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Send S9.95 (+S1.25 S/H) for the Souvenir Edition or $19.95 (+$1.95 S/H) for the Collector's Edition (lull color charts and a simulated leather cover) to: GameCharts Inc. 10 Sanity Rd, Marblehead, MA 01945 or call for our Arte brochure, 617-639-2199. ‘Mouth’ speaks of predictability By Joel Strauch Film Critic “In the Mouth of Madness” is < fun horror film, but it doesn’t spit ou any scary surprises. The plot is interesting and hard t( predict for a while, but the end of th< film becomes so obvious it is almos a disappointment. Sutter Cane (Jurgen Prochnow) ii a best-selling novelist with a distri bution so large that he makes Stephei King look like Richard Bachman. Have you ever wondered what the Information SuperHighway is all about? Do you want to know how it would affect your life and your career? Come find out this Friday (2/10/95), 8:00 PM at the Centennial Room, Gty Union. Admission is free, with student ID. UCUC proudly presents: Information Technology Talk Register for Spring Break Tanning Pkg. GIVEAWAY-Call fordetails!! Just 5 minutes from campus Westgate Shopping Center (Behind Runza) 477-7444 at bx&'f-’&Z "$5 .. ir' ■* •- T # <•010 Htirx^ iMitMin i MF A* . 0tb(j7 ' l§|£i v ; - I; JOIN THE "38 x 111 receive Atadrvess) lunt STtU ! X. 322 S. 9th St. • Lincoln. NE 68508 • 476-8551 __——. ' ' -V-.' _ " ■ - ” ’ ' ' . S' .. , His novels have also been found to have a profound effect on readers. People have been going crazy in an i ticipation for his new novel, “In the t Mouth of Madness.” But the author disappears just be i fore he is expected to deliver his : latest manuscript. Hispublisher, Jack t son Harglow (Charlton Heston), hires John Trent (Sam Neill) to investi 5 gate. But after Trent and Cane’s editor, i Linda Styles (Julie Carmen), travel to Hobb’s End, they find themselves trapped in the pages of Cane’s newest novel and face the horrors of Cane’s warped imagination. The two are unsure if they have found some new reality, or if Cane has been modifying their reality with his writing. Trent has no control over what will happen to him and realizes it. His learned helplessness passes apathy on to the audience and the movie decrescendos into mediocrity. “In the Mouth of Madness” Rating: R Grade: B Stars: Sam Neill, Julie Carmen, Charlton Heston Director: John Carpenter Five Words: Mad mouth no jaw dropper. McClain Continued from Page 9 about a month and a half.” This sort of creative spurt is not unusual to McClain, who said her method of writing tends to be a bit erratic and difficult to explain. “I don’t know what happens to me,” she said. “Usually, I’ll just be doing something like driving or walk ing or doing housework and I’ll get an idea.” Ideas, however, don’t always come together. Overworked ideas tend to self-destruct, she said. As a result, most of her songs tend to be some what spontaneous and unpolished. “If I try too hard,” she said, “then it just seems to mess it all up.” The songs she does complete tend to fall into the category of sentimen tal folk music. Songs about child hood, love and faith are common on McClain’s latest album. “I’m trying to say something posi tive with the songs, and not just (com I plain) about stuff, which I think I ' used to do a lot of,” she said. “I think I was a lot more mixed up about things when I was younger. Things are a little clearer now, but not totally clear.” Lots of things have changed throughout McClain’s life in music. She first picked up a guitar at the age of 12. “I heard this song called ‘Suzanne’ by Leonard Cohen,” she said, “and I still don’t know what it means, but I really wanted to sing it. Of course, I needed a guitar, too.” Her stage career began at age 15 in the Gaslight, a now-defunct melo drama theater. “It had an open mike night every Monday, and there were just tons of great folk musicians hanging around down there,” she said. “It was amazing. There were so many good musicians in Lincoln at the time. I was really young and really green, and I can’t even remem ber being up on stage half the time because I was so nervous.” Her first real musical