 464-4130 (in Uni Place). I NATIONAL PARKS HIRING Seasonal & full time employment available at National Parks, Forests & Wildlife Preserves. Benefits + bonuses' Call: 1-206-545-4804 ext. N57783_ Newly advanced affordable bike light. Over 75% brighter than others on the market. Act now! Call Rusty at 483 1427 or leave message. RESORT JOBS Earn to $12/hr. + tips. Theme Parks, Hotels, Spas, + more Tropical & Mountain destinations. Call 1-206-632-0150 ext. R57783. Sign up now for these Film Studies courses: Pre-session English 219 (Classic Fantasy and Horror); 2n£FlveWeek English 413/813 (Screenwriting). SOFTBALL TEAMS. I am interested in sponsoring two Lincoln softball teams this summer. Team members must be over 21. Interested? Call 402-330-3588. Students, staff, and faculty of Welsh descent—Annual luncheon and program in Lincoln, Sat., March 25 For information: Orvid Owens 483-7237. •: > ? I i $45 Closer to Ft. Lauderdale. Earn $25 today and $45 this week for your blood pfasrnadtouafldns at NABI. The NABI BioMedicaf Cento Will pay you up to $150 per month for donating blood plasma* Your precious,lifesaving donation wdU^pfiliiole llheifed. raflr BioMedical Center- call foI an ®P«$Penttoday. 300 South 17th Streethumm louek 474-2335 Offer applies to new customers only._ * SUNDAY, MARCH 12 CORNERSTONE-UMHE 640 North 16th Street MORNING WORSHIP 10:30 AM “ASK YOUR CAMPUS PASTOR!” Instead of the regular sermon, a time to ask your most pressing questions about faith and life. ALL INVITED & WELCOME THE 12TH OMAHA CAMERA SHOW March 11 & 12,10AM-5PM, Radial Social Hall. 1516 N W Radial Hwy. BUY-SELL-TRADE. Info: 402-558-9473 Tired of the same grind, day after day? Student Involve ment is pleased to announce Leisure Skills Warehouse Registration is now taking place. Packets are available at all Residence Hall desks, Culture Center, Women’s Cen ter, East Campus Deans Offices, and Student Involve ment, 300 NEO, 200 NU. Some classes include: Intro to Squash, Basics of Signing, Back Rubs, Basic Auto Care, Pitch, and Add Flair to Your Affair. Pre-Pharmacy Club Meeting Wednesday, March 15, 6 p.m., Nebraska Union, Room posted. Pre-Physical Therapy Meeting Tuesday, March 14,8pm, Univeristy Health Center Base ment. ?* ** “ •*' A Million Ways » * - To Get Lucky March 10,1995 featuring The Millions OM AY (DK'F An AAII ©X ASA KX AXQ _FH_ ASA Congratulations to Angela Coon for her acceptance into the 3rd year Architecture Program. We knew you did all those projects for a reason! 'Congratulations to Nicki Schneider on your election as Arts 4 Sciences Senator. Way to go! _ Love your AXiD sisters Congrats to Martin Liphardt on winning the intramural Badmitten Championship! Way to go! Your ACACIA Brothers % Like the Energizer bunny, those DG's keep going and going...Congrats to K. Muma, on being accepted to Pharmacy school, N. Villotta for being accepted to nurs ing school, J. Sloup for becoming AGS Sweetheart Love, your sisters OBX Parents Day Sunday, March 12 1:00 p.m. <DKY Congratulations to Chad Millsap and Ryan Pichler on the successful ASUN elections. __ The Men of Phi Kappa Psi Congratulations Shawntell Hurtgen (Chi Omega) and Ryan Pichler on their pinning. -Men of Phi Psi SAE ~ Congrats to the 1995 “A" Basketball Intramural Champions Congrats to the 1995 Intramural Water Polo Champions ~ TRIANGLE Congratulations to the new officers: Mike Volkmer, Don Harkey, Greg Schaffer, Jeff Davis, and Dan Demuth. _ Your Brothers Yipeel Chi O, Chi A...Those Chi O's are here to stay. Shawntell — Super job with ASUN IMPACT campaign. You repre sent UNL extremely well. Your sisters KA White Rose Formal March 10,1995 KA ChiliFest ’95 Sunday March 12,4-7pm Tickets $3.00 In advance, $4.00 at door Proceeds to National Committee for the Prevention of Child Abuse AXA Ar Congratulations to the Co-Rec soccer champions!!! Un defeated the entire season thanks to our incredible girls Nikki, Blum, Kerry, Hathoot, and Griffin. Oh, nice job also to Moller, Zoro, Uckert, Poole, and Dog. nB<t> Congratulations to Jenny Cosgrove and Amy Falter for being accepted to Nursing School. We're so proud of you! Your Pi Phi Sisters SAE Congrats to our newly elected Pledge Ed's: _Brent Robinson and Ben M.F. Brown. Student Government Appointments Board Student-At-Large positions open Be a part of the board that appoints students to 28 campus wide committees. Application available in the ASUN office, 115 Nebraska Union. Deadline is 4:00 p.m. Wednesday, March 15 Fearless Happy Birthday V.P. type person. I love you. -Precious (aka Manly Man) HAPPY 26TH GARY! _Love, Nancy Found on 3/7: Checkbook in front of Union. Call DN 472 2588 or stop by at 34 Nebraska Union to identify and daim. FOUND: “ScotT I found your Zippo from Michelle and Grun watch. Call 466-1627. 1/2 Price! 