The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 10, 1995, Page 14, Image 14

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Friday, February 10,1995 Page 14
- 178 Pregnancy
180 Printing & Copying
- 182 Recycling
02 Appliances ]§£ Religious
05 Bicycles !||5en,^s
10 Books gS?2n,r^9
13 Clothing Tattooing
16 Computers Travel
20 Furniture 195 Typing & Resumes
30 Jewelry --
40 Wise. For Sale
45 Musical Instruments -
46 Office Furniture 200 Rides
50 Pets 203 Spring Break Trips
55 Photo Equipment 205 Career Events
60 Sporting Goods 210 Announcements
65 Stereos/TVs 215 Meetings
70 Ticket Exchange 220 Greek Affairs
90 Vehicles 230 Student Government
240 Personals
245 Lost & Found
250 Wanted
100 Adoption 260 Fundrafeing
105 Alterations & Sewing
110 Automotive
115 Bicycle Service -
120 Bridal 300 Help Wanted
125 Catering 310 Child Care
128 Child Care 320 Work Study Jobs
130 Cleaning/Laundry 330 Summer Jobs
131 Cleaning/Households 340 Internships
135 Computer Service -
140 Entertainment
145 Gift Ideas _
- 400 Roommates
II? litu^nrn 410 Housing Wanted
lnctrnr^t^yn/Tiitrtrinn 420 ROOtT)S/Rent
w inh pS^on? 9 430 Houses/Rent
Iro 440 Duplex/Rent
ifiS I pnal ^prvirp*; ^50 Apartments/Rent
460 Summer Housing
17R Phnt^nranhv 9 470 Mobile Homes/Rent
175 Photography ^ Vacation/Rent
490 Homes/Sale
$3.00 per day for 15 words on individual student
and student organization ads.
$4.00 per day for 15 words on non-student ads.
$.15 each additional word.
$.75 billing charge.
Personal ads must be prepaid.
Found ads may be submitted free of charge.
DEADLINE: 2:00 p.m. weekday prior to publica
The Daily Nebraskan will not print any adver
tisement which discriminates against any person
on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, race,
religion, age, disability, marital status or national
The Daily Nebraskan reserves the right to edit
or reject any advertisement at any time which
does not comply with the policies and judgments
of the newspaper.
The advertisers agree to assume liability for all
contents of all ads printed, as well as any claim
arising therefrom made against the Daily Nebras
National company is
looking for fun-goal oriented
individuals who want to excel
rapidly. If you like to have
a good time and make money
contact Jennifer
100S Of
girls &
\ guys
i- tell
l you
\ what
You pick thi trot eoclt you wmtl
Call 1‘900-622-0025 Ext 780
2 49 w ™ Cm cm M www t1 IS muii
Uitn-jn na U100 Toucr. Ton* Pftanc Rtourtf
'JT4*f ’ A my* Q« CtfW I DWmiUC" '
CteSfO^r SuawM cnurpiBAi |4SA1 qs-*9i0
00s For Sale
MTB-Giant Boulder, grey, generic equipment, rarely
used, 4 months old. including lights, kryptonite lock., $300/
obo. moving sale, 435-7234. evenings and weekends^
George. __
New and used bicycles, expert repair on all brands.
Wheel'n & Deal’n Bike Shop, 2706 Randolph. 438-1477.
286 IBM compatible PC, 640KB Ram, 5 1/4" and 3 1/2"
Floppy Drive, monochrome monitor, 1200 Baud modem,
software (letterperfect, Quattro Pro, EZ, Kermit, MS-DOS
5) ready to use, moving sale, $300/obo, 435-7234 eve
nings and weekends, Georgy
LASER 386SX/3 IBM compatible computer, color moni
tor, printer, one year warranty, loads of software, 421
2381 for info.___
MACINTOSH Computer. Complete system including
printer only $599. Call Chris at 800-289-5685.
New Titles
Hundreds of new country, rap and rock tapes just arrived
New titles, all priced $5.50 and less. New posters too
Pulp fiction posters. Recycled Sounds, 824 P Street, 476
Selmer flute, silver head and body, open-holed, $450
VCR w/remote, $85 excellent condition. Also, COLOR
T.V., $75. 466-8520.
$25 each for 2 tickets Nebraska-Kansas Feb. 14. Must be
reserved in first balcony above floor. Call Omaha 339
***'88 Honda Civic, 3 door hatch, 5-speed, air. nice,
***'89 Nissan Sentra, 4 door, auto, air, clean. $3650.
***'89 Nissan Sentra, 2 door, 4-speed, air, sharp, $3450/
offers. Baer's Auto Sales 1647 So. 3rd. 477-6442.
