The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 27, 1995, Page 12, Image 12
Classified s Monday, February 27, 1995 Page 12 Needed: 43 people to lose weight over 10 pounds. No willpower needed. 100% natural. 100% guaranteed. Doc tor-recommended. New product. Call 483-6371. Lens Crafters optical is looking for highly motivated individuals to sell eyewear. No experience is needed. Openings for part-time help, evenings and weekends. Apply in person at Gateway Shopping Center. EOE. Looking for live people who have a dream and like to travel. Leave name and number and best time to reach for phone interview. 913-495-1622 MODELING/ACTING? Male/female. Order “Getting Started." Includes materials/ addresses to launch into the industry. Send SASE: Cre ative, 20402 SW 69th, Tualatin. OR 97062. Models, Actors, Actresses International Modeling and Talent Associates, New York, Norr Blanc Corp. 402-475-1855. Nannies Needed for East Coast placement. Positions available immediately. References required. Nanny Care Solutions 1-800-877-8085. Nannies!!! The Elite Nanny Service! Call us to find the best jobs available in the child care field. One-year commitment only. Nannies Plus, 1-800-752-0078. Part-time Positions The National Bank of Commerce is currently accept ing applications for: Tellers Campus 8:15am-lpm RIFF Rampark 7am-1pm M-F And every Sat 830am-noon Prefer 6-months teller experience with good customer service skills or a minimum of at least 6-months cashing checks andbalandng transactions in abusiness environ ment. Reseech Clerk-Bookkeeping Prefer banking experience in teller, proof or bookkeeping areas. Must be self-starter and need little supervision. Experience working with PC helpful. Hours: 12:45pm 5:45pm M-F. 8am-noon every other Saturday. Please contact the Human Resource Division for appoint ment, 434-4147 M-F 8am-430pm or Call the Job Hotline for more details, 434-4700. 'Equal Opportunity Employer NATIONAL PARKS HIRING -Seasonal & full-time em ployment available at National Patks, Forests & Wildlife Preserves. Benefits + bonuses! Apply now for best tions. Call: 1-206-545-4804 ext. N57782 Need truck drivers for wheat harvest from Texas to North Dakota, May-August. Delane Reimer 405-267-3367. f OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Y Earn up to $150 while donating life-saving plasma. New donors oam $25 on tho first donation. Return donors earn $20 on tho first donation, (after 3 months lapse) I Call 479-1959 for Information. University Plasma Center -■ 1442 "O" Street 475-9949_ ,_J NO FURTHER, has the job for you! $5.50/HR + BONUSES Full-time Shifts: Mon. -Thurs. 7am-4pm, Friday 7am-lpm Part-time Shifts: M-F 5- 10pm, Sat 9am-2pm Advantages: •Paid Training •Flexible Part-Time Hours •Casual, Clean . *No Weekend Requirements and Friendly Environment *Set Your Own Schedule Call our Job Hotline at 441 -9898 to set up a confidential interview at your convenience. S ;j MATRIXX MARKETING me. — 3 4 Cincinnati M company Gateway Center Bulding 1-0 “ " " Lincoln. NE 68505 __EQE M/F/V/H 1 ■nun 1 .... . OGDNE ENTERTAINMENT SERVICE DBA PERSHING AUDITORIUM Part-time help as needed. Event set up and change over, schedule varies with each show requirements. Apply in person Pershing Auditorium, Business Office, M-F, 9am 4pm. Part-time production worker/driver needed. Apply at Best Styles Formal Wear, 200 S 19th. Personnel needed for lawn and landscape crews. Must have good driving record and neat appearance. Must be able to work 40+ hours per week beginning in mid March. Call Lawnscape 464-2631. Positions available for Bag Room, Shoe Room, Outside Maintenance, Starter and Lifeguards. Start dates depen dent on weather. Apply in person at Firethorn Golf Club, 9301 Firethorn Lane, Lincoln. Questions? Call 488-2071 or 488-6467, ask for Greg, Joni or Laura. Student Representative needed to run marketing project on campus, P/T, great earning potential. 