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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 24, 1995)
Classified J* Friday, February 24,1995 Page 11 CAMP COUNSELORS Wanted for private Michigan boys/girls summer camps. Teach: swimming, canoeing, sailing, waterskiing, gym nastics, riflery, archery, tennis, golf, sports, computers, camping, crafts, dramatics, OR riding. Also kitchen, of fice, maintenance. Salary $1150 or more plus R&B. Camp LWC/GWC, 1765 Maple, Nfld., IL 60093.708-446-2444. CAMP COUNSELORS- OUTSTANDING SLIM DOWN CAMPS: Tennis, Dance, Slimnastics, WSI, Athletics, Nutrition, Dietetics. Age 20+. 7 Weeks. CAMP CAMELOT on COLLEGE CAMPUSES AT Mass., Penn., Calif. Con tact: Michele Friedman, 947 Hewlett Drive North Woodmere, N.Y. 11581:1-800-421-4321. Lifeguards Hillcrest Country Club is now accepting applications for lifeguards, swim coaches, and a diving coach. Full and part time positions available. Apply in person. Applica tions are due March 3. 8901 East O St. NEW ENGLAND BROTHER/SISTER CAMPS MASSACHUSETTS Mah-Kee-Nac for Boys/Danbee for Girls. Counselor posi tions forProg ram Specialists: All Team Sports, especially Baseball, Basketball, Golf, Field Hockey, Roller Hockey, Soccer, Volleyball; 30 Tennis openings; also Archery, Riflery, Pioneering/Ovemight Camping, Weights/Fitness and Cycling; other openings include Performing Arts, Fine Arts, Pottery, Figure Skating, Gymnastics, Newspa per, Photography, Yearbook, Radio Station, Rocketry. Ropes and Rock Climbing; All Waterfront Activities (Swimming, Skiing, Sailing, Windsurfing, Canoeing/ Kayaking). Great salary, room, board, and travel. June 18 August 18. Inquire: Mah-Kee-Nac(Boys) 190 Linden Avenue, Glen Ridge. N.J. 07028. Call 1-800-753-9118 Danbee (Girls) 17 Westminister Drive, Montville, NJ 07045. Call: 1-800-392-3752. Summer Camp Opportunities Nebraska's most beautiful camp, YMCA Camp Kitaki, located on the Platte River, is seeking applicants for the following positions: Counse lors, Wranglers, Lifeguards, Waterfront Direc tors, Assistant Cook, Crafts Instructors, Adven ture Trail Guides, Nature Director, Archery & Riflery Instructors, Steward, Health Supervisor. Maintenance. Call or write: YMCA Camp Kitaki, 1039 P Street, Lincoln, NE 68508, (402)-434 9225 OR ask for one of our application packets at your Student Employment/Career Services Office. Summer job openings for head guards, lifeguards, cash iers. Call Lincoln Parks and Recreation at 441-7892. Summer Playground Staff Lincoln Parks and Recreation is accepting applications for summer playground staff: leaders, assistant leaders, craft specialists. Program hours 9:15am-12:15pm, M-F, June 5-July 28. Plan and conduct activities for elementary children at parks or schools. Apply at 2740 A St. Call 441 7952 to arrange interview. EOfc/AA 400s Housing Publisher’s Notice All real estate advertising In this newspaper Is sub/ect to the federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or intention to make any such preferences, limitations or discrimination. The Daily Ne braskan will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law or discriminates against sexual preferences. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis. 1 non-smoking female roommate needed to share 4 bedroom apt., 17th & South, $210 + 1/4 utilities, W/D, garage, available immediately. 477-3105. 