Classified Tuesday, January 31,1995 Page 11 Break Down Stereotypes in the Cultural Seminar Learn about Ethnic Minority Cultures and gain valuable insights in a six week course beginning February 8, meeting Wednesdays 6:30-8pm. Registration forms available in Culture Center and the office for Student Involvment City and East. Questions call 472-5500. Wanted: Used CDs Bring in your compact discs for up to $5 in cash or trade. Disc Go Round. 50th and O, 486-0047. When Moe Stanley received an A-in statistics he drowned his sorrows in a double latte at Mo Java Cafe. 2713 N. 48th, 464-4130 (in Uni Place). Women & Exercise: Benefits & Struggles Are you wondering if your New Year's resolution to exercise is going to last? Strengthen your resolve by attending this discussion group & learn why exercise is beneficial especially for women. Attend this discussion on Wednesday, Feb. 1st, from 12.00pm - 1:30pm at the Wbmen's Center. NU 338, Any questions? Call 472-2597 Women’s Wrestling Practice 7:30pm Wednesday, Combative Arts, Campus Rec. Beginners Welcome. Questions? call Bonnie. 467 4124. CAMPUS RED CROSS MEETING Wed. Feb. 1 at 5:00 pm in the basement of the University Health Center. Everyone is Welcome to Attend! COLLEGE REPUBLICANS Meeting 8pm, Wednesday, City Union, Very Important Business!! All Welcome!! Engineers Week AthteticCommitteemeetingtodayat4j30i^ Entreprenuers of the Round Table Have dinner and network with some of Nebras ka's most successful entreprenuers. Stop by CBA 209 to reserve your seat, today. Space is limited. All majors welcome! Thursday Feb. 2, 5:30pm. Gymmees Support UNL Gymnastics. Meeting Wed. 6:30pm in the Union (Room posted). _ I IMA STUDENT MEETING WEDNESDAY, FEB. 1ST 7:00PM IN THE UNION. SEE YOU THEBE!! Interested in public relations? Come to the International Association of Business Com municators (IABC) Meeting Wednesday, Feb. 1,5:30pm room 217, Avery. Speaker: Steve Krause Pre-Dental Club Elections 7 p.m., Tuesday, Jan. 31, basement COD. Bring $15 for t-shirts. Questions: Call Scott. 436-6107. Pre-physical Therapy Club Tuesday, January 31,7:00, HealthCenter, rooms A-C. 2 pt's and 2 ot's from L.P. Schools PRE-VET CLUB Meeting: Wednesday, Feb. 1, East Campus Union, 7:00pm. Mock interviews will be given. Psi Chi meeting Feb. 1st at 7:00 p.m. — Burnett 108. Orientation for students wanting volunteer opportunities. If you can't attend call Jacy at 489-0687. Volunteer Committee to be elected. Teachers College Advisory Board Meeting Thursday, Feb. 2,6:15pm, l25 Mable Lee Hall. University Ambassadors January 31,530pm, City Union IUNL Rodeo Association Meeting Feb. 1,730p.m. at the East Campus Union (Rm to be posted). We will vote on college rodeo contractors. Ejtpfore the WorUl Attend a Study Abroad Information Meeting Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m. Wednesdays at 4:00 p.m. UNL International Affairs Center 1237 R Street 472-5358 Women & Men Who & Why? Gender Discussion Group Wednesdays, 7:00PM February 1 “Culture & Gender" Dr. Barbara DiBemard Cornerstone 640 N16 St Women’s Lacrosse Mandatory Meeting, February 1 at 5pm at Campus Rec TV Lounge. Questions, 467-1708. Phi Delt Clothing Drive Jan. 30-Feb. 3 "Give those in need the shirt off your bach" A belated Congratulations to Shannon Wallace and Chad Wagner (Theta Xi) on your pinning. We wish you both the bestl _____Love the Ladles of Tri-Delta ATTENTION Sorority members.Sorority Christian Fel lowship, Wednesday February 1, Henzlik Hall Room 109 at 9pm. AAA Congratulations Kara Vesely on being accepted into Psi Chi. Love, your Tri-Delta Sisters