1-800-459-VISA x35. Talented telemarketers needed 15-20 hours/week for nationwide Co. Casual atmosphere, bonus program. S^m $5.50/hour+commission. To apply call 434-3996. TELEMARKETERS Do you have a good voice? Positive attitude? Work in a relaxed pleasant environment. Start immediately. Wage plus bonus equals $5-$7per hour. 464-5094. Two positions, part-time mornings, sales clerk and office worker. Call Skip 486-4272 Wanted: 5 mustard cutters to replace 5 who couldn’t. Please leave name, number, and best time to reach for phone interview. 913-495-1622 Wendy’s Now accepting applications for all shifts at all locations. •Flexible schedule •Pay based on experience and availability •Meal discount •Vacation plan Stop by today and start earning $$$ tomorrow! YMCA Youth Sports is hiring score keepers for the Midwest invitational Basketball tournament. Contact YMCA for applications. 434-9217. Youth leaders needed immediately for several part time positions. KinderCare 5601 Pioneer Blvd, 66506. CAMP COUNSELORS- OUTSTANDING SLIM DOWN CAMPS: Tennis, Dance, Slimnastics, WSI, Athletics, Nutrition, Dietetics. Age20+. 7 Weeks.CAMP CAMELOT on COLLEGE CAMPUSES AT Mass., Penn., Calif. Con tact: Michele Friedman, 947 Hewlett Drive North Woodmere, N.Y. 11581:1-800-421-4321. CAMP COUNSELORS Wanted for private Michigan boys/girls summer camps. Teach: swimming, canoeing, sailing, waterskiing, gym nastics, riflerv, archery, tennis, golf, sports, computers, camping, crafts, dramatics, OR riding. Also kitchen, of fice, maintenance. Salary $1150 or more plus R&B. Camp LWC / GWC, 1765 Maple, Nfld., IL 60093.708-446-2444. CO-WORKERS Up to $6.50 per hour Pay and Benefits •Up to $6.00 to start (weekday noon and closing shifts) •Great Work Environment •50% Meal Discount •Flexible Schedule •Paid Vacation •Frequent Reviews •Health and Dental Insurance •40IK Plan •STEP Itaition Reimbursed Scholarship Plan Amigos, an expanding, quality-oriented, Mexican fast food chain, has excellent full time and part-time opportunities available now. If you are an aggressive, customer oriented person and like to work at a fast, intense pace, an opportunity to put those skills to work and develop as a leader is available. Explore how you can earn 100% college tuition reimbursement simply by working at Amigos! 15 and 16yearolds welcome. APPLY NOW AT AMIGOS 29 & Cornhusker 5500 O St. 14 &Q _E.O.E._ Camp for Exceptional persons needs counselors for '95 camp session. Work with ail different americans with disabilities. (8 weeks) Salary plus room and board. Send resumes to JC Camp. Box 1763 Sioux Falls, SD 57101. Children's Counselors, Activity Instructors, Nanny, Bus Drivers, Cooks, Kitchen Manager, Kitchen Help for Moun tain Summer Camp, PO Box 711, Boulder, CO 80306, 303-442-4557, Lifeguards Hillcrest Country Club is now accepting applications for lifeguards, swim coaches, and a diving coach. Full and part time positions available. Apply in person. Applica tions are due March 3. 