job was at the Freedom Lounge, a place McClain described as “kind ofseedy.” “It was really dark and it had this long, skinny bar,” she said. “I got paid $125 to perform six nights for four hours each night. I thought it was a fortune.” Since then, McClain has spent time on several stages at local venues in both Lincoln and Omaha. Becoming a major success is a prospect she is still a bit wary about. “If I could do folk music as a full time job, I would,” McClain said. “But it would have to be really low key, because I would have to be able to see my kids all the time. I don’t know how realistic that is.” “If it happens, it happens. I’ll just keep on doing what I’ve been doing ” Getting a band together is another goal McClain hopes to achieve. But that aspiration may have to wait, too. “At my age, I have kids and all these other responsibilities, and I meet other musicians who have the same restraints on their time,” she said. “It’s kind of hard to find the time to get together.” Challenges like these are things to which McClain seems to be accus tomed. Whether it’s finding a band or a hamster, she takes it all in stride. “I have to relax,” she said. “It’s hard to write when you don’t feel completely in tune with yourself.” Video Continued from Page 9 over a counseling group formerly led by his recently-murdered friend and colleague, and is drawn into an erotic web of danger and mystery ... as usual. “The Color ofNight” lacked merit, ( plot and most everything else. Only , see this piece of garbage if you’re curious to see Willis’ HP smokie (in 1 the unrated version). “Blankman” (PG-13) — Oof, another poor piece of cinema that only takes up space, this one courtesy of Damon Wayans. - Wayans plays a geek with an un canny ability to make gadgets out of the stuff around him. He has always fantasized about becoming a super hero, so he dons a pair of boxer shorts and a shower curtain and becomes Blankman. . Braid your pets’ hair rather than watch this movie. PICK-OF-THE-WEEK — Sweeping music, great costumes, and overall, a feeling that you would be seeing its star again. Remember when some muscle bound guy named Arnold Schwarzenegger starred in “Conan the Barbarian?” It was a Marvel Comics hero on the big-screen, headed for revenge against Thulsa Doom (James Earl Jones), the snake-god that killed his parents and enslaved Conan. The film is a wee bit long, and is not for the weak-stomached (lotsa blood, giant bleeding snakes, etc.), but is an incredible film nonetheless. The real question here is: does Ah nold say “I’ll be back” at any time during the film? _______ 178 Pregnancy 180 Printing & Copying L- 182 Recycling 02 Appliances 183 Religious 05 Bicycles 185 Rentals 10 Books 188 Tanning 13 Clothing 190 Tattooing 16 Computers 193 Travel 20 Furniture 195 Typing & Resumes 30 Jewelry -— - 40 Misc. For Sale 45 Musical Instruments _ 46 Office Furniture 200 Rides f? e , 203 Spring Break Trfpe 55 Photo Equipment 205 Career Events 60 Sporting Goods 210 Announcements 65 Stereos/TVs 215 Meetings 70 Ticket Exchange 220 KTrtairs 90 Vehicles _ 230 Student Government 240 Personals 245 Lost & Found - 250 Wanted 100 Adoption 260 Fundraising 105 Alterations & Sewing —‘—1"" — 110 Automotive 115 Bicycle Sen/Ice -—p 120 Bridal 300 Help Wanted 125 Catenng 310 ChHd Care 128 Child Care 320 Work Study Jobs 130 Cleaning/Laundry 330 Summer j6bs 131 Cleaning/Households 340 Internships 135 Computer Service - 140 Entertainment 145 Gift Ideas _ 150 Hearth's Witness 400 n°ommaf®8 53 Insurance n9SS 410 Housing Wanted S ntr^n/T.rtorinn *20 Roomsfaent 158 Job 9 430 Houses/Rent 60 Uwnrafe 440 Duplex/Rent 165 Lena! Services 450 Apartments/Rent 73 Si 460 Summer Housing 75 PhrtMr^hr9 470 Mobile Homes/Rent 175 Photography 430 Vacation/Rent _490 Homes/Sale_ $3.00 per day for 15 words on individual student and student organization ads. $4.00 per day for 15 words on non-student ads. $.15 each additional word. $.75 billing charge. Personal ads must be prepaid. Found ads may be submitted free of charge. DEADLINE: 2:00 p.m. weekday prior to publica tion. The Daily Nebraskan will not print any adver tisement which discriminates