insid Nebrask commit] Arts! Lincoln family a Travis Heying/Dh Gov. Ben Nelson testifies in front of the Legislature’s Education Committee Tuesday. He spoke in favor of a resolution to allow the governor to appoint members of the NU Board of Regents. Regent issue argued Governor’s ability to appoint gets mixed testimony By John Fulwider Staff Reporter The Legislature’s Education Com mittee considered Tuesday a resolu tion that would allow the governor to appoint members to the NU Board of Regents. During 2 1/2 hours of testimony. committee members heard seven people speak in favor of the resolu tion, including Gov. Ben Nelson, Regent Robert Allen of Hastings and Ardyce Bohlke, who is co-sponsor ing LR29CA. The committee took no action on the resolution. Six spoke in opposition, including two current regents, one student re gent and one former student regent. Nelson said the proposed consti tutional amendment would not go to the voters until 1996, and the first appointments couldn’t be made until 1998, when the terms of regents elected last year expired. Ron Withem of Papillion is the resolution’s other sponsor. Nelson and his supporters focused on the increasing cost and difficulty of running for the board. They also said appointed regents would be more accountable and regents’ decisions would be less politically motivated. Those opposing the resolution said appointed regents would not be more accountable. They also cited voter support for electing regents. Regent Chairwoman Nancy See REGENTS on 3 Alcohol level bill causes debate By J. Christopher Hain Senior Reporter The founder of Mothers Against Drunk Driving Tuesday told the Legislature’s | Transportation | Committee that a | law lowering the | Blood-Alcohol Content level for a DWI conviction from .10 to .08 in would be meffec ADLfl—i tive in preventing LEGISLATURE alcohol-related traffic deaths. Candace Lightner, who is no longer a member of MADD, was asked to testify in opposition to LB 150 by Mary Campbell, a registered lobby ist for the Nebraska Beer Wholesal ers Association and the Nebraska Wholesale Liquor Distributors Asso ciation. Sen. LaVon Crosby of Lincoln introduced the bill. Lightner said many states that had implemented the .08 law had not seen a decrease in alcohol-related fatalities. Some had seen an increase, she said. “I haven’t seen any evidence that it does work,” Lightner said. Eleven states have .08 BAC laws in effect, said James C. Fell of the National Highway and Traffic Safety Administration. Fell testified in sup port of the bill. And while determining the num ber of lives a .08 law would save is difficult, Fell said, .08 is a necessary level to keep dangerous drivers off the roads. See DWI BILLS on 3 Cold Justice i ravis neymy/ uiv Donna Pillard of Lincoln walks back and forth in front of the City-County Building Tuesday morning to protest the death of her brother, John Welch, wno died after being attacked by another inmate in a Lincoln jail last month. See story on page 3. Police: Context controls use of force By Paula Lavigne Senior Reporter Lincoln police officers invited community leaders to put themselves in the minds of police officers and walk in their shoes Tuesday. Officers demonstrated the use of force techniques at a meeting of the mayor’s Multicultural Advisory and Community Conciliation Process committees at Bryan Medical Plaza Conference Center. Sgt. Bob Ziemer, a training super visor, asked the committee members to imagine themselves as two police officers involved in a violent con frontation on Christmas morning. “You’ve been shot several times,” he said. “You’re not even aware your back-up officer had a weapon held to his face. “Are we in our shoes now?” In 1994, 51 of 235,612 cases in Lincoln involved use of force. One case resulted in a person being hospi talized as a result of police force, Ziemer said, and fewer than 25 people received treatment in an emergency room and were released. Most of the time, he said, it was the officer who was hurt. “I’ve been hit, kicked, threatened with a knife and had a gun pointed at me,” he said. “I want to remember talking to people and solving it that way.” In cases where force was used, he said, only reasonable force was used and was discontinued after the objec tive was achieved and the situation was under control. Officer John Pitts, a non-lethal ations and situations involving lan guage and other barriers. See FORCE on 6 williams’ motion ~ overruled By Brian Sharp Senior Reporter NU football player Tyrone Will iams’ court motion that two felony charges against him constitute double jeopardy has been overruled by a Lancaster County District Court Judge. Williams, a junior cornerback, has been charged with the unlawful dis charge of a firearm and use of a firearm to commit a felony in a Janu ary 1994 incident. Prosecutors allege Williams fired a .22-caliber pistol at a car driven by another University of Nebraska-Lincoln student. Williams’ lawyers contended the two crimes were the same offense. Mandatory consecutive sentencing would violate his Fifth Amendment right against multiple punishments See WILLIAMS on 6 Ex-student may face jail time From Staff Reports A former UNL student accused of stealing more than $1,500 from Tri angle Fraternity pleaded guilty Tues day to a reduced charge. Chad McQuinn, an engineering student while at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, appeared in Lancaster County District Court to plead guilty to theft by unlawful tak ing of $500 to more than $1,500. The original charge was a Class III - felony. The amended charge is a Class IV felony, which is punishable by a maximum of 20 years in prison and a $25,000 fine. Court records state that the of fense occurred between May and October 1992. McQuinn was serving as treasurer of Triangle Fraternity, 1235 N. 16th St., at the time. McQuinn first appeared in Lancaster County Court in July 1992. The case was moved to District Court when prosecutors filed felony charges. District Court Judge Bernard McGinn is scheduled to sentence McQuinn on March 21.