The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 07, 1995, Page 11, Image 11
$3.00 per day for 15 words on individual studen and student organization ads. $4.00 per day for 15 words on non-student ads. $.15 each additional word. $.75 billing charge. Personal ads must be prepaid. Found ads may be submitted free of charge. DEADLINE: 2:00 p.m. weekday prior to publica tion. The Daily Nebraskan will not print any adver tisement which discriminates against any person on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, race, religion, age, disability, marital status or national origin. The Daily Nebraskan reserves the right to edit or reject any advertisemenf at any time which does not comply with the policies and judgments of the newspaper. The advertisers agree to assume liability for all contents of all ads printed, as well as any claim arising therefrom made against the Daily Nebras kan. r -1 Be descriptive. The more information you pro vide the readers, the better your responses willbe. Begin the ad with the item for sale or offered. Include the price of the items for sale. Highlight the ad with larger type, boldface, art or a box. Run the ad for at least two days. Make sure the ad reaches the Monday-Wednesday-Friday stu dents and the Tuesday-Thursday students. 00s For Sale New and used bicycles, expert repair on all brands Wheern & Deai’n Bike Shop, 2706 Randolph. 438-1477. LASER 386Sx/3 IBM compatable computer, color moni tor. printer, one year warranty, loads of software, 421 2381 for info. MACINTOSH Computer. Complete'system including printer only $599. Call Chris at 800-289-5685. FOR SALE: Bed with mattress, $75; Futon (twin size) with mattress, $125; OBO’s. Call 435-0104, after 7pm. New Titles Hundreds of new country, rap and rock tapes just arrived. New titles, all priced $5.50 and less. New posters too Pulp fiction posters. Recycled Sounds. 824 P Street, 476 8240. VCR w/remote. $85 excellent condition. Also, COLOR T.V., $75. 466-8520. . 200s Notices Great spring break trip! All expense paid trip for two. Four days, Ft. Lauderdale, three days. Grand Bahama Island. $500 or best offer. 438-2504. Must sell a.s.ap. JOSHUA TREE ROCK CLIMBING Tuesday, February 14. is the deadline to sign up for Joshua Tree Rock Climbing. This trip is a must for die hard climbers and beginners alke. Joshua Tree National Monument is considered one of the best climbing spots in North America, offering climbs of varying difficulty, ranging up to 5.12 and 5.13. Don! miss out on this incredible trip! Call Outdoor Adventures at 472-4777 for more information. SOUTHEAST U.S. WHITEWATER RAFTING Tuesday, February 14, is the deadline to sign up for Southeast U.S. Whitewator Rafting. If excitement is what pu’re looking for, then this is the ultimate spring break trip for you. North Carolina’s Nantahala, Ocoee, and Chattooga Rivers offer prime class three and class four rapids along with the beauty of North Carolina’s rainforests. Don’t miss out on the excitement! Call Out door Adventures at 472-4777 for more Information. SPRING BREAK GUARANTEED LOWEST PRICES ON CAMPUS!! Jamaica, Cancun, Panama City, and Daytona stUI avail able! Travel free-organize a group! Call STS at 1 -000-648 4849! 4 Days in Las Vegas Come in and register to win during the Grand Opening of Disc Go Round, 50th & 0,486-0047. ALPHA PHI OMEGA CO-ED SERVICE FRATERNITY INFORMATION BOOTH—City Union, Mon, Tues. Wed Feb. 6,7,8, from 10:00 a.m. to2:00 p.m. INFORMATION AL MEETING—City Union. Tues, Wed-Feb. 7, 8. 7:00p.m. (room posted) EVERYONE WELCOME! Applications for the Student Foundation Senior Scholarship are available at the Office of Student Involvement 200 Neb. Unoin 300 East Union Deadline, March 3,4:00 p.m. Attention Marching Band Important information meeting. Wed. Feb. 8, 9:30p.m., WMB (Rm 130). Australia/New Zealand Two week study tour this summer. 