against any person on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, race, religion, age, disability, marital status or national origin. The Daily Nebraskan reserves the right to edit or reject any advertisement at any time which does not comply with the policies and judgments of the newspaper. The advertisers agree to assume liability for all contents of all ads printed, as well as any claim arising therefrom made against the Daily Nebras kan. For Sale: Trek 8300 with Marzocchi Fork, Onza pedals, 18" frame. Like New, $850, OBO. 477-3445, ask for Kim. MTB-Giant Boulder, prey, generic equipment, rarely used, 4 months old. including fights, kryptonite lock, $300/ obo, moving sale, 435-7234, evenings and weekends, George. New and used bicycles, expert repair on all brands. Wheel'n & Deal'n Bike Shop. 2706 Randolph. 438-1477. 286 IBM compatible PC, 640KB Ram. 51/4" and 3 1/2" Floppy Drive, monochrome monitor, 1200 Baud modem, software (letterperfect, Quattro Pro, EZ, Kermit, MS-DOS 5} ready to use, moving sale, $300/obo, 435-7234 eve nings and weekends, George. LASER 386Sx/3 IBM compatable computer, color moni tor, printer, one year warranty, loads of software, 421 2381 for info. MACINTOSH Computer. Complete system including printer only $599. Cali Chris at 800-289-5685. New Titles Hundreds of new county, rap and rock tapes just arrived. New titles, all priced $5.50 and less. New posters too. Pujpfictionpowers. Recycled Sounds, 824 P Street, 476 $25 each for 2 tickets Nebraska-Kansas Feb. 14. Must be reserved in first balcony above floor. Call Omaha 339 0973. 200s Notices Great spring break triplAH expense paid trip for two. Four days, Ft. Lauderdale, three days. Grand Bahama Island. $500 or best offer. 438-2504. Must sell a.s.ap. 4 Days in Las Vegas Come in and register to win during the Grand Opening of Disc Go Round. 50th & 0,4W-0047._ Are you interested in Sponsoring an Election Debate? Come to the information meeting to get details about hosting a debate for the upcoming Student Government Elections. Thuradey-Feb. 9 5:00pm Nebr. Union Room to be posted ALPHA PHI OMEGA CO-ED SERVICE FRATERNITY INFORMATION BOOTH-City Union, Mon. Tues, Wed Feb. 6,7,8, from 1030 a.m. to 230 p.m. INFORMATION AL MEETING—City Union, Tues. Wed-Feb. 7, 8. 730p.m. (room Dosted) EVERYONE WELCOME! Attention Marching Band Important information meeting. Wed. Feb. 8. 930p.m., WMB (Rm 130). Aviation Institute Offers 4 year degrees, graduate courses, and non-credit flight programs. For more Information call 402-554-3424 or 1-800-858-8648. CALIFORNIA HOTLINE Know what CaBfomians know now! Never be 6 months behind again. All the popular m ovies before you see them, music before you hear it. fad6, fashion, food. 6lang fun facts & more; 1(900)388-1010, Ext 801 ($2.00 Par Min.) CAMPUS RED CROSS Join us February 8th at 530forafunfilled meeting located in the basement of the Health Center. Everyone is WeF cornel CAMPUS PEER PROGRAM 1 in 250 Nebraskans have HIV. Get educated now! Can Jill Fazzini to set up presentations for your Greek house or residence hall, 436-0398. CHI ALPHA A former nun talks on Catholicism and Protestantism Tonight 7 p.m. 1_CBA24 Filina Deadline Today For upcoming ASUN Student Government election 430 p.m. 115 Nebr. Union FREE FINANCIAL AID! Over $6 Billion in private sector grants & scholarships is now available. AH students are eligible regardless of grades, income, or parent's income. Let us heb. Call student Financial Services: 1 -800-263-6495 ext. F57781 INTRAMURAL Floor Hockey Officials The Office of Campus Recreation is currently hiring officials for Intramural Floor Hockey. Startlngpay Is $5.00 an hour, 6-12 hours per week. If interested, please attend the Intramural Officals' meeting Wednesday, February 8. The meeting will begin at 430 p.m. in the Nebraska Union. CaH 472-3467 for more Information. INTRAMURAL Floor Hockey Managers The Manamr Meeting for Men's. Women's, and Co-Rec IntramuralFloor Hockey wiH be held Thursday. February 9, at 430 p.m. in the mbraska Union. Each team must have one representative present to be eligble for compe tMon. Catt 472-3467 tor more information.