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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 26, 1995)
Classified Thursday, January 26,1995 Page 12 Money Motivated Sales opportunity available, flexible hours. 402-796-2416 Morning Retail Clerk Work 8a-12:30p M-F and 9a-3p Alternate Sat. at MAIL PLUS, 3812 Normal; $5.25/hr. Call 434-531 Sbefore noon to schedule interview. Need free spirited individuals who are concerned about the environment and want to make money doing some thing about it. Call Bob 474-5244. Convenient store clerk. Apply in Person. 2925 NW 12, Airport Plaza. Deeter Foundary Inc. is seeking two temporary part-time (approximately 20hrs per/wk) people to do general handy person work. Duties will include; cleaning, painting, and some light building repair work. The starting wage for this postion is$7.50/hr. Interested individuals should apply to; Deeter Foundary Inc. 5945 N. 70 St. Lincoln Ne 68507 M/F EOE H/V_ Models, Actors, Actresses International Modeling and Talent Associates, New York, Norr Blanc Corp. 402-475-1855. 1 ■ — Get a Jump on the Rest of the Class The Lincoln Journal-Star is recruiting an individual to fill the position of District Manager. Candidates should be mature individuals with good communications skills, who are people-oriented, and can motivate youths as well as interact with parents and customers. This part-time posi tion is ideal for the college 6tudent who is looking for a challenging opportunity and personal growth. Qualifica tions include being available by 230 p.m. weekdays. 9 a.mSaturdays and some Sundays. Must be available to work approximately 30 hours/week, have own vehicle and insurance, and possess a valid drivers license. Benefits include good hourly wage, bonus plan, mileage, and vacaction/holiday pay. Apply in person at Lincoln Journal-Star, second floor, 926 P Street, Lincoln, NE 68508 by Tuesday January 31. EOE. Gobble Gobble Uflcokwquare Food Court Friendly, noon-time counter help needed in downtown specialty sandwich store, easy hours, free meals. Apply in person, Gobbles, 10-3 M-F, 13th & O streets, Lincolnsquare. Growing environmental company is looking for individu als who want to make a difference. 402-796-2416 Hasher needed. Call 436-7092. Hashers needed for sorority. Pay, plus food-great meals. If interested call 436-7065 or 436-7064. ^fhe (PounDig (Plub of JJWola Wishes to fill full and part-time positions of banquet help to work day and/or evening hours. We offer the following benefits: • Great Wages Plus Gratuity • Flexible Schedule • Excellent Working Conditions • Free Meals • Full-Time Benefits... Paid Vacation, Health Insurance, etc. Apply in Person at 3200 South 24th Street Tuesday thru Sunday 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. JW9 CO-WORKERS Up to $6.50 per hour Pay and Benefits ■ Up to $6.00 to start (weekday noon and closing shifts) • Great Work Environment • 50% Meal Discount - Flexible Schedule • Paid Vacation • Frequent Reviews - Health & Dental Insurance • 401K Plan • STEP Tuition Reimbursed Scholarship Plan Amigos, an expanding, quality oriented, Mexican fast food chain, has excellent part-time and full-time opportunities available now. If you are an aggressive, customer-oriented person and like to work at a fast, intense pace, an oppor tunity to put these skills to work and develop as a leader is available. Explore how you can earn 100% college tuition reimbursement simply by working at Amigos! APPLY NOW AT AMIGOS 14& Q 29th & Cornhuske; STudent Union _E.O.E._ w MlVS YOUCSEUF & $AV*! I . I I I I I I I I-1 EBB I ..1 • PER PERSON OEPENDING ON DESTBMJION / BREAK OKIES / LENGTH Of SW. i-'QOQ-StfNCUAS* TOLL FREE INFORMATION & RFSCRVATIONS ivl imnr i Regular or Lid) bottles, choice, BUSCH l8Pk UtfM, m BUDWEISER KM or (MM. MILWAUKEE'S Re* or LbtfH* warm Romeo Amaretto... Liter.