2 roommates needed to help rent 3-bedroom house. Low rent. Call Joe. 475-6311. Male or female for large 2-bedroom, great location, Haymarket. $175/month. 477-8818. Professional woman looking tor non-smoking responsi ble individual. Private bath, bedroom, washer/dryer. $200 plus 1/2 utilities. 474-3853, 475-5161, ext 24. Roommate wanted: Available in March, private bedroom in large house, 4 blocks from City Campus. Parking, W/ D. many other amenitites. $200 +1/5 utilities, deposit req. 474-2015/Ask for Will. 1122 Washington. Very large 4-bedroom, 2-bath w/ga rage $775. Rental Real Estate 489-6345. 2434 W. Very nice, 4-bedroom 1 1/2 bath. Parking, near campus, $600. 432-0644, 432-6644. 4- bedroom. 2331 U Street. Walk to campus. Only $650. Call Phoenix Properties, 474-5327. 5- Bedroom house 4 blocks from Stadium, Range, Refrig., Washer/dryer, Centred Air, Excellent condition, $600/ month, 438-1330. Houses available in May for summer leases or longer. *836 Y. 3-Bedroom, $600 *1237 Court. 3-bedroom, $600 *2307 Dudley. 3-bedroom, $600 *2434 W. 4-bedroom, $600. *927 N. 30th. 6-bedroom, $1,000. 432-0644,432-6644 Reserve your 3,4,5, or 6bedroom home for early May and/ or August and RELAXI Close to UNL, Air Conditioning, Washer/dryer, Dishwasher. WE LOVE STUDENTS!! 423-1535. 2611 N. 5th. New 4-bedroom, 2-bath, 2-stall garage. Central air, Washer/Dryer. Available 3/01, $850. 435 7807. 2- bedroom apt between campuses. Private entrance, W/ D, semi-furnished. Utilities and basic cable paid. $430/ mo. 474-2181, 203 South 30. Clean 2 bed w/garage $445. Rental Real Estate 489-6345.__ 240 S. 26th. Newer, 2-bedroom. Built-in microwave, double-sliding door/baicony. Leave message, 483-2357. 5019 Walker. Attractive 1 bed plus den $395. Non smoker. Rental Real Estate 489-6345._____ 56th & Holdrege 3- bedroom, 1&3/4 baths, W/D hook-ups, $525-550. Management One 477-2600 711 North 30. Clean 1 bed non-smoker $295. Rental Real Estate 489-6345, 2 bedroom, 2318 C, non-smoking. VERY quiet building. Ideal for graduate students. Garage available. $385,432 3686. 2-BD New carpet and paint. 1112 C. $385. References required. 476-9650 or 423-1680 after 5pm. Colonial Heights Apartments Two-bedroom apartments available. Tanning bed and indoor heated pool. 421-3070. Cozy up to a Nice Warm Fire at Willowhaven Apartments Energy efficient 1 and 2 bedroom apartments now avail able. Fireplaces, woodburning stoves, private pool with large sundeck. Professionally managed, $329-469/month. Call 476-6200 now. Efficiency apartments close to campus. Gas, heating trash, water paid. Comes with refrigerator, A/C, stove. 477-4490. For Rent: 2-bedroom walk-out apartment. Available March 15. March Rent Free! indoor pool and Jacuzzi. Call 421-3302.__ 7 ”7 ADOPTION TT"T T: T jMoirin^gjtwwNNg We offer counseBng and adoption senrfces to help you plan the best future for you end your bato.Nbtees or obligations, Slatewide since 1893. NebraskaChildren's Home. 4600 VaHey Rd. State 314,463-7379. Adoption Home study aoproved- iovtegchildless couple wishes to adopt newborn, Fuft-time mom and devoted Dadfan adoptee himself}. Offer your baby a lifetime of love, laughter and security. Please call Julie and Bill anytime. t4)5o-3fS-2343. Pregnant-Considering Adoption? We can help. Call: A Dream FuJfiltod Adoption Inc; tofl free t4SQ0-55fr4S29. Blue's Bfce& Fitness, S&biocfcs from campus. Rewand used b&es. ExceBent repairs for alt mAes. Twoodnve ment locations!427 S. I3fh,436-2322and332l Pioneers 8hrd, 466-2101 Open 7 days a week MtCRCWORKS DISCOUNT COMPUTER RENTALS. 