The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 28, 1995, Page 10, Image 10
early for Spring Break, too stressed out from midterms, too poor to go far... Road trip to Omaha! A quick drive from the UNL campus, Nebraska's largest city can be a mini-vacation at any price range. What's , there to do in the River City? A Production to see... SNAP! Productions is pleased to announce the Omaha debut of the Tony Award-winning Broadway smash, FALSETTOS. This funny and moving musical will be staged at the newly renovated Witherspoon Concert Hall in Joslyn Art Museum. The productions will run the evenings of March 9-12, beginning at 8 p.m. A gala champagne and dessert reception in the Storz Fountain Court will follow the production open ing night. FALSETTOS has been called "...brave, hilarious, charming, disarming..." As Newsday put it, in addition to tackling the issue of AIDS, it's "...about extended families, about tradition, about straight love, about gay love--about how imper fect they can be, how bitter sweet, how important." The story concerns Marvin-a man who has everything wealth, devoted wife, loving son and recently, a male lover. In attempting to keep his family neatly catego rized and harmonious, he succeeds brilliantly at driv ing his loved ones relatively crazy. In essence, FALSET TOS is about a family com ing to grips with rules that keep changing and the di lemma that exists between intellectual response and emotional confusion. Winner of two 1992 Tony Awards for Best Score and t Life.Love.Sex. (And other unscheduled events) PRODUCTIONS presents ’ The Tony Award-Winning Musical MARCH 9-12,1995 I Joslyn Art Museum, Witherspoon Concert Hall, 2200 Dodge Street, Omaha, Nebraska PERFORMANCE DATES □OPENINGNIGHT SPECIAL! □FRIDAY, MARCH 10, $20 THURSDAY MARCH 9 □ SATURDAY, MARCH 11, $20 RECEPTION FOLLOWING, $30 □ SUNDAY, MARCH 12, $20 All performances begin promptly at 8:00 p.m. MAIL YOUR ORDERTO: SNAP PRODUCTIONS, 900 FARNAM ST, SUITE 717, OMAHA NE 68102 OR FAX TO (402) 345-5213 INFORMATION (402) 346-8833 DAYS (402) 342-9053 EVENINGS ALL PROCEEDS BENEFIT THE NEBRASKA AIDS PROTECT