6 hours of credit available in Mgmt-Econ. Info Meetings: Monday. Feb. 6, 1:30pm, Tuesday. Feb 7, 7:45pm, Wednesday, Feb. 8, 3:00pm. All meeting held in CBA 125. Come and check it out! This could be your opportunity of a lifetime! Aviation Institute Offers 4 year degrees, graduate courses, and non-credit. flight programs. For more information call 402-554-3424 or 1-800-858-8648. CALIFORNIA HOTLINE Know what Californians know now! Never be 6 months behind again. All the popular movies before you see them, music before you hear it. fads, fashion, food, slang fun facts & more. 1(900)388-1010, Ext 801 ($2.00 Par Min.) FREE FINANCIAL AID! Over $6 Billion in private sector grants & scholarships is now available. Al students are eligible regardless of grades, hcome. or parent s income. Let us heto. Call Student Financial Services: 1-800-263-8495ext. F57781 CAMPUS^D CROSS Join us February 8th a! 530 for af unfilled meeting locati in the basement of the Health Center. Everyone is Wi cornel INTRAMURAL Floor Hockey Officials The Office of Campus Recreation is currently hirir officials for Intramural Floor Hockey. Starting pay is $5.0 an hour, 6-12 hours per week. If interested, please after the Intramural Officals' meeting Wednesday, February l The meeting will begin at 430 p.m. in the Nebraska Unto) CaH 472-3467 for more information. INTRAMURAL FLOOR HOCKEY Tuesday, February 7 is the entry deadline for Men'i Women's, and Co-Hec Floor Hockey. Don't delayl Ent« now at the Office of Campus Recreation. Call472-3467ft more information. ✓ INTRAMURAL WARBALL TOURNAMENT Tuesday, February 7, is the last day to enter Intramurt Warball for Men's & Women's divisions. Enter your tear now at the Office of Campus Recreation. For more infoi mation, call 472-3467. Mortar Board Notable Information sheets for freshmar sophmores, and senoirs are now available at the office c student involvemnet (city and east unions) and admin Istratlon 124. Must be completed by 4 pm Feb. 20 199J RESORT JOBS Earn to $12/hr+tips. Theme Parks, Hotels, Spas,+more Tropical & Mountain destinations. Call 1-206-632-0151 ext. R57782 Student Government Election Filing Forms for: President, 1st Vice President 2nd Vice President Senate Advisory Boards Committee for Fees Allocation Filing Deadline-Feb. 8 at 4pm Election Dey-March 8 Wanted: Used CDs Bring in your compact discs for up to $5 in cash or trade Disc Go Round. 50th and O, 4863047. Women’s Wrestling Practice 7:30pm Wednesday, Combative Arts, Campus Rec. Beginners Welcome. Questions? call Bonnie. 467 4124. Ag Ed Club Meeting Tonight, 6:30pm, 3rd floor East Campus Union. Block and Bridle Meeting Wed. Feb 8,7pm initiates, 7:30 regular meeting. Cindy Cam mack guest speaker. Friends of the Dead Community club meeting Wednes day Feb. 8th, 7pm. BKC Center. Room will be posted. Gay/Lesbian Student Assoc. Presents “Since Stonewall: Losses and Wins" by Lou Crompton. Tues. at 7pm in the Union. Call for more info at 472-5644. NU MEDS Next Meeting, Tuesday, February 7 at 730 p.m. at the Union. Room will be posted. ODYSSEY I See you tonight at the Union from 6-8pm. Eric Jolly will be speaking on cultural diversity. Undergraduate Women in Business Meeting Tuesday at 5:30 in the Union (room number posted). Geri Cotter will give tips on interviewing skills. Casual dress. New members welcome. Questions? Call Laura at 464-3680. UNION BOARD Meeting at 530 in the City Union, room posted. Univeristy Ambassadors Feb. 7.530 p.m.. City Union UNL WILDLIFE CLUB Speaker meeting. Murray Johnson Conserv. Officer wBI tak about law enforcement. Wed. Feb. 8,7:00 p.m. East Campus Union. Everyone Welcome! axd FH No other CRUSH la as sweet m ours. Arz We would love to do Hurricane with you guys! ____AOII Finally! It's about time we had a party with the Dell's! Congratulations to