The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 20, 1995, Page 4, Image 4
Opinion Monday, February 20,1995 Page 4 Daily Nebraskan Editorial Board University of Nebraska-Lincoln JeffZeleny. Editor, 472-1766 Jeff Robb.Managing Editor Matt Woody.. Opinion Page Editor DeDra Janssen.Associate News Editor Rainbow Rowell.'.Arts & Entertainment Editor James Mehsling.Cartoonist Chris Hain.Senior Reporter Hasty healing Reconciliation process needs more time Conciliation. “To overcome the distrust or animosity of; appease. To regain or tiy to regain (friendship or goodwill) by pleasant behavior. To make or try to make compatible; reconcile. See pacify.” In the city of Lincoln, this word has become important. It is the driving force behind efforts to mend the wounds of this community caused by the death of Francisco Renteria. The Community Conciliation Process, created by Mayor Mike Johanns, is intended to examine existing city programs, policies and procedures in light of the Francisco Renteria death and grand jury pro cess in order to identify: • strengths of the existing ap proach • how the current approach can be strengthened and enhanced • how city programs, policies and procedures can be better un derstood by the public • the need for additional or on going community forums.” What does all of this mean? Amy Schmidt/DN A group representing the many branches of city government, mi nority groups and the public is charged with finding a way to bring understanding, healing and normality to the city of Lincoln. As if their task wasn’t difficult enough, now they have another volatile issue to contend with—the reinstatement of Tom Casady as chief of the Lincoln Police Department. The conciliation committee will no doubt discuss the reason why the misdemeanor indictment against Casady was dropped. However, members of the group shouldn’t focus too much of their time on the chiefs reinstatement. Granted, it is another major issue in the Renteria case. But if we second-guess every step made by the judicial system, little progress will be made. We can’t say justice only works when we like the outcome. It really seems like something is being accomplished at the con ciliation meetings. Let’s hope it is. But in wake of the enormousness of the issues with which the committee must deal, the April deadline set by Johanns is probably unrealistic. Problems of diversity are deeply rooted in Lincoln. It will take more than a few months to understand them, let alone begin to work them out. ' The deadline should be extended, or the entire process will have been for naught. In one breath The Program Board at George Washington University has planned a Feb. 27 showing of the X-rated “John Wayne Bobbitt... Uncut” as a way to prompt an academic discussion about pornography. But so far, the board has only started up a controversy. Oppo nents have scheduled a demonstration before the movie. For fmding a valid way to voice their concerns, they should be applauded. And so should the university, which has done the right thing and stayed out of the matter, hopefully realizing that it shouldn’t censor the Program Board’s functions, no matter how tasteless they may be. Editorial policy Staff editorials represent the official policy of the Spring 1995. Daily Nebraskan. Policy is set by the Daily Nebraskan Editorial Board. Editori alsdonotnecessarilyreflectthe views of the university, its employees, the studentsor theNUBoardofRegents. Editorial columns represent the opin ion ofthe author.The regents publish the Daily Nebraskan. They establish the UNL Publications Board to su pervise the daily production of the paper. According to policy set by the regents, responsibility for the edito rial content of the newspaper lies solely in the hands of its students. Letter policy The Daily Nebraskan welcomes brief letters to the editor from all readers and interested others. Letters will be selected for publication on the basis ofclarity, originality, timeliness and spaceavailable. The Daily Nebraskan retains the righttoedit or reject all material submitted. Readers also are welcome to submit ma terial as guest opinions. The editor decides whether materia] should run as a guest opinion. Letters and guest opinions sent to the newspaper become the property of the Daily Nebraskan and cannot be returned. Anonymous submissions will not be pub lished. Letters should included die author’s name, year in school, major and group affiliation, if any. Requests to withhold names will not be granted. Submitmatenal to the Daily Nebraskan. 34 Nebraska Union, 1400 R St, Lincoln, Neb. 68588-0448. r UTTER VtoRb l m Rt$\&TOi 'R-,,— -/ to: (402) 472-1761. Utters must he signed and Include a * Phone number for ■ Mi V^k verification. Men and women I am writing in response to Jamie Karl’s column “Ladies, men have it bad, too” (Feb. 16). I am saddened not only because someone in the 1990s actually has these narrow-minded, ultra-conservative views, but also because the Daily Nebraskan is willing to give Neanderthal commentaries like Karl’s a public voice. The points made by Karl in the column, as labeled in succinct fashion by little dots, are all appalling. I do not have the space to refute them all, though that can certainly be done. Has Karl taken the time to investigate these statistics to check their accuracy? Obviously not. Had he done so, he would have seen that men do not do more household work than women, and domestic violence is not an equal distribution between men and women because women are more severely injured than men. Until a woman can walk up and push down or punch out her husband or boyfriend with one blow as men can to women, I’m afraid men simply don’t have it as bad. And then to say that women do not compose more of the teaching faculty because men are better instructors is just a 1950s mentality that sidesteps the real issue called sexual discrimination. Women have “rested” since the beginning of time, and we are not about to back down now. So get used to us coming out of the kitchens and someday being^your boss, because it will happen. And Karl had better slow down before he starts telling other groups like African Americans “it’s time you take a rest,” because then they’ll have to add racism to Karl’s repertoire of sexism and homophobia. Ashley P. Finley senior English and sociology Images of women The letter “OfTensiveness” by Funkhouser, Ripley and Grady (Feb. 10) asks women, “Without such ads (like the ‘Strip Pool’ ad) appearing, what would you do?” Unfortunately, I can’t fathom the idea of such ads existing. The American people are constantly bombarded with such ads by the media, so much so that many people (apparently including those three) consider them commonplace and become confused when others claim their objections to them. Please note that my objection has AmySchmidt/DN nothing to do with the idea that sex is a taboo subject; I certainly don’t believe that women who engage in sex are bimbos. That word is one of many labels placed on women who are considered promiscuous. Such labels and images contained in the “Strip Pool” ad portray the sexual role of women as something unnatural and implies that women who engage in intercourse are dirty. I am also concerned with the spiteful, childish and blatantly unprofessional manner in which three educated men composed a letter that came across as nothing more than a collection of hateful, unenlightened scribblings. Melissa A. Borman senior art Libertarians It looks like we’ve got a live one. Why are political science and women’s studies majors so easy to sucker in? In response to Jonathan R. Strand’s letter ‘“Strip Pool’” (Feb. 15), we are sorry for such a “sopho moric response.” By the way, none of us have bought the video. Good one, though. Leave it to a graduate student in political science to assume that one must have a personal interest at stake in order to care about a liberty. But let’s go right to the only argument that Strand makes. He argues, with regard to our consent position, that “one need only think of how this logic would sound if applied to heroin addicts.” Unfortunately, we see no problems here. Legalize heroin, we say. Can’t a graduate student in political science recognize a libertarian when he sees one? It’s scary to think that Strand believes an argument based on aesthetics is pertinent. But we do not think that our personal tastes should dictate what rights others exercise. We’ll leave the judging of what is offensive and “degrading” to Strand and his cronies. We can only say that the women in the ad have no need for your pity. Eric Funkhouser senior philosophy Jeremy Ripley junior art Mitch Grady junior art