33RD and HWY. 2 SUPER FLEXIBLE DAY POSITIONS AVAILABLE 112 Price meals are just one of the great benefits of working at Runza. APPLY TODAY and find out about our competitive wages, flexible hours, scholarship program, and much more! College Students Wanted Are you ready for a change? Sick and tired of over promised, under delivered. Growing Company in the Lincoln area looking for career oriented individuals to train a manageing team. Call 421-6668 for appt. Deeter Foundary Inc. is seeking one temporary part-time (approximately 20hrs/wk) person to do general handy person work. Duties will include; cleaning, painting, and some light building repair work. The starting wage for this postion iS $7.50/hr. Interested individuals should apply to; Deeter Foundary Inc. 5945 N. 70 St. Lincoln Ne 68507 _ M/F EOE HA/ Delivery Job, part-time and full-time available. Vehicle provided. Call 477-4214, ask for Dan. THIS SATURDAY 1C DRINKS • W/COVER • 9-CLOSE • 13TH & Q • ♦ 477-9888 • LOWER LEVEL GUNNY'S ♦ 2 dependable part-time positions available. Class sched ule must be able to accommadate uninterupted hours of M-F, 9-1 or 2-6. Apply in person at the Danter Dental Lab 125 S. 9th St. Accounting student to do accounts payable for small business, 6-8hrs/week. Knowledge of Quicken helpful but not required, $7/hr. Call 467-3644. $6.00 TO START 2 or 3 nights a week 5pm-11pm BUS PERSON Neat appearance and willing to work. Tam O'Shanter, 105 S. 25th St. No phone calls. Farm help, experience necessary. Dave Martin 797 2635. Flexible Hours Super Saver, 48 & O is selecting part-time cashiers for all shifts. Our flexible schedules are ideal for students. You must be 19. Please apply in person. Friendly, detail-oriented person needed 10-15 hrs/week, some weekends. Apply in person, Best Styles Formal Wear, 200 S. 19th St.. Great year around for a student office manager needed for small downtown area business. Typing proficiency, friendly phone skills and familiarity with Microsoft Word, and Macintosh computers a must. Approximately 20 flexible daytime hours a week. Call 477-9256,10am-1 pm only. Help wanted for Custom Harvesting. Combine operators and truck drivers. Experience preferred. Good summer wages. Call 303-483-7490 evenings. INTERNSHIP IN PROGRAMMING Metromail Corporation, a subsidiary of R.R. Donnelley and Sons Company and one of the nation's fastest growing suppliers of direct marketing services, has an immediate opening for a Programming Intern. Trainina and responsibilities would include Programming on an IBM mainframe: working with flowcharts; working with others in a team environment, which requires good written and verbal communications skills; must have the ability to effectively document computer programs and PC experience would be desirable with knowledge of TSO and JCL preferred, but not required. Qualified applicants may apply in person Monday through Friday in the Human Resources Department at: METROMAIL CORP. AN R.R. DONNELLEY AND SONS COMPANY 949 West Bond Lincoln, NE 68521 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER M/F/D/V Laundry Land needs 1:45pm-7:30pm shift help. Also, some 8am-2pm. $5.00/hr. Apply In person, 21st & J. Long term home needed with experienced parents who can provide stability, commitment, and structure to a nine year old boy. If interested please contact Diana or Bette at the Nebraska Dept, of Social Services, 1-800-554 9123. MALE MODELS For Playgiri and other National Magazines and advertis ers. Some nudity may be required. Must be 18-35 with solid muscle toned body. 1-800-693-0733. . MONEY Start work now and work through summer. Wherever you go, full-time/part-time, great pay, benefits, and set your own hours. 24 hr. message, 467-9148. Needed: 43 people to lose weight over 10 pounds No willpower needed. 100%natural. 100% guaranteed Doc tor-recommended. New product. Call 483-6371. Ogden Entertainment Service DBA PERSHING AUDITORIUM Part-time help as needed. Event set up and change over, schedule varies with each show requirements. Apply in person Pershing Auditorium, Business Office, M-R 9am 4pm. Old Country Buffet Now hiring customer service, line servers, dishroom, and salad prep positions. Flexible scheduling, reduced meal benefit, part-time/full-time positions available. Apply in person, 2241 ‘O' St. Overnight freight company looking for full and part-time drivers and warehouse postions. Must be 21. Full-time includes benefits. Pay is $6/hr. Very flexible scheduling Apply m person to 2200 W Adams(airport) between 10am 6:30pm, 474-7886. _ Part-time position working in Dental Lab M-F 4:30am 7am. Apply in person at 125 S 9th. Part-time help needed for spring season. Farm back ground helpfull. Greenwood Farmers Coop 1-800-827 Phone Volunteers Needed Excellent experience for human service majors. Lincoln Personal Crisis Service will hold a 1-day volunteer train ing session Saturday, March 18from 9-4:30pm at Trabert Hall, 2202 S 11th. To register call 475-5171 and leave your name and number. Roller Hockey Lincoln Parks and Rec looking for paid refs or volunteer coaches for the spring youth program. Referee training dimes start soon. Coaching help and resources avail able. Call 441-7901 _ SALES-Part-Time Tired of working part-time hours for low wages? Schedule your own hours and earn lucrative income. Put your sales experience to good use; our customers buy 86% of the time. Sell 3-4 months of the year, part-time in a stable situation that offers tax advantages- no investment Col lege Coupons, ISyearsin business. Call 800/7676-8393,