8901 Ea6t O St. NEW ENGLAND BROTHER/SISTER CAMPS MASSACHUSETTS . Mah-Kee-Nac for Boys/Danbeefor Girls. Counselor posi tions for Program Specialists: All Tearn Sports, especially Baseball, Basketball, Golf, Field Hockey, Roller Hockey, Soccer, Volleyball; 30 Tennis openings; also Archery, Riflery, Pioneering/Ovemight Camping, Weights/Fitness and Cycling; other openings include Performing Arts, Fine Arts, Pottery, Figure Skating, Gymnastics, Newspa per, Photography, Yearbook, Radio Station, Rocketry, Ropes and Rock Climbing; All Waterfront Activities (Swimming. Skiing, Sailing, Windsurfing, Canoeing/ Kayaking). Great salary, room, board, and travel. June 18 August f8. Inquire: Mah-Kee-Nac(Boys) 190 Linden Avenue, Glen Ridge, N.J. 07028. Call 1-800-753-9118 Danbee (Girts) 17 Westminister Drive, Montville, NJ 07045. Call: 1-800-392-3752. Students who Ike a challenge! Summer work where students average about $430/week and make their own decisions. Call 420-2741. Summer Camp Opportunities Nebraska's most beautiful camp, YMCA Camp Kitaki, located on the Platte River, is seeking applicants for the following positions: Counse lors, Wranglers, Lifeguards, Waterfront Direc tors, Assistant Cook, Crafts Instructors, Adven ture Trail Guides, Nature Director, Archery & Riflery Instructors, Steward, Health Supervisor, Maintenance. Call or write: YMCA Camp Kitaki, 1039 P Street, Lincoln, NE 68508, (402)-434 9225 OR ask for one of our application packets at your Student Employment/Career Services Office. YOUTH BASEBALL The Babe Ruth Baseball League needs umpires and coaches for the summer. Leave message at 469-4252, 435-7088 or 483-6214 and specify if interested in after noon Umpiring or morning and afternoon coaching. YOUTH CAMP STAFF Husker Kids Recreation Day Camp 40 hrs/wk, May 30-August 4, $4.75-$5.10/hr. Qualifica tions: Previous experience related to youth sports and recreation is desirable . Applications avialaBle at 55 Campus Recreation Center or32 East Campus Activities Building. Applications due MARCH 31,1995. A Campus Recreation Program. 400s Housing Publisher’s Notice AV real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or intention to make any such preferences, limitations or discrimination. The Daily Ne braskan will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the raw or discnminates against sexual preferences. Our readers are hereby Informedthat all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis. Non-smoking female to share big 3 bedroom apartment. $160/month + 1/3 phone & cable. 475-0935 Professional woman looking for non-smoking responsi ble individual. Private bath, bedroom, washer/dryer. $200 plus 1/2 utilities. 474-3853,475-5161, ext 24. _ Roommate wanted: Available in March, private bedroom in large house, 4 blocks from City Campus. Parking, W/ D, many other amenitites. $200 +1/5 utilities, deposit req. 474-2015/Ask for Will. 1122 Washington. Very large 4-bedroom, 2-bath w/ga rage $775. Rental Real Estate 489-6345. 2434 W. Very nice. 4-bedroom 1 1/2 bath. Parking, near campus, $600.432-0644,432-6644. _ 4-bedroom. 2331 U Street. Walk to campus. Only $650. Call Phoenix Properties, 474-5327. Houses available in May for summer leases or longer: *836 Y. 3-Bedroom, $600 *1237 Court. 3-bedroom, $600 *2307 Dudley. 3-bedroom, $600 *2434 W. 4-bedroom, $600. *927 N. 30th. 6-bedroom, $1,000. __432-0644,432-6644__ Reserve your 3,4,5, or 6 bedroom home for early May and/ or August and RELAX! Close to UNL, Air Conditioning, Washer/dryer, Dishwasher. WE LOVE STUDENTS!! 423-1535. - .■ .'"-v ' ■ : '!'i ": ^ '-■'■&:■■• < 2611 N. 5th. New 4-bedroom, 2-bath, 2-stall garage. Central air, Washer/Dryer. Available 3/01, $850. 435 7607.___ !!!!!!!!!!!!! Is total privacy important? Enjoy comfort of private resi dence in our isolated upper studio. Ideal for one. $375, includes utilities, no pets 475-7262. MWalkTo Campus!! NOW LEASING 1-2 BR APTS 2504 VINE Short-term leases accepted. Sharp 1-BR Apts. Choose your style. Heat paid. From $340. 