366 s & 438*8, laptops, Printers. ETC; By the Weak, Month, OR Seffirtter,: t&r.O>R lOam-fipm. 477-2994.31400. Street, l_T-—.... JU> Usren To? • '•" '• •? CONFESSIN’ THE BLUES Every Friday Afternoon 4S0*$S0pro bnfir on K2Uv Radio #93RW}..FsSwteftt Blues af.theft Besflll Special GSts you Wilt love to give. The Gift Basket, 3tt N. 6th Street, Hayroerkat. 43&-6gf1 aiiot L. Rusted, iO Specialized treatment and scalp disorders. Compieroentarymedicationsforacnepa 3901 Norroat Bled. Sufrt 102; 483:7808, Lose 30 IDs in 30 seconds?? Of course not, bul that's afi it takes to meke thef cwhfttl^ ment to pet started! Now, all you have to do fc ad with a For ait your Insurance. Needs, Jim WaBaC* 474-5077. American Family:: Insurance-ftenters. Auto. Wome. Health, wd U*, m&t, - dJV Murphy, 438-2556. Bankft<rtey, tJandtotd-Tenam Disputes, DmiEriminal Law. ftee irttiat consultation. , Lincoln Crisis Pregnancy I Se ssssf °*«te PREGNANT? BKmttttHT M a Corfidentiat haiplna to|» Wt, Ptease caitustarappoffrt • ■'■■- ' ^-■■' ■'-■• - - ' ■ ■ ■: ■ ■'■ :. ' ; ■■■■::■ ■ ■ ■1 ■1 ■""■:.■■■ v ■■:"■:• ■ ■:■ -:■ ■ ■ ■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ OuaBty resumes. pro<ee»ionfd Srtft'em. Oyet 14 years eiyetwnce. proven- resufts. 464-8775 tat ftofesgqnaltyttypwt endfagerprin^ltSpig^ Sears Resume Sendee E^jorienoocf protts^loriaf wrtter,<5stewy SKiK toialidft !!!!!!!!!!!!! Is total privacy important? Enjoy comfort of private resi dence in our isolated upper studio. Ideal for one. $375, includes utilities, no pets 475-7262. !!Walk To Campus!! NOW LEASMG 1-2 BR APTS 2504 VINE Short-term leases accepted. Sharp 1-BR Apts. Choose your style. Heat paid. From $340. 2-BR, Ike new, gray decor, breakfast bar. large closets, great neighbors. $435-450. STUDIO 2627 Vine. Personal, unique floor plan, most utils pd. $275 1109,1121N. 28th. 1-Brapts. New decor, breakfast bars, ground or top floor. $350-$365. Heat pd. 2920 P’ St. 2-BR, 1-1V4 BA split level townhouse, huge bdrms, all apples. $475. Coz^l-BR duplex, perfect little home, prvt patio, heat pd. 4300 Comhusker Hwy 1- BR's. top or lower level, apples. Inc!. Heat paid. Avail able now. $350. 2- BR split level townhouse, new carpet, heat pd. $475 $495. Spotless 1-2BR, pearl/beige, white apples, huge closets w/computer hookup. $415-$510. HEAD South For Winter 4537 Prescott. 2-BR, 2-BA, frplc, all apples, 2nd Fir., walk to Union College. $465. Waverly, NE 15 miles East of Lincoln, t-Br & studio apts. Beautiful ceramic floors, large bdrm, close to shopping and park. $350-$365. Cherry Hill Management 489-4857 **2 bedrooms** 821 “A" $430 231 Adams $410-440 **1 bedroom** 515 West Saunders $345 **Embassy Park apartments** 3l St & Old Cheney 2 bedrooms $480-510 w/d **3 bedroom** $615-630 no pets 483-1130, 483-6057 1-BD, 1112C $275. References required. 476-9650, or 423-1680 after 5pm. 1020 C St. Big, beautiful 1 bedroom. $ 375. Call 430-9019 Available Now Large, 1-bedroom, close to campus, carpet, air, laundry, parking, FREE CABLE, no pets, $330+. 521 N 25th, 438 5459 or 477-7684. Brand New Deluxe 2 bedroom, 2 bath, intercom entry, ceiling fans, mini blinds, some with decks, courtyard, quiet, NO PETS, $495-$525. 