$5 J9 Phillips Schnapps Peach or Peppermint Party .Size, 59.2 oz.. Seagram s Wine Coolers.. 4 pk. Delivery drivers Earn $7-$10/hour. 18 years of age or older. Must have good driving record. Apply at any Little Caesar s location. Earn $5,000-$10,000 next summer Work in your home town this summer. Triple A Student Painters is searching for students who wish to gain valuable management experience. Employment oppor tunities are open in Lincoln and Omaha. These limited positions are open on a first come first qualified basis. Internship opportunities. For more info call Ben at 1-800 543-3792._ FAST CASH FOR SPRING BREAK. Easy money, own hours. Send SASE: SI Distributors-BE P.O. Box 97 Murphysboro, II62966. Needed: 87 people to lose weight over 10 pounds. No willpower needed. 100% natural. 100% guaranteed. Doc tor-recommended. New product. Call 483-6371. Old Country Buffet Now hiring customer service, line servers, dishroom, and salad prep positions. Flexible scheduling, reduced meal benefit, part-time/full-time positions available. Apply In person, 2241 ‘O' St. Overnight freight company looking for full and part time drivers and warehouse postions. Must be 21. Full time Includes benefits. Pay is $6/hr. Very flexible scheduling. Apply in person to 2200 W Adams(airport) between 10am 630pm, 474-7886. Part-time clerical person needed. Computer experience required. Flexble daytime hours available. Send letter of application and resume to certification administrator P.O. Box 83569 Lincoln NE 68501. Part-time excellent child care assistant. Must love chil dren and want to help them learn. Hours vary. 430-9019. Part-time help needed Mon-Fri 10-2pm. Apply in person at 125 S 9th. Phone Volunteers Needed Excellent experience for human service majors. Lincoln Personal Crisis Service will hold a 1 -day volunteer train ing session Saturday, January 28th from 9-4:30pm at Trabert Hall, 2202 S 11th. To register call 475-5171 and leave your name and number. Seeking responsible help for kitchen at Harris Laborato ries. Weekend and evening hours, competative wage.To apply complete application for the Swanson Corporation at Harris Laboratories. Staff Aide UNL Computing Resource Center Apply at 501 Building Room 124 8d)0am-Noon & 1 :00pm-5:00pm, Monday - Friday. Supervisor: Judith Huntington JOB DESCRIPTION: Assist with office functions: - Answer busy phone lines - Perform data entry duties - Other duties to be assigned REQUIREMENTS: Must have microcomputer experi ence: helpful if have knowledge of IBM Systems. Previ ous office experience helpful. Must be able to work independently. SALARY: $5.00 per hour HOURS: 20 hours/week Applications accepted until suitable candidate identified. Wanted: Temporary mechanical engineer to perform flow calculations and select equipment for hydronic heating and air conditioning projects for the UNL Housing Dept. License not req uired. 20-40 hou rs per week. To apply, cal I Ray Palmer, 472-3762. The University is an AA/EOE. Wendy’s Now accepting applications for all shifts at all locations. ‘Flexible schedule ‘Pay based on experience and availability ‘Meal discount ‘Vacation plan Stop by today and start earning $$$ tomorrow! Dependable loving person to watch 2yr old boy in our home. Part-time flexble hours, references needed. 469 3622. 