200s Notices
Tuesday, February 14, is the deadline to sign up for
Joshua Tree Rock Climbing. This trip is a must for die
hard climbers and beginners alke. Joshua Tree National
Monument is considered one of the best climbing spots
in North America, offering climbs of varying difficulty,
ranging up to 5.12 and 5.13. Don't miss out on this
incredible trip! Call Outdoor Adventures at 472-4777 for
more information.
Jamaica, Cancun, Panama City, and Daytona still avail
able! Travel free-organize a group! Call STS at 1 -800-648
Yo, is disability part of your reality? Use your ability on the
career side of the street. Call or visit Keith, 472-9610,
Career Sen/ices, 230 NU.
"Moe Stanley's mom was so surprised when she received
the Valentine gift basket from Mo Java she got one for her
mom. Mo Java 2713 N. 48th St. 464-4130 (in Uni Place).
4 Days in Las Vegas
Come in and register to win during the Grand Opening of
Disc Go Round, 50th & 0, 486-0047.
45 Minutes That Could
Save Your Life!
A talk about Hi V/AIDS with Dr. Jonathan Richmond of the
Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC), 7 p.m.,
Feb. 13, NE Union Ballroom. Sponsored by PERSUN, Chi
Phi Fraternity and Kappa Alpha Theta Sorority.
Aviation Institute
Offers 4 year degrees, graduate courses, and non-credit
flight programs. For more information call 402-554-3424
or 1-600-858-8648.
Know what Californians know now! Never be 6 months
behind again. All the popular movies before you see them,
music before you hear it, fads, fashion, food, slang fun
facts & more. 1(900)388-1010, Ext 801 ($2.00 Per Min.)
^ Alternative Night Alternative Night Alternative Nighl Alternative Night Alternative Nighl
! fliKWumyt m i
I $2.50 Busch Light Pitchers |
§ fmrn 25$ Busch Light Draws
f TO $1.50 Well Drinks j
j NO Cover |
i” Montigo] i
| 1435 o st. BajHtafe |
§m&N aAjieuteKV IM&N a/u|ewailV UjBjN a/yiieaieiiv m&N a/uieujeuv iqB;N a/yiBiuauv®
Congratulations to the Pakistan Student Association,
Organization of the Month, and Kris Larson, RHA Heart &
Soul Winner.
Get Free Cookies and recognition! Make a nomination!
Apgs available in 200 Nebraska Union. Next deadline:
Over $6 Billion in private sector grants & scholarships is
now available. All students are eligible regardless of
grades, income, or parent's income. Let us heb. Call
Student Financial Services: t-800-263-6495ext. F57781
Mortar Board Notable Information sheets for freshman,
sophmores, and senoirs are now available at the off be of
student involvemnet (city and east unions) and adminis
tration 124. Must be completed by 4 pm Feb. 20 1995.
Tuesday, February 14, is the deadline to sign up for the
Outdoor Adventures Winter Backpacking trip. Don’t miss
out on this great trip. Call the Off ice of Campus Recreation
at 472-4777 for more information.
Earn to $12/hr+tips. Theme Parks, Hotels, Spas, + more.
Tropical & Mountain destinations. Call 1-206-632-0150
ext. R57782
Wanted: Used CDs
Bring in your compact discs for up to $5 in cash or trade.
Disc Go Round, 50th and 0,486-0047.
Ag Ed Club
Meeting Tues Feb 7, 6:30pm, 3rd floor East Campus
Next Meeting at 3:00 on Sunday in the Nebraska
Union! Room to be posted.
Lincoln Gaming Guild
Meeting every Sunday 1-6pm in tne UNL City Union.
Room posted
Ther will NOT be a meeting on Tuesday, February 14th.
AcaciaAg Men
Valentine’s Cordial
Sat., Feb. 11
Shriner'a Temple
belated Congratulations to two new Towne Club pledg
es: Jamie Buhrman and Heather Cotton. We're glad to
lave you with us.
Lovje, the Actives
Feb. 11 1995
Love is Blind
Saturday, February 11th
Congratulations to the following new members of the
Student Alumni Association: Mitch Brase, Ryan Hensler,
Joe Skavdahl, and Zane Young.
Your Brothers
Hurricane ’95
The storm is brewin'
Buclde down and hold on tight!
Aon Z<DE
Some Things Were Just Meant To Be Together
'Feb. 10,1995_
Congratulations to Wayne Knisley for being elected on
the University Health Center Student Advisory Board!
Your Acacia Brothers
Congratulations to Steph Seitz on your summer intern
ship m Virginia and to Dorene Johnson on getting Sister
of the Week! Keep up the good woik.
Love, your Sisters of Phi Mu
Cupid Gone Crazy
February 11,1995
Get crazy with your Valentine!
Phi Beta Chi Associates.
Get psyched for tonight!! We can't wait to reveal our true
Love, your Moms
Are you ready for Love?