711 Benton (off North 14th St). Kiene Park Apartments, 435-7770, day or evening. Claremont Park Apartments Now leasing 1,2,3, & 4 bedrooms for August. Spaces are limited. Hurry in to pick your new home. First Come, First Serve. 9th & Claremont. 474-Park. Newer, clean, 1-bedroom, $320 and 2-bedroom, $390 within walking distance to UNL and downtown. 463-6280. Walk to Campus Efficiencies and 1 bedrooms apartments now available. $199-$279. Century Management Co. 484-8600 Large studio- 1107 L. just remodeled, walk to campus, only $280. Heat paid. Roomy studio, 3179 R St., hard wood doors. $210. Three-bedroom, 1120 E. Heat paid. Only $465. Large One-bedroon, W/D hookup, cats OK, only $300 Call Phoenix Properties, 474-5327. Looking For Affordable Housing?? We have apartments close to campus for $260/month $310/month. Contact 450-2211 or 475-0609. Need: Furnished apartment for summer & possible room mate. Call Amy at 436-8248. Spring Break Ski condo for rent. Coppermountain. March 18-21,4 nights. Ski in, ski out, by tne B Lift. Sleeps 6, 2 bedroom. $225/night. Call488-1412, evenings and week ends. >TOWN CENTER SHOWCASE^ C 0264,5 ‘O’ St,Lincoln, 475-6698.7 ti Lincoln's Largest Selection of Futons & Accessories $45 Closer to Fte Lauderdale. Earn $25 today arid $45.tWay¥eek for your blood plasmat^AHons at NABI. The NABI BioMedfeal Center will pay you up to $150 per month for donating blood plasma^Vowp^lws,.Wfesavlng donation wiUjbanefiitibios^ tnne^d. N^Sr BioMedical Center- call fo^ an Apppi^^ENT today. 300 South 17th Street humnn *""* 47412335 Otter applies to new customers only. Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson YIOULWT IT Bfc QCOL 1 \f 'iovj SNEEZED WAD TME SPRM FROM NOUR. HOSE IHSTAWLA FROZE? > i I s c 1 s i 9 I NCW COULD BREMC IT OFF NOOR FfKE AHD WME k 3-D SCULPTURE OF Tour sneeze/ ^ plopll m ... mi, I TUl^VC CMS M3t SOUTMtf. \T YKW\H BL COOL. Crossword Edited by Eugene T. Maleska No. 0304 ACROSS 1 Barrel part 6 Frisco’s finest: Abbr. 10 Inquires 14 Port of a sort 15 See 11 Down 16 Albacore or bluefin 17 Watchful 18 Traditions; legacies 20-thrush, state bird of 4 Down 22 Bravo, Latin style 23 Hirt and Jolson 24 Sculled 26 Almost _ 28 Delineate 31 Pother 32 Thin wedge 33 “Thanks-!” 34 Shade of 51 Down 36 Legislate 39 Sixty secs. 40 Skier’s asset 42 Luau dish 43 City of India 45 Within: Comb, form 46 Bridge feat 47 Ward heelers 49 Lair so Whale si Lubricate 53 Heep of fiction SSBro. or sis. 56 Yemeni port ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE 58 Red-, slate flower of 4 Down 62 Puzzling 65 Another shade of 51 Down 66 Summers, in Caen 67 Bye-bye, in Bath 68 Confronted 69 Tiber tributary 70 Cities in Nev. and Minn. 71 Drift DOWN 1 Ex-sovereign of Iran 2 Story 3 State 4 Bicentennial state: March 4, 1991 5 Essences 6 Dixie: Abbr. 7 State motto of 4 Down 8 A neighbor of Chile 9 Condescends 10 One —— time 11 Leafy symbol of 4 Down 12 Toll i3Procacious 19 Snicker 21 Part of a refrain 25 Circus Maximus official 27 Rhone feeder 28 Aladdin’s loss 29 Pelvic bones 30 Capital of 4 Down 35 Start 37 Blazer, e.g. 38 Age; era 40 Kind of fir or apple 41 Shaped like a haystack 44 Ship that picked up Glenn 46 Learned person 46 Composed 61 Ethan Allen and the Mountain Boys 52 Annual income: Fr. 54 Upward 57 Etc. relative 59 -President Coolidge: 1921-23 60 Smooth; steady 61 Comedian Foxx 63 J. Low org. 64 Circumstance, in Caen