The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 14, 1995, Page 2, Image 2

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    Edited by Jennifer Mlratsky NewsDgest
Tuesday, February 14,1995 Page 2
Opposition party wins
in Mexico’s elections
Mexico’s largest opposition party on
Monday celebrated the biggest elec
toral victory of its history, which
analysts said could end 66 years of
single-party rule in the country.
The National Action Party claimed
it won the governorship of the state of
Jalisco, control of the state legisla
ture and 90 of 124 city halls, includ
ing Guadalajara, Mexico’s second
largest city.
“This triumph shows it is possible
to change the government... through
the force of votes and not through the
force of bullets,” said Felipe
Calderon, secretary-general of the
center-right party, known as the PAN.
Sunday’s vote was a vindication
of President Ernesto Zedillo’s prom
ise of fair elections and greater de
mocracy in Mexico.
It also came three days after Zedillo
sent troops to crack down on leftist
rebels in the southern state of Chiapas,
breaking a year-long truce.
With 40 percent of the gubernato
rial vote counted, the PAN’s candi
date, Alberto Cardenas, had 54.46
percent and the ruling Institutional
Revolutionary Party candidate,
Eugenio Ruiz Orozco, had 35.9 per
cent. Eight other parties trailed far
Cardenas, 36, is a former mayor of
Ciudad Guzman and a university pro
“We accept the results. ... We
know the vote did not favor us,” said
Rafael Gonzalez Pimienta, state presi
dent of the governing party, known
as the PRI.
In the past, the PRI had contested
claims of opposition victory at the
polls and had admitted losing only
two statewide elections in its history
— both to the PAN.
For years, presidents have been
promising to clean up Mexican elec
tions, but opponents have continued
to accuse the PRI of using fraud,
force and public funds to maintain its
hold on power.
The last election before Zedillo
took office in December was marred
by widespread fraud allegations.
Militants within his party rebelled
against Zedillo’s efforts to solve the
dispute in January, causing the presi
dent to appear weak.
“It is very important that did not
happen in Jalisco,” said Jaime
Sanchez Susarrey, a political colum
nist and professor at the University of
Gore defends surgeon general pick
NASHVILLE, Tenn. — Striking
back Monday in the row over Presi
dent Clinton’s surgeon general nomi
nee, Vice President A1 Gore called
Dr. Henry Foster Jr. the victim of an
anti-abortion campaign to intimidate
Congress. “We’re not going to let the
extremists win,” he declared.
But critics of the Tennessee obste
trician showed no sign of easing up.
House Speaker Newt Gingrich said
in Georgia, “I think he’s going to be
very hard to confirm. I think it’s
going to be a very embarrassing set of
In Washington, White House press
secretary Mike McCurry acknowl
edged, “We have our work cut out for
President Clinton left the strong
talk to his officials, saying only that
the controversy was not distracting
him from other work and that he
expected Foster to be confirmed if he
is considered “by a fair-minded Sen
Senate hearings are expected next
month with a confirmation vote to
While most nominees are held
from public, view until their confir
mation hearings, Foster has defended
himself in a medical school speech,a
newspaper article and a national tele
vision interview.
Gore stepped up the White House
campaign to emphasize the doctor’s
efforts to reduce teen-age pregnancy
among inner-city youths. Foster’s “I
Have a Future” program teaches self
esteem and urges youths to abstain
from sex.
Fewer unwanted pregnancies
would mean fewer abortions, Gore
Asked for his position on abor
tion, Foster said, “Safe, legal and
Foster has said he performed 39
abortions and supervised a drug trial
in which 55 more women ended their
pregnancies after moving to Tennes
see in the 1970s. The White House
angered some lawmakers, including
Democrats, by twice understating the
number of abortions performed by
The nomination ran into more
trouble when it was disclosed that
Foster had performed hysterectomies
on severely retarded women in the
1970s. Backed by independent doc
tors, the White House said the prac
tice was accepted medicine at the
News... _^
in a Minute
Tour plane crash kills 7
TUSAYAN, Ariz. — A plane flying tourists to the Grand Canyon
apparently lost an engine and crashed while trying to return to the
airport Monday, killing seven of 10 people aboard, authorities said.
; The three other passengers were being treated for serious injuries at
the scene two miles northeast of Grand Canyon Airport, said Coconino
County Sheriffs Sgt. Raoul Osegueda.
The plane, a Piper Navajo, belongs to Las Vegas Airlines, a tour
company that specializes in scenic flights over Grand Canyon National
Park, Osegueda said.
It was believed the flight began in Las Vegas and had completed a
tour of the park, said Fred O’Donnell, a spokesman for the Federal
Aviation Administration in Los Angeles.
The plane took off at about 3:35 and almost immediately reported
trouble, O’Donnell said.
“The pilot reported having lost an engine and declared an emer
gency, and we believe was attempting to return to ... Grand Canyon,”
O’Donnell said.
I here have been numerous crashes of tour planes around the Grand
Canyon in recent years, and Congress has imposed restrictions on air
tours over the canyon, in part due to safety concerns.
On the lookout for cheatin’ hearts
. CHICAGO — Cheatin’ hearts are big business on Valentine’s Day.
On the day lovers are tradition-bound to show their devotion,
private investigators are kept busy with requests from people trying to
find out if their spouses are spending Valentine’s Day in somebody
else’s arms.
“Three businesses make money off Valentine’s Day - retail stores,
the flower industry and detectives,” said Miami private detective
Carlos Armenio Fernandez. “To us, this is like Christmas.”
The first clues may turn up months before Valentine’s Day —
unusual phone calls, plans for an out-of-town trip, the purchase of an
intimate gift the spouse never receives.
It’s the Valentine’s Day rendezvous itself that offers the chance to
catch the unfaithful partner in the act.
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Survey indicates
Americans naive
about STD risks
WASHINGTON — Americans
don’t know their risk for sexually
transmitted diseases or their partners’
sexual histories, and consequently
don’t protect themselves, a survey
The survey, to be released today,
found 75 percent of Americans didn’t
believe they could catch a sexually
transmitted disease, even though doc
tors diagnosed 12 million new cases
every year.
“The message is: Know enough to
assess your risk before you decide
not to worry” about sexually trans
mitted diseases. “It’s a serious prob
lem,” said Ethel Klein of EDK Asso
ciates, which conducted the survey
for pharmaceutical maker Burroughs
Wellcome Co.
The survey marks the release of a
new booklet, developed by a coali
tion of medical organizations, with
explicit instructions for detecting the
often-hidden symptoms of sexual dis
eases. The government says one in
four Americans may get a sexually
transmitted disease, which left un
treated can cause infertility or even
In the survey of 1,000 adults, men
reported more sex partners: 51 per
cent claimed six or more, compared
with 25 percent of women. And 28
percent of men reported at least 11
sex partners, compared to 10 percent -
of women.
The survey concluded that 62 per
cent of the men polled and half of the
women are at moderate or high risk
of catching a sexually transmitted