Nicki Schneider & Kurt Ackman (Delta Tau Delta) on your pinning. Love, your AXID sisters. Hola Chad Eckmann! Welcome to ACACIA ___Your ACACIA Brothers KZ Thanks for taking us bowling & for the great tee shirts. We had so much fun. _AOII Tlwdea(jHneforov«ralGfeekW»ekC<^Chdr^»pltea bone will be extended untl Friday. Feb 10th. The members of the Alpha-Psi Chapter of Kappa Sigma would like to congratulate its newest initiates: Mike Bagley, Jebber Christiansen, Mike Criswell, Eric Fugleberg, Trev Gillaspie, Scott Halverson, Jason McCartney. Jeremy McCartney, Nate Peo, Ton Ross, & Paul West. _The Men of Kappa Sigma To the Women of Alpha Omicron PI, Thanks for bowling with us. Let's get together again soon. The Men fo Kappa Sigma Graduate College Div. of Continuing Studies Senate Position Open Positions open to fillavacancy. Term runs through March 29th. Applications available at 115 Nebr. Union, deadline POSITIONS OPEN Nebraska Union Board Parking Appeals Student Court agga*gS6if 115 m“ Are you interested in Sponsoring an a Election Debate? Come to the information meeting to get details about - hosting a debate for the upcoming Student Government Elections. Thuredey-Feb. 9 5:00pm Netor. Union J Room to be posted l ★ TONIGHT!! Government Liaison ; Committee r All Students Welcome Tuesday, Feb. 7 630- 115 Nebraska Union A j - Do you know why? Cow Pie f Justin Firestone Lost right before Christmas break: Diamond engagement j ring with a wedding band. REWARD. 474-0515. Buying Orange Bowl or Big Eight Championship FB rings and '95 Orange Bowl Jerseys. Call 402-573-0938 after 8pm(Omaha). Congratulations 1994 National Champion Nebraska Cornhuskers. Wanted: Your National Championship nngs. Please call collect 617-527-8922._ . FAST FUNDRAISER - RAISE $500 IN 5 DAYS - GREEKS, GROUPS, CLUBS, MOTIVATED INDIVIDU ALS. FAST, EASY-NO FINANCIAL OBLIGATION. (800)775-3851 EXT.33 300s Jobs Are you looking for a great part-time job? Flexble hours, will work with school schedule. Ware house and driving. Call Michele 476-1432 Bilingual A rapidly growing company needs yourtalents. Part-time, full-time available, call for an appointment. 796-2416. Business Minded Use your skills to earn a lifestyle not a living. Call for appointment. 796-2416. Business Woman’s Business is BOOMING! Call 421 3754/leave message. Convenient store clerk. Apply in Person. 2925 NW 12, Airport Plaza Customer Service Opening Excellent opportunity available for a sel-motivated coF lege 6tudent, seeking a challenge. Part-time opening requiring 20-25hrs/wk for a responsible individual to work in our circulation department. Must be 18 years or older. You will take customer service calls & input infromation into a computer. Work any four days Mon-Fri, 430 7:00pm: Sat 7am-12pm: Sun 530am-12pm. Applications for this position will be taken through February 11.1995 at the Lincoln Journal Star, 926 P St. second floor, Lincoln, Ne. between 9am and 4pm. Equal Opportunity Employer Internet Operation Support Specialist Part-time Lincoln T elephone is seeking two part-time professionals to work in its Data Communications division. Will provide Internet Service support including first level telephone support and problem resolution, pro-active network mon itoring and reactive network problem resoultion. Evening and weekend hburs, approximately 20 hrs/wk. Successful candidates will have strong interpersonal, written and oral communication skills. Candidates must have exceptional personal computer skills. In-depth ex perience with word processor, spreadsheet, operating system, and computer aided drawing programs is re quired. Must be knowledgeable in the operation of dial modems and TCP/IP network protocols. Lincoln Telephone offers competitive compensation and benefits. If you're qualified, please send your resume or completean employment application priorto February 15, Lincoln Telephone Laurie Kortum (402) 436-5873 1620 *M" Street Lincoln, N» 68501 EOE M/F/D/V Ag background helpful to earn commissions to 15/hr. marketing unique agriculture products. 