1^1 International Business opening in China April 10. Looking for China contacts. Call Linda (402) 683-3525 EBldli.I.U.l.lIJmil.I.mJ Call for live hourly updates while court is in session. The court is expected to be in session Monday through Friday from noon to 5 p.m. EST. The last report of the day will be a wrap-up at about 5:25 p.m., EST and will continue playing until the first new update of the day becomes available at 12:25 p.m. Stay on the line if you would like to hear a previous report or the last wrap-up report. Call 1-900-329-8727 You'll be asked to Identify your newspaper by punching in this PHI: 1930 The cost is 75 cents per minute, with the average call under two minutes long. You must be 18 years old and call from a touch tone phone to use this service. informal von pr oviqoq ny mo Associated i*1*1* Near York. M Y ■ iwwwy now ■ winy lUols For help w biformstlofi call 21H21-188I. Student needed to drop off, pick up, and care for 2 children. Hours: 11:30am-4:30pm, Wednesday. Car and references required. 423-1009. Enjoy a variety of projects? Opportunity for responsible student to assist in Conference Office-East Campus. Computer experience preferred, keyboarding essential. Minimum 10 hours/week, $5/hour. Call C heryl"472-2844. Work study voucher required. Work Study Students needed at Love Lbrary, City Cam pus and C.Y. Thompson Lbraiy East Campus. Day, evening and weekend hours available, $4.60-4.85/hour. Apply at Love Lbrary Room 108,472-3963. 500 SUMMER CAMP OPPORTUNITIES IN NY, PA, NEW ENGLAND Choose from over 30 camps. Instructors needed: Tennis, Baseball, Hockey, Rollerblading, Soccer, LaCrosse, Softball, Volleyball, Basketball, PE Majors, Gymnastics, Riding, Lifeguard, WSI, Water-skiing, Sailing, Windsurfing, Fitness, Archery, Mountain Biking, Pioneer ing, Rockclimbing, Ropes, Dance, Piano Accompaniast, Dramatics, Ceramics, Stained Glass, Jewelry, Wood Working, Photography. Radio, Nature, RN's, Chefs. Food Service. Call Arlene: 1-800-443-6428:516-433-8033. CAMP COUNSELORS- OUTSTANDING SLIM DOWN CAMPS: Tennis, Dance, Slimnastics, WAI, Athletics. Nutrition, Dietetics. Age20+. 7 Weeks. CAMP CAMELOT on COLLEGE CAMPUSES AT Mass., Penn., Calif. Con tact: Michele Friedman, 947 Hewlett Drive North Woodmere, N.Y. 11581:1-800-421-4321. Maine sports camp All Land. Water. Adventure & Individual Sports. Fun outdoor summer working with kids. (617)277-8080. Camp Cedar, 1758 Beacon, Brookline MA 02146. Summer Camp Opportunities Nebraska’s most beautiful camp, YMCA Camp Kitaki, located on the Platte River, is seeking applicants for the following positions: Counse lors, Wranglers, Lifeguards, Waterfront Direc tors, Assistant Cook, Crafts Instructors, Adven ture Trail Guides, Nature Director, Archery & Riflery Instructors, Steward, Health Supervisor, Maintenance. Call or write: YMCA Camp Kitaki, 1039 P Street, Lincoln, NE 68508, (402)-434 9225 OR ask for one of our application packets at your Student Employment/Career Services Office. Summer Playground Staff Lincoln Parks and Recreation is accepting applications for summer playground staff: leaders, assistant leaders, craft specialists. Program hours 9:15am-12:15pm, M-F, June 5-July 28. Plan and conduct activities for elementary children at parks or schools. Apply at 2740 A St. Call 441 - 7952 to arrange interview. EOE/AA 400s Housing Publisher’s Notice All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the federal Fair Housing Act. which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or intention to make any such preferences, limitations or discrimination. The Daily Ne braskan will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law or discnminates against sexual preferences. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis. 2 roomates needed for nice house with laundry in nice neighborhood, 2-bath, Call 483-1476. Female roommate wanted. 