Tonight at Hueyfa Bar A Grill
Congratulations Brother From on receiving King Pin. We
appreciate your hone6ty.
The Men of Sigma Nu
Congratulatory to Jeff Beaton on being voted King Pin.
The Brothers of Sigma Nu
Congratulations to New Iniatiates: Dan Freeman, Chris
Beef-Bluras, Jason Waits, Mark Forehand, Jason
Sokolewicz, Dave Bettin, Jason Clapper. Kevin From,
Ryan Wand, Josh Marx, Brian Olson, Justin Francis, Grep
Honor First Brother's of Sigma Nu
Graduate College
Div. of Continuing Studies
Senate Position Open
Positions open to fill a vacancy. Term runs through March
29th. Applications available at 115 Nebr. Union, deadline
Feb. 10.
Good Luck Next Week!
.j. Love, Justin
I'm the filling in your donut.
._From SHI
Sorry about the game!
Tommy S.
Buying Orange Bowl or Big Eight Championship FB rings
and '95 Orange Bowl Jerseys. Call 402-573-0938 after
8pm (Omaha).
Congratulations 1994 National Champion Nebraska
Cornnuskers. Wanted: Your National Championship
rings. Please call collect 617-527-8922.
Jim’s CD’s and More
Buy and sell used CD’s. Rock, jazz, country, 1158
Saunders Ave. Behind Cornhusker bank, 11th and
Comhusker. Hours: M-F, 4-8pm. Sat. 10-6pm. 560-6899
300s Jobs
Ag background helpful to earn commissions to 15/hr.
marketing unique agriculture products. 1-800-755-0032.
Serious, motivated students needed for Outlet Manage
ment Positions in Lincoln & Omaha. Gain real world
businees management akilta for Resume & employ
era. Average Eaminga $5000 - 8000. All majors; NO $ or
Experience nec. to manage your own College Pro Paint
ers business. CALL (800)480-0230 for Info by 2-16-95.
A rapidly growing company needs yourtalents. Part-time,
full-time available, call for an appointment. 796-2416.
Business Minded
Use your skills to earn a lifestyle not a living. Call foi
appointment. 796-2416.
The City of Waverly is accepting applications for Swim
ming Pool Manager and Assistant Pool Manager for the
1995 Season through February 28,1995, both subject tc
experience. Qualifications: Valid Pool Operator's Certif
icate, Background in the Operation of a Public Swimming
Pool and be able to work well with the public. Applications
available at City Office, 14130 Lancashire Street,
Waverly, NE. An Equal Opportunity Employer.
The City.of Waverly is accepting applications for Swim
ming Pool Lifeguards for the 1995 Season through Feb
ruary 28, 1995. Applications available at City Office,
14130 Lancashire Street, Waverly, NE. An Equal Oppor
tunity Employer.
hours. Send SASE: SI Distributors-BE P.O. Box 97
Muiphysboro, II62966.
Gobble Gobble
Lincoinaquare Food Court
Friendly, noon-time counter help needed in downtown
speciality sandwich store, easy hours, free meals. Apply
in person. Gobbles, 10-3 M-F, 13th & O streets,
products or Business Opportunity. Shirley Karhoff, 421
3754. __
internet Operation Support
Specialist Part-time
Lincoln Telephone is seeking two part-time professionals
to work in its Data Communications division. Will provide
Internet Service support including first level telephone
support and problem resolution, pro-active network mon
itoring and reactive network problem resoultion. Evening
and weekend hours, approximately 20 hrs/wk.
Successful candidates will have strong interpersonal,
written and oral communication skills. Candidates must
have exceptional personal computer skills. In-depth ex
perience with word-processor, spreadsheet, operating
system, and computer aided drawing programs is re
quired. Must be knowledgeable in the operation of dial
modems and TCP/IP network protocols.
Lincoln Telephone offers competitive compensation and
benefits, if you're qualified, please send your resume or
complete an employment application prior to February 15,
Lincoln Telephone
Laurie Kortum
1620 “M" Street
Lincoln, No 68501
Earn $25 today and $45 this week for your blood plasma donations at
NABI. The NAB1 BioMedical Center will pay you up to $150 per
month for donating blood plasma. Your precious, lifesaving donation will
benefit those in need Vxtir RtoMediCAL CENTERS
. t ^TBBsoutM7thStreet“*lmmm*■"*
Customer Service Opening
Excellent opportunity available for a set-motivated col
age student, seeking a challenge. Part-time opening
requiring 20-25hrs/wk for a responsible individual to woik _
in our circulation department. Must be 18 years or older
You will take customer seivice calls & input infromatior
into a computer. Woik any four days Mon-Fri, 430
7 30pm: Sat 7am-12pm: Sun 530am-12pm. Applications
(or this position will be taken through February 11,199J
at the Lincoln Journal Star, 926 P St. second floor
Lincoln, Ne. between 9am and 4pm. Equal Opportunity;
Delivery drivers
Earn $7-$10/hour. 18 years of age or older. Must have
good driving record. Apply at any Little Caesar's location.