1-800-755-0032. Mobile DJ Available weekends and summer. Auto required. Experl ence in PR, music, and stage helpful. 474-6504 tor app. Nannys Needed for East Coast placement. Postitions available im800^8^7^&8^erenCeS requlred’Nanny Care Solu,ions Need 2-3 experienced painters (exteriortrim work) forfulk time seasonal work beginning in April. Claremont Park Apts. 474-7275. Needed: 41 people to lose weight over 10 pounds. No willpower needed. 100% natural. 100% guaranteed. Doc tor-recommended. New product. Call 483-6371. needed Mon-Frl l0-2pm. Apply In person « UOS 9tn. Part-time help wanted for warehouse. Please apply in person at 1600 Comhusker Hwy. between 830-430, M Delivery drivers Earn $7-$ 10/hour. 18 years of age or older. Must have good driving record. Apply at any Little Caesar s location. FAST CASH FOR SPRING BREAK. Easy money, own hours. Send SASE: SI Distributors-BE P.O. Box 97 Murphysboro, It 62966. Part-time Computer Operator Immediate part-time opening for a computer operator Must be available to work hours on 1 st, 2nd, and 3rd shift any day of the week, approximately 20 hrs/wk. Hours worked can be flexible, flesponsble for computer main frame and peripheral equipment, off-line printed output & distribution. Ability to lift 60 lbs. MVS & VM experience helpful but will tram. Apply Mon-Fri, 9am-4pm: Technical Management, Inc. 421 S. 9th St., Suite 222 Lincoln, Nebraska 68508 EOE Editor In Chief The 1995-96 editor formulates editorial policy, determines guidelines for the daily operation Nebraskan UNL does not discriminate in its academic, admissions or employment programs and abides by all federal regulations pertaining to same. Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson MOM SMS THE TOOTH FAlRV SO I GOT AN IDEA. I ILL PUT ONE UNDER THE HIGHT GIVE ME 50 CENTS POURED PLASTER OVER THE PILLOW EVERM NIGHT, AND for this tooth, tooth to make a mold, bv the end of thevear, ^ AND NOW IM CASTING ILL HAVE OVER ISO DOLLARS' ^DUPLICATE TEETU-^ y DO SOU THINK THE TOOTH FAIRS NILL BEUESE SOJR MOUTH HAD 300 TEETH \N IT? . 5VO father 1 have an old tooth ^W ] THAN 50 CENTS, “ % UX HOH BRIGHT CAN \^'fX9KKt - Crossword Edited by Eugene T. Maleska No. 0913 ACROSS i The rainbow fish 6 Blocked 12 Hungary's first king 14 Goes off the track 15 Hit film directed by Robert Wise: 1965 17 Plexus 18 Conductor Koussevitzky 19 W.W. II vessel 20 Objective 21 More macabre 22 Dirty 24 Doesn’t rush in dressing 26 Standards for Faldo 28 Cook’s meas. 29 Is located 30 Forte of Flavor-Flav 31 “-De-Lovely” 32 Dusseldorf neighbor 35 Blunders 37 Future Its. study here 39 Ike’s command 40 Bennett of “What’s My Line” 42 Tank 43 Laura or Bruce of films 45 “Black Beauty” author ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE 47 A Guthrie 49 Demonstrated 51 Gosh! 52 Promissory note 53 Minacious situation 54 Powder used in making plastics 55 “Guys and Dolls” hit song 58 Hangs about 59 Prairie wolves 60 Complains about trivialities 61 Auguries DOWN 1 Garland favorite 2 Chevet 3 Ah so! 4 Employs again 5 Stapleton’s “The Gift of Healing” • Postponement 7 Radius’s locale • Treats roughly » Cole Porter hit 10 Believer in rule by the upper crust 11 Mil. award 12 Latigo 13“-not to reason why”: Tennyson 14 Mistreats a book 16 Trickle 21 Resulted 23 Competition for 45’s 25 Antibes summer 27 Added piquancy 33 Chorus girls' 34 Certain horses 36 “Treasure Island” character 37 Roe 38 Only deer in which both sexes have , antlers 41 Swindle 44 Writer Ephron 45 Infrequently 48 Escapes gradually 48 Winkles out so Met basso in the 70’s 54 Well versed in 55 Airy-of comics 58 TV’s “-Haw” 57 Nay neutralizer