1215 A St. Close parking and bus. CaH 435-2433. Nonsmoking female student needed to share apartment. $217/mo.+ 1/2 utilities. Call 465-0104, ask for Jennifer. Nonsmoking female to share big & clean 3 bedroom apt. $175 + 1/4 utilities. 421-1470 One n/s roommate for quiet 3-br apartment near campus. W/D. D/W, garage $155.475-3819 after 5. Roommate needed for apartment 1-block from campus. Smokers and casual students welcome. $180 + utilities. Call 438-3541, Roommate needed for 3-bedroom home close to City campus. Laundry. Utilities paid. $200/month. Call 476 r~” —■ -- Roommate wanted large house, 11th & Van Dorn area. Laundry, parking. 1/3rent + utilities, chores. 421-3536. r ] Non-smoker to share nice house. Near city campus. $190+ 1/4 utilties ^deposit. Marcie, 476-8267. Room for rent, $200 all utilities paid, washroom and parking available. Southeast side of Lincoln, 438-2322. 2314 Holdrege. Very nice. 4-bedroom. 1 1/2 baths. Ga rage. Near campus. $650.432-0644,432-6644. 4-bedroom, 1107 N. 30 St. Close to campuses, large deck. $625+ utilities + deposit. No pets. 489-3622. 4- bedroom. 2331 U Street. Walk to campus. Only $650. Call Phoenix Properties, 474-5327. 5- Bedroom house 4 blocks from Stadium, Range, Refrig., Washer/dryer, Central Air, Excellent condition, $600/ month, 438-1330. EAST CAMPUS AREA Older 2-plus bedroom homeforrent now. Wood floors, full unfinished basement, ranges refrigerator. No pets. $500/ mo.+utilities+deposit. Call 474-3958/evenings. L ' I Brand New Deluxe 2 bedroom, 2 bath, intercom entry, ceiling fans, mini blinds, some with decks, courtyard, quiet, NO PETS, $495-5525. 711 Benton (off North 14th St). Kiene Park Apartments, 435-7770, day or evening. Colonial Heights Apartments Two-bedroom apartments available. Tanning bed and indoor heated pool. 421-3070. Deluxe 2-bedroom. 1426 S. 19th. Quiet, large. 1st floor. Extra storage, laundry. $375,476-9804, East Campus 3-bedroom, 1 &3/4 baths. W/D hook-ups. $525.477-2600. _Management One Efficiencies and one bedrooms. Near campus. Secured building. $235-5260. No pets. Call 477-3648. ★ HAPPY NEW YEAR! Available Now Close to Campus 1 bedrooms, 2504 Vine. $330-$350 2615 Vine (Studio). Sharp! $275 1109-1121 N. 28th. $356-5365 Spacious apartments 3220 Apple. Great complex. $330-$375 HEAT PA©!! Cherry Hill Management _489-4857_ Large studio- 1107 L, just remodeled, walk to campus, only $280. Heat paid. Studio between campuses. 3330 P, only $195. Three-bedroom, 1120 E. Heat paid. Only $465. Call Phoenix Properties, 474-5327. Need Privacy? One bedroom, near Capitol, furnished, secured, non smoker. Grads welcome. $225 plus utilities. 476-7416. Newer, clean, 1-bedroom, $310 and 2-bedroom, $390 within waking distance to UNL and downtown. 483-6280. One-bedroom, close to campus, nice appliances, rent pajdthrough Feb. 1. $315/includes cable. Call Jim 435 Two Bedrooms 821 A Street. $395 535 W. Sanders, $450 231 Adams, $475 Embassy Park Apartments 31st & Old Cheney Two bedrooms, $480-5510 Three bedrooms, $615-$630. No pets 483-1130,483-6057 Walk to Campus Efficiencies and 1 bedrooms apartments now available. $199-S279. Century Management Co. 484-88)0 Lincoln's Hotspot ***««* Dancing«Pool*Spirits D.J. Dancing...Club Mix 1 ... K: 12TH & O in the Centrum Amateur stop nght (Men & Women) Every Thursday Night • $2.50 pitchers Cash Prizes!! Win $100, $50, or $25 x— COUPON —\ (free) 3 STICKS HAND-DIPPED INCENSE a£: EYE&wSg (408) 43S-3283 122 North 14th (Street Limit ONE Expires 2»28»95 J 1 9% ofF ANy REqulAR pRicEd iTEM \vfrh This Ad. INTERNATIONAL _W-2222