The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 31, 1995, Page 12, Image 12

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Tuesday, January 31,1995 Page 12
Mah-Kee-Nac for Boys/D anbee for Girls. Counselor posi
tions for Program Specialists: All Team Sports, especially
Baseball, Basketball, Golf, Field Hockey, Roller Hockey,
Soccer, Volleyball: 30 Tennis openings; also Archery,
RifleiY, Pioneering/Ovemight Camping, Weights/Fitness
and Cycling; other openings include Performing Arts,
Fine Arts, Pottery, Figure Skating, Gymnastics, Newspa
per, Photography, Yearbook, Radio Station. Rocketry,
Ropes and Rock Climbing; All Waterfront Activities
(Swimming, Skiing, Sailing, Windsurfing, Canoeing/
Kayaking). Great salary, room, board, and travel. June 18
August 18.
Mah-Kee-Nac(Boys) 190 Linden Avenue, Glen Ridge,
N.J. 07028. Call 1-800-753-9118
Danbee (Girls) 17 Westminister Drive, Montville, NJ
07045. Call: 1-800-392-3752.
Iowa's #1 Summer Camp is
seeking applicants for the 95
season Grow as an individual
while working with
children and staff.
Females/Males needed!!
Excellent training, room
and board provided.
Call toll free for an
1 (800) 456-9622
Located in Spirit Lake Iowa in
the heart of The Iowa Great
Lakes Region.
Camp Poster YMCA
of the Okobcjis.
June thru August at Camp Lincoln/Camp Lake Hubert in
Mennesota's Lake Country since 1909. Meet newtriends,
over 150 staff men and women, expand horizons, reward
ing work with children, develop leadership skills, 30 water/
land activities. Specific Job info & applications available
at the Student Employment and Intern Office, 345 Union.
Sign up in advance for personal interviews on campus
Wednesday, Feb. 8th.
Summer Playground Staff
Lincoln Parks and Recreation is accepting applications
for summer playground staff: leaders, assistant leaders,
craft specialists. Program hours 9:15am-12:15pm, M-F,
June 5-July 28. Plan and conduct activities for elementary
children at parks or schools. Apply at 2740 A St. Call 441 -
7952 to arrange interview. EOE/AA
400s Housing
Publisher’s Notice
All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to
the federal Fair Housing Act, which makes It Illegal to
advertise any preference, limtation or discrimination
based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial
status or national origin, or intention to make any such
preferences, limitations or discrimination. The Daily Ne
braskan will not knowingly accept any advertising for teal
estate which is in violation of the law or discnminates
against sexual preferences. Our readers are hereby
infomied that all dwellings advertised are available on an
equal opportunity basis.
1 N/S female roommate needed to share 3-bedroom
house. Quiet location located near bike trail. W/D. $195/
mo. + 1/3 utilities. Available Feb. 1. Call 465-4246.
Easygoing student wanted to share furnished
Apt.Fireplace, water and garbage Incl. $200mo+utilities.
Begin February, 477-0765.
Female roommate wanted. 1215 A St. Close parking and
bus. Call 435-2433. $170/month. _
N/S Female to share 4-Br house in SE Lincoln. $157+1/
4 utilities. Available 3/1.488-2646.
Need non-smoking female to share nice, dean three
bedroom duplex. Close to campus. Laundry and parking
provided. $195 + 1/3 utilities. 467-4453.
Non-smoking female needed to share nice 4-bedroom, 2
bath house. $175 +deposit/utiiities. East Campus. Avail
able Feb. 3, 466-6449. _
Nonsmoking female to share big & clean 3 bedroom apt.
$175+ 1/4 utilities. 421-1470
Roomate needed for 3-bedroom home. Close to City
Campus, laundry, $200/month + 1/4 utilities. Call 476
Wanted non-smoking roommatetoshare nice 3-bedroom
house. Garage and hot tub. $150 + utilities. Call between
10am-3pm 438-2102/business phone.
Room for Rent. No deposit. All utilities paid. Free cable.
$150/month. 466-3684 ask for Earl.
2314 Holdrege. Very nice. 4-bedroom. 1 1/2 baths. Ga
rage. Near campus. $650. 432-0644, 432-6644,
4-bedroom, 1107 N. 30 St. Close to campuses, large
deck. $625+ utilities + deposit. No pets. 469-3622.
4- bedroom. 2331 U Street. Walk to campus. Only $650.
Call Phoenix Properties, 474-5327.
5- Bedroom house 4 blocks from Stadium, Range. Refrig.,
Washer/dryer, Central Air, Excellent condition. $600/
month, 436-1330.
Four bedroom, 1 1/2 baths, dishwasher, washer/dryer.
$740 plus deposit. 1315 N. 14th, 474-1303.
Is total privacy important? Enjoy comfort of private resi
dence in our isolated upper studio. Ideal for one. $375,
includes utilities, no pets 475-7262.
2504 Vine. 1 -BR's, convenient location. Sharp Apts! Heat
Paid. $340-$350.
1109 N. 28th. Beautiful 1-BR’s, some w/ceramic dining
room floor, neutral carpet & great neighbors. $340-$350.
2920 P. Cozy little duplex. 1-BR, private, laundry avail
able. Heat paid. $350.
4300 Comhusker Highway
1 -B R's, private, lots of room, beige or gray carpet, ceram ic
floors, top floor, heat paid. $350-$365.
Lke a house, 2-BR, 1 1/4 Bath. Townhome, split level, all
appliances, huge bedrooms, walk-in closets. Available 2
1 & 2-15. $450-1495.
Cherry Hill Management
_ 489-4857
Available Now ~~~
Large, 1 -bedroom, close to campus, carpet, air, laundry,
parking, FREE CABLE, no pets, $330+. 521 N 25th, 438
5459 or 477-7684.
Brand New
Deluxe 2 bedroom, 2 bath. Intercom entry, ceiling fans,
mini blinds, some with decks, courtyard, quiet, NO PETS,
$495-$525.711 Benton (cfl North 14th St).
Kiene Park Apartment*, 435-7770, day or evening.
Two Bedrooms
821 A Street, $395
535 W. Sanders, $450
231 Adams, $475
Embassy Park Apartments
31st & Old Cheney
Two bedrooms, $480-$510
Three bedrooms, $6l5-$630. No pets
483-1130, 483-8057 _
Walk to Campus
Efficiencies and 1 bedrooms apartments now available.
Century Management Co.
Hnlnnial Hainhta Efficiencies and one bedrooms. Near campus. Secured
ooiomai neigms buying. 5235.5260. No pets. Call 477-3646
Apartments - ■—;
Two-bedroom apartments available. Tanning bed and „?f?toDndu’ V07ii" ,U8t remodelod' waM‘to camPus
indoor heated pool. 421-3070. on!y $280 Heat paid.
-:-———- Studio between campuses, 3330 P, only $195.
r-0_* Three-bedroom, 1120 E. Heat paid. Only $465.
cast uampus Call Phoenix Properties, 474-5327.
3-bedroom, 143/4baths, W/Dhook-ups,$525.477-2600. ---
Management One
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