Congratulations to the Pakistan Student Association. Organization of the Month, and Kris Larson. RHA Heart & Soul Winner. Get Free Cookies and recognition! Make a nomination! ApgS| available in 200 Nebraska Union. Next deadline: Mortar Board Notable Information sheets for freshman, sophmores, and senoirs are now available at the office of student invohremnet (city and east unions) and adminis tralion 124. Must be completed by 4 pm Feb. 20 1995. Parrot Heads Paradise Party Parrot Heads unite at P.O. Pears. Wednesday Nights at 9:00pm. Drink Specials. No Cover! RESORT JOBS Earn to $12/hr+tips. Theme Parks, Hotels, Spas, + more. Tropical & Mountain destinations. Call 1 -206-632-0150 ext. R57782 T’AI CHI Beginning classes starting soon at Suzumejo Shorei Kan. 438-4341 TUTORS The Student Information Center has a list of tutors for student use. Anyone wishing to be on the list either to tutor or in need of a tutor, fill out an application at the ASUN Student Info. Center, 116 Nebr. Union. Wanted: Used CDs Bring in your compact discs for up to $5 in cash or trade. Disc Go Round. 50th and 0,486-0047. Women’s Wrestling Practice 7:30pm Wednesday, Combative Arts, Campus Rec. Beginners Welcome. Questions? call Bonnie, 467 4124. Block and Bridle Meeting Wed. Feb 8,7pm initiates, 7:30 regular meeting. Cindy Cammack guest speaker. CBA Student Advisory Board Meeting today at 5:30 in the Union. Business attire for photograph. Circle K Meeting tomorrow at 9pm in Unton. Room posted. Nom inations for 'VS-'BG club officers will betaken. Questions call Marnie Simms at 420-2467. Friends of the Deaf Community Club meeting Wednes day Feb. 8th, 7pm. BKC Center. Room will be posted. Sigma Tau Delta English Honorary Will be having Initiation on Thursday, February 9 at 3pm in Andrews 228. All members and interested persons are invited to attend. UNL WILDLIFE CLUB Speaker meeting. Murray Johnson Conserv. Officer will talk about law enforcement. Wed. Feb. 8,7:00 p.m. East Campus Union. Everyone Welcome! YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVTTED TO THE IMPACT Candidacy Announcement Today, 1:00 Nebraska Union In front of Burger King Please join us! AXQ Congratulations to April Schwartckops for being elected Vice President for the Undergraduate Women in Busi ness. Congratulations to Nikki Preuss for being elected the OveraliRush Chair for Panhellenic. Were so proud of you guys! Love your AXO Sisters AXQ FH Often Imitated Never Duplicated CRUSH 95 AO Congrats to the Intramural Champion Swimteam! Tara Adams, Niki Andersen, Sara Broyhill, Michelle Eckley, and Megan Wise. Love your Alpha Phi sisters P.S. Cute Pics! __ Applications for the Chronicle newsletter are being taken through Friday, Feb-. 10. Pick up an application at Greek Affairs, 320 Nebraska Union. ATQ Congratulations to Scott Greder on your acceptance to Optometry School in Chicago. Your ATO Brothers Congratulations to Nicki Schneider of AXiD and Kurt Ackman on your pinning. The Men of Delta Tau Delta ZX IIB