2-BR, like new, gray decor, breakfast bar, large closets, great neighbors. $435-450. STUDIO 2627 Vine. Personal, unique floor plan, most utils pd. $275 1109,1121 N. 28th. 1 -Br apts. New decor, breakfast bars, ground or top floor. $350-$365. Heat pd. 2920 P' St. 2-BR, 1-1\4 BA split level townhouse, huge bdrms, all apples. $475. Coz^ 1-BR duplex, perfect little home, prvt patio, heat pd. 4300 Comhuaker Hwy 1- BR’s. top or lower level, apples. Ind. Heat paid. Avail able now. $350. 2- BR split level townhouse, new carpet, heat pd. $475 $495. Spotless 1-2BR, pearl/beige, white apples, huge closets w/computer hookup. $415-$510. HEAD South For Winter 4537 Prescott. 2-BR, 2-BA, frplc, ail apples, 2nd Fir., walk to Union College. $465. Waverty, NE 15 miles East of Lincoln, 1-Br & studio apts. Beautiful ceramic floors, large bdrm, close to shopping and park. $350-$365. Cherry Hill Management 489-4857 **2 bedrooms** 821 “A" $430 231 Adams $410-440 **1 bedroom** 515 West Saunders $345 **Embassy Park apartments** 31St& Old Cheney 2 bedrooms $480-510 w/d **3 bedroom** $615-830 no pets 483-1130,483-6057 1- BD, 1112 C $275. References required. 476-9650, or 423-1680 after 5pm. 2 bedroom, 2318 C, non-smoking. VERY quiet building. Ideal for graduate students. Garage available. $385.432 3686. 2- BD New carpet and paint, til2 C. $385. References required. 476-9650 or 423-1680 after 5pm. 203 South 30. Clean 2 bed w/garage $445. Rental Real Estate 489-6345. 240 S. 26th. Newer, 2-bedroom. Built-in microwave, double-sliding door/balcony. Leave message, 483-2357. 5019 Walker. Attractive 1 bed plus den $395. Non smoker. Rental Real Estate 489-6345. 56th & Holdrege 3- bedroom, 1&3/4 baths, W/D hook-ups, $525-550. Management One 477-2600 711 North 30. Clean 1 bed non-smoker $295. Rental Real Estate 489-6345. Available Now Large, 1-bedroom, close to campus, carpet, air, laundry, parking, FREE CABLE, no pets, $330+. 521 N 25th, 438 5459 or 477-7684, Brand New Deluxe 2 bedroom, 2 bath, intercom entry, ceiling fans, mini blinds, some with decks, courtyard, quiet, NO PETS, $495-$525.711 Benton (off North 14th St). Klene Park Apartments, 435-7770, day or evening. Claremont Park Apartments Now leasing 1,2,3, & 4 bedrooms for August. Spaces are limited. Hurry in to pick your new home. First Come, First Serve. 9th & Claremont. 474-Park. Colonial Heights Apartments Two-bedroom apartments available. Tanning bed and indoor heated pool. 421-3070. Cozy up to a Nice Warm Fire at Willowhaven Apartments Energy efficient 1 and 2 bedroom apartments now avail able. Fireplaces, woodburning stoves, private pool with large sundeck. Professionally managed, $329-469/month. Call 476-6200 now. Efficiency apartment for rent. $260/month. 538 North 24 St. Pets welcome with deposit. Call Scott or Tamraat438 3916 For Rent: 2-bedroom walk-out apartment. Available March 15. March Rent Freel Indoor pool and iacuzzi. Call 421-3302. Large studio-1107 L, Just remodeled, walk to campus, only $280. Heat paid. Roomy studio, 3179 R St., hard wood floors. $210. Three-bedroom, 1120 E. Heat paid. Only $465. Large One-bedroon, W/D hookup, cats OK, only $300 Call Phoenix Properties, 474-5327. Looking For Affordable Housing?? We have apartments close to campus for $260/month $310/month. Contact 450-2211 or 475-0609. Walk to Campus Efficiencies and 1 bedrooms apartments now available. $1994279. Century Management Co. 484-8600 Spring Break Ski condo for rent. Coppermountain. March 18-21.4 nights. Ski in. ski out, by theB Lift. Sleeps 6.2 bedroom. $225/night. Call488-1412. evenings and week ends.