Process Redesign Intern
Ihia position will assist theauperviaorand analysts in
he completion of analyses by generating computer
epoits and assisting in the assembly of the final
■na lyses. Additional reaponaibiRtias wll include:
•Generating computer runs
Working with excel, access and project (a Microsoft
project tracking software). "*
•Assists in preparing analysis reports.
•Work within the company gathenng information from
various resources.
Qualified applicants must have the ability to operated
PC with Microsoft software, Interpersonal skills, ab il
ly to communicate effectively in both oral and written
form, ability to maintain confidentially, problem solv
ing skils, ability to work with minimal guidance.
Qualified applicants may apply in person Monday thru
Friday in the Human Resources Department at:
949 West Bond
Lincoln, NE 68521
24 hour Job Line Is available 402-473-4877
LaundryLand at 48th & Old Cheney is looking for7:45am
2pm shift help, also available 7:45-2pm and 1:45-7:30pm
shifts at 27th & Starr or 56th & Holdrege. $5/hr to start.
Apply at our 56th & Holdrege location.
Mailroom clerk. 2-630pm Mon-Fri. Apply in person, 5609
S 49th.
Models, Actors, Actresses
International Modeling and Talent Associates, New York,
Norr Blanc Corp. 402-475-1855.
Needed for East Coast placement. Postitions available
immediately. References required. Nanny Care Solutions
Needed: 41 people to lose weight over 10 pounds. No
willpower needed. 100% natural. 100%guaranteed. Doc
tor-recommended. New product. Call 483-6371.
NEEDED: 53 people to lose between 10-29 pounds
before Spring Break! No wilbower needed. 100% Natural,
100% Guaranteed. Doctor recommended. New Products!
Call 421-3754.
Part-time heb needed Mon-Fri 10-2pm. Apply in person
at 125 S 9th.
Part-time Computer Operator
immediate part-time opening for a computer operator.
Must be available to work hours on 1st, 2nd, and 3rd shift
any day of the week, approximately 20 hrs/wk. Hours
worked can be flexible. Responsble for computer main
frame and perbheral equipment, off-line printed output &
distribution. Ability to lift 60 lbs. MVS & VM experience
helpful but will train. Apply Mon-Fri, 9am-4pm:
Technical Management, Inc.
421 S. 9th St., Suita 222
Lincoln, Nebraska 68506
Part-time opening, afternoons, for receptionist with some
clerical duties and customer sales. Apply in person only.
Miller Seed Company, 1600 Comhusker Hwy.
Part-time Sunday-Friday 3-7pm data entering, customer
service. Call for appointment 476-2724. Demma Fruit
Phone Telemarketing, 20 positions available, days or
evenings. Call for interview. 438-4646.
Plump Tomato Pizza Co.
Available now, full or part timeposition, food experience
helpful. Apply at 16th and W, The Reunion Bldg. __
day and evening ehifta
We offer: ‘Competitive Wages ‘Flexible Hours
‘Paid Vacation ‘Medical Insurance *1/2 price
Meals ‘Scholarship Program ‘Advancement
Opportunities‘AND MUCH MORE!
Saturday/Sunday hours available in food service at East
Union. Please call 472-1731 and/or apply room 314.
Save up to 30%-50% on long diatanca
Fifth-largest and fastest-growing long-distance company
in U.S. is expanding in Midwest. Sales reps also needed
to help with expansion. Call T J. at 464-8334Wednesday/
Thursday evenings or Jameson at467-3284 Sunday after
Start a career today that can earn your lifestyle, not just
a living. Call Bob at 474-5244.
Girl Scouts-Mile Hi Council is looking for energetic people
who love to work out-of-doors.
Camp counselors are needed to work with girls age 6-17
at camp this summer.
Call (303) 778-8774for an application and job description.
Summer Youth Couselors needed. Apply Northeast
YMCA 2601 N. 70th.
The hours fit perfectly with your school schedule, and you
may be eligible for Tuition Reimbursement benefits!
Duties include preparing and delivering trays to patients
and residents and assist in clean up. 12-24 nrs per week,
5-9 p.m. with full day shifts available on weekends.
Great benefits include competitive wage and shift differ
ential. Apply in person 8-430 Mon-Fri.
Personnel Department
Madonna RahabiltaUon Hospital
5401 South Street
Lincoln, NE 68506
___ EOE
Various part-time positions available: Delivery, Custodi
al, Bench Assistant. Apply at 5001 S 16th St.
Chilean needed for 2-month-old infant. Please call 486